First woman mayor is remembered as 'Pioneer' ,vhas~ community Hunlon Nwinrk.t OetwalNU My non- P.I'mmI.l~. may have Torontoevenftslisted PIUS AIIPU. ONTARFor:No phone the GTAI905 region was stretching our hospitals ta the limit. Last week, Mînister of Health Elizabeth Wtmer announced hat the province was granting hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area almost $225 million in additional capital and growth funding. This money will go a long way to providing better access ta healthcare dloser ta home. Thats good news for our healthcare system. Haspitals in the regians af Durham, Halton, Peel and York cao now move forward to pravide new and important healthcare services ta your communities including: " Community cancer centres at Oshawa General Hospital and Credit Valley Haspital in Mississauga " A ful-service cardiac centre at The Mississauga Queensway Hospital " Badly-needed renovatians and new constructions at 10 haspîtal sites in the GIA " Emergency department expansions and impravements ta handie an additianal 225 thausand visita per year " Expanded out-patient care areas ta pravide care ta 228,000 mare peaple, and " Mare critical care beds and impravements ta mental health services, rehabilitatian, and maternai and newborn care The GTA9O5 Healthcare Alliance, representing the hospitals in Durham, Halton, Peel and York would like ta express aur appreciatian far the cantinued and unwavering support of aur local MPPs, cammunity leaders, haspital staff and administration and mas especially, the peaple who live in GTAI9O5. t s anly because af yaur support hat we cao take a major step doser ta providlng better healthcare services, dloser ta home. Sincerely, Virginia McLaughlin Chair GTA905 Hlealhrare Alliance .4EALT"G UE ALINC By IRENE GENTLE Special to the Champion The woman wbo made her mark by becoming the only femnale mayor in Milton's 14t-year istory has also marked the memories of those who knew ber witb ber sense of compassion and fair play. Anne MacArtbur, known as mucb for ber passionate defence of tbe Niagara Escarpment as ber political, i teacbing and business careers, died last Tbursday of a beart attack . Sbe was 88. Ms MacArtbur is known for ber various acbievements, including a I 2-year political career and a 27-year devotion 10 teacbing. Sbe was also instrumental in tbe creation of tbe Niagara Escaîpment Commission. In ber free time, sbe ran Regency House, an antique dealersbîp in Campbellville, witb ber busbn Cbarles, wbu died in 1969. Afler bis deatb, sbe continued tbe business witb ber only son, Jobn MacArtbur. "Sbe taugbt me tbe way t0 live," recalled Mr. MacArtbur, wbo said be was boarse from talking 10 ail tbe people wbo are calling witb condo- lences. "I'm not a religious person AnneN unto otbers as I would bave tbem do unto me." War year abroad Bom and raised in Nassagaweya, Ms MacArthur began ber teacbing career witb a stint ai a reformatory for girls in Guelpb. Sbe followed tbat witb a dramatic year teacbing in war-tomn England. "She went t0 England for a year just as World War Two broke oui," said Mr. MacArthur. "Sbe was on tbe ocean wben the first submarime attacked." Wben sbe returned to Nassagaweya, sbe began teacbing various subjects ai Milton District Higb Scbool. Her political career began in 1965 as tbe first femnale councilor in Nassagaweya. According to ber son, il was passion, not the lure of power, tbat drew ber 10 tbe post. "She started in poli- tics because sbe was browned off about wbat tbey were doing witb tbe escarpmnent," said Mr. MacArthur. Milton Mayor Gord Krantz said it was compassion ralier ihan glory ihai di-ove lusx oiie-iirne collecue. vith wbom he had a lifelong association. "She wanted very litîle fanfare in ber persnail lue. Sbe did things behind the scenes,' said Mr. Kiantz. "She belped a lot of families in Nassagaweya whojîneeded it but she did it quietly, without fanfare." Tbougb Mr. Krantz bas known Ms MacArthur since he was a child, their association began in eamest with the development of their political careers. Ms MacArthur had a political style similar to that of Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion and former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, he said, pointing out that she came before botb these political dynamos. "She was a force to be reckoned * with," said Mr. Krantz. "She was real- ly a pioneer as fair as women in poli- tics are concemed." Was reeve After serving as councilor in Nassagaweya, Ms MacArthur becamne reeve, then warden of Halton County 2before serving as Milton's only femnale mayor from 1974-1977. fie photo Mr. Krantz said he credits the icArthur smootbness of the amalgamation to Ms MacArthur. "A lot of us came from these already established areas and one of the issues we were dealing with was the rural and urban factions," said Mr. Krantz. "She was successful in getting us to understand our respec- tive lifestyles." A memorial and committal is being combined in a 2 p.m. service Saturday at St. David's Presbyterian Churcb Cemetery on Guelph Line, south of H1ighway 401 in Carupbellville. Hundreds are expected. Museum kid stuif The Farm Museum will bost new children's pro- grams tbis sumnmer. The Towntine museum will offer tours for chil- dren's groups, day care centres, summer camps and other organizations in July and August. Ali programs can be tailored to accommodate full or half-day sessions. For further information, contact Stephen Willson, ieducation and prograru co-ordinator, ai 878-9055. hockey Calité subscribe 878-2341 Ask for circulation Weekdays 9 to 5 SMa