1a - The Canadien Champion, July 10, 1998 Grandmother is probable victim *from TRAGIC on page 1 motber's well-being even after the single-engine aircraft was reported missing Tuesday. "I guess 1 knew sornetbing was up wben tbey didn't land ini Hamilton but 1 was fairly relaxed and bopefâl until the confirmation camne in today (Wednesday)," he added. Mr. Watson bad last seen is grandmotber a few days eur- lier-during a birtbday celebration for ber at the family' s Georgian Bey area cottage. She and fiend/pilot Joseph Gebany were returning home from the cottage at the time of crash. The two longtime fiends bad recently begun dating and were reportedly hav- ing a great time. Mr. Watson said he was very close to bis grandmotber, addîng "my parents traveled a lot wben 1 was younger and sbe belped taise me. "I remember sbe made the best chocolate cbip cookies and would send tbemn to me wbile I was et boarding scbool. 1 loved ber vesy mucb." Kevin Flynn is not happy with tax plan 9from ENOUGH on page 5 Oakville Councillor Kevin Flynn called for staff to study sctting debt and reserve fund targets to help establish ongoing requirements and the level at which tax- payers could expect a break. It's offensive to some people that we have taken more money than we needed in taxes but said to people, 'You can't have it back,' " said Mr. Flynn. I can't ever remember giving a surplus back to the tax- payer in the form of a tax break." Halton officiais said they hoped this change would be the last revision to the budget for 1998. Halton council still bas to make a decision on how to implement tax shifts caused by the new assessment sys- tem. Once that has occurred, final tax bills will be issued in the fait. Look TV almost ready Phase iî'«n Look Communications is on schedule to launch its new digital broadcast service to Southem Ontario consumers in August. The Milton-based company, run by former Rogers Cable TV president Scott Coîbran, will offer a wireless cable alternative. It works by a small antenna, flot a dish. Their headquarters is located on Lawson Road, once the site of now defunct Tee-Comm, the local satellite dish manufacturing firm that went into receivership last summer. "Charily Motorcycle Ride to Prevent Child Abuse Sal'urday, Augusi' 8th is *Chitd Abuse Prevention & Awareness Dayo. On August 8th, join the 6th Annuol CAPPY motorcycle ride l'o London, Ontario. The Georget'own & surrounding area riders will be joining the group of riders frorn Toronto that will be passing through Georgetown on Hwy. 7 between 9:00-9-.30 amn. You rnay regisier ai' 8:30 a.m. ai' the ,jegMtow.. Coadian Mire parking lot on August Sth or bycalling Trina Palmer ai' 877-8457. Registration is $25.00 rider and $10.00 each additional passenger. $ponorship prizes à activities If you don't ride, corne on out and show your support for CAPPY. jI is panned afrom SHIFT on page 12 After the first year of the three-year plan there would only bc a few hundred proper- ties still in the phase-in scheme, Mr. McQueen explained. "If you want to help people getting sub- stantial increases you inevitably take money from people witb reductions," said Mr. Rossini. In Milton tbere are 7,308 properties expecting an increase in proper- ty taxes and only 3,803 getting a decrease. Because of provincial policies, there is a shift financial pressure from other tax classes such as commercial and industrial to residential. Milton council did support a rebate for business properties, which will affect 451 commercial and another 141 industrial properties. Halton Region .will deal with the issue next week. RA SERVICE qRadiator & Fuel Tank Aluminum Welding Silver Soldering 400 MOROBEL PR, UNIT 41 MILTON. ON. LOT 4N6~ 1116 vl %vle r m I coming te your door only from Mbt ùna'tau Cigamn Y" X1~L the8 LEASINGd