The Canadian Champion, Friday. JItéy 3, 1998-23 Il GAME HIGHLIGHTS FROM JUNE 15 -26 Under 5 Combined HJM Insurance 0 Milton Jaycees 4 Good hustie from both tearnat Luke Kimmerer as in top form, scoring al tour goals for the Jaycees, whie HJM Insurance were helti scoreleas by trie stel- lar goaltending of Ryan Rubenstein and Abbie asket. Kyle Pickering and Marlon DiPalma shareti netminding duties for HJM fnsurance. Milton Jaycees 4 Thorburn Penny 4 Miffon.Jaycees look trie ead on a hat trick by Luke Kimmerer. Thorburn Penny fought back wth Brytion Eidt and Aexandier Fi ske both scoring two goals. Tayflor Robinson scoreti for the Jaycees f0 fie the game. Coalisa were Michefle Dennott and Luke Kimmerer for trie Jaycees and Rachel Demarsh and Scott Barter for Thorburn Penny. Zaks Pharmacy 7 HJM Insurance 0 Both teama playeti well but Cameron Hryciw anti Justin iding vwre a, lrltg force,. sco . s* oflbt linem KylePk, andJenùe ushnie playeti »W fr HI nce, mhie Mafthew Kwtn il Patel shared the shufout Shrine Soccer Zaka Pharmacy Excellent goalfanding on both sider the first half score fo0-0. An eari ys half goal by Christian Roberts spuri( his opponents f0 score tmo goals by Pafel. An axciting finish for ai Jut Ritilng anti Annlise Johnston share goalia dutias for Zakas, mhile Aaron James Turner, John Swan and Tara Crissa mare batween the posta for t Shrnners. Zaka Pharmacy Milton Jaycees Zaka piayad another Riding and Camerof1 hat tricks. Emily Rik aonl fg.eZikti.Lou L yonf antiMuý sycees anti Kimmerer% %i1nbow Village Daycare 1, Shrine Soccer 2 Trie Shniners hati only seven players, bt tris titi nof stop triera froni coming ouf sheati againat Rainbom Village tfrarrlcatr tmo goals by Chrirstian Roberts. Camne(On Gilmour as trie ions scorer for Fainbow. an Msggs anti Ashley Nemeli mere trie goaliesafor Rainbom Village, as mars Darico Crisci anti James Turner for trie Shrinsrs. Thorburn Penny3 Skyline Roofing4 A greaf game, witri strong pay frora Brytion Eit. Racheal OsMarari, Nicole usby, Jamnie Alexantier anti Daniel Waler for Triorbura Penny, anti from Scott Cummirtgs, Mthsw Miller anti Cotiy Kraua for Skylins Roofing. Excellent goals also coming trora Brent Burke anti Jsckylin Farquharsont Great action! Under 6 Combined Vanler insurance Adjusters 0 Milton PhysiotheraPY 3 Milon Physio astretcheti andt tisteti trrougri Vaniera defensantiond their mark fhres tirasa mitri goals by Alexantira Scfiroder (2) antiAtiara Borsili, gstfîng excellent bsck-up frora Eleanor Levman- Pineau anti Brysn i asa-Matige. Lors- Lyn Siaras blocked her msy f0 5arihutouti for Milton Phyaio. Vanlers Tyler Gerrarti anti Rebecca King blocksd many shots mhile tsntiing goal mhile KriStoptisr Auger Sarari Pantosa anti Rachel arris al appieti pressure" msny imes, onily t0 be stoppeti af trisgoal lin. 2 Vanler Insurance AUliuter Fifth Wheel The Fifth Wheel was burftitnfui: oser the fieldi and the Adidafera rmi fhem play for play in a osly flt game. Henry Liptay sCoredfFfe W ning goal for the Fiftth> ttil excellent support f romt Jamnison il Nicole Simpson, Simon floppani Stewart Gilmour plld $OMfaMl earning the shufout. Th$ iicIf5a were well guardeti by Tyer Rioux Bumham as Rebecca Kifrg,,AndrE Andrem Brand and ail the othr a( fought hard until the final whstie. Nature's Fire f as a hard defensiv befweenyres Fire andi Ffth Andrew con and Kristina Luce for Natlre's Fire wvhife Ste scored the fone,,aI fýt, Goaltendi sae Jacquelinu dj offatt NJatW,»adïran[Ie Main R Reelfy Wr n Garda Apple Auto Glas* - Michael aings as vary gooti y anti acoredt Io f trie four goa Appe. NicholarWilkatps sandi Vander DoelefhatirdtrMe tlher goals. Ely H-ics anti Tomas Gi Utched Fatt* win- Umg ;ingand id Or uio Iç@tt, Batenchuk 2 4unt Plymouthi rgood struggie and a hard fought game. colt Dermott booled one in for HunI >ymouth, white Ethan OConnor man- ged a double for Scott, Batenchuk that eadti the difference. Alexandra Pinheiro inti James Hopkins were sfrong in netfefr Scott, Batenchuk, as were Sarah Rietetan ad Steven Creed for Hunt Pymouth. and A10x Future Stars 2 eW Fong. New MechanicalI ICNti*t A cl9ae:.Qarn wifh the winning goal by Er orke. Great stops by ail goali#rý SParicChasend MaQhew McGivr#fOr Future Stars 8 ait Shaffler andi ~Jake Goodê for NwM ~ cal S Congratula Wencrig q o i V9on (Future St&andNC $«i^f for New Meochanical 2 -W Good effort by botti teamas matie thisae Fifth close game, wtbth e Legion squeaking ;k agnon ouf a 3-2 win. Jike Goode plpyeti an nive excellent gart ln nef for New Mechanical. Jacob Ygong atfd Brendan Sincovich also playati very meli in nef for the Legion. S oBoth New Mechanical goals were scored os 0b raftFarquharson, mhila Lagion goals 4 som wrariq Patel, Robbia offen'sive- $paren and Eric Coman. Travia 0AS for - ýpemeker playeti a solid game talk offensively anrd defensively for the Legion. 7 IW Ail in ail, if WàSan excellent game. àingea met no~~noor .us#ccir r .. ovet nd ego seod for Main Stret eat a1y. The tae.k as RMlo a Ca« econd especialy hard becautte Ménf §>traetwas CMilto Jsoche*s C ee obi rain short anud could only play th OMSUN qldrexfrta einmreF b ýY Mikil DnalShrte asotta)dnthe Sto~YphaneW w ith f va, mark Sargeant mith tin k Dae cihî frtyM an Stet a.ty twd an &.ti Cowafrialso mith imo. In goal re,. fo Me 3aycees marsRebecca DoraI and i ahl, Mito Ji es4 ,ýan Burgess. Special mention for the Chl tnaNp yc tay d $ub Y w 1Jaycass goas f0 Adam Quinlan and Ryan ,the ý ohtam iy4 vr xfn aa Burgess. In goal for the Legion mare Taric Bot Miffon Jayea4ominaad dunng thamf ratefl and Eric Coman. Speciai mention M hiton JayceHubnae itare0f Miton for the Lagion goas fo Malt Moîkomaki anc, 6 Phyiotherapy made some great savas. BrtltyNcoafrthrexlanefot 2 yeggoal scorars for the Milton Jaycaaa JListïn Jake Cochrane, Vikram Kalia and Karmax Heavy Stamping Scoring Katie Kluge gelting Imo goals. Zachary Home Cinema tout in White and Isaac White had the net duty for The f irallfof this gamne had Pl" f0 ih Milon Jaycees, making some great savas. action going both maya, mith Horne J im Eleanor Levman-Pineau of Milton Cinema acoffgthrait(no namt¶es given) mre Physiotharapy mas the goal acorar and a and >Çaef n Szolei-MWlo replying for very fast player for ber feam. KWm fl Theseond hait mas ual as Apple Auto Glass Charley Fitzwhiskeys Tria fants couiti havia eaifthought fhey mera watvhing s World CtiPgarns as Apple Auto Glass andi CharlaY Fitzmhlakeys shometi tow tsoccer shoulti ba playeti. Katie Csllsgharf and ti ftlany Tiltra ers a formidable forcit ln goal for A4ple mhile Brytien Curren anti Carly Fulerfon shomsti top form in goal for Charîsys. Whiiete isnstminding mas incrsdible Appes Michael aringa as abe f0 score three times, antiCrarleys Wyalt ntims fourit an opsning. What an escitîng garas f0 atch! Main Sf. Raaify Better Homes & Gardons 0 Milton Jaycees 4 Explosive off ence by Vikramn Kalis gavs the Milton Jaycessas 4-O victory. Despite the score, Daniel Schsrzsr anti Adam Marchssich matis tremendous stops for Main Street Reaity. Steven arvey anti Emiy Kusa sharedtheri shut ouf for the Jayceess Under 7 Combined Raymond Steel1 Future Stars 2 This gsmes homsd great defensivespay tromn Laurs Burreil anti Laynse Beizil of Raymonditeel55 anti Patrick Crisse anti Forreat Paterson of Fuure Stars. Sean Whifesitis scoredthefis ons Raymond Steel goal, mhie Kyle Brîton anti Rhys Bstfs tai- liedi for Future Sars. Goalies for Raymond Seel ers Michael Peterson anti Sean Writeside; for Future Stars Austin Van Rossumn anti Brianna Fit zsimmons. Under 9 Boys Stroil-ski 1 Nature's Fire 3 The game mas esciting t rom the start as nither team had a victory this year. Stroif-ski had soiid goaltending by Ryan Cochrane and Michael Dwyer. Natures Fret was victorous in a 3-1 victory. In goal W Nature's ire were Jamie Kennedy and £t Gottwald. Goal scorers for Natures Fire were Daniel Teeter, Eric Gottwald and Jordan Haggart mhile Scott Grlmbly had the lone goal for Stroli-aki. Alpine Motors 4 Mil ton Optimist 4 Alpine Motors faced stiff competition f rom the Optimiat squad, with both teama con- stantiy vying for controt of the bail. Great defensive pay by Jay Glinny of Alpine player of the game) and Douglas Epp and Thomas Kelly of the Optimits heipad f0 keep the scoring chances down. Nick Horbasz mas on a sconing treak with ail four Alpine goals, the aest one scored on a corner kick which was tpped In by the Optimiat goalie Matthem Tdy-Russefi. Stephen Samaroo morked the Optimist nets duning the firat hait. Alpine goalies Bruno Mangiola and Jeremy Price faced shots (and goals!) by Ryan Hsmmond, Bradley f-oy, Zak Schotz and Scott Stover. SroiI-ski 2 Milton IDAi The heat didn't slow these tmo teams down as Stroli-aki edged ouf IDA vMth goals scored by Charfle Wain and Jatlaff IGrant. Excellent ieam playing ws di- f played by Carson McCarthy afl4 coFOy Gustafson. Keepera were Mýke Dwer and Joseph Francey. IDA' s goalfwa eamed on a well-aimed penalty kick by Brandon. Moore. A super dffftittiVe ort mas. shown by Ma H*ml&ves and rrtww5< Cîsessanis., , mopes era Bon Cousine nd lexBen. q Ctitisn, msking trie final score 4-1. Great gosltentiing f rom Leari Black anti Scott Jelec from Karmax. Norteli Karmax Heavy Stamping 0 Tris firsi garas back slter tris fun-filisti Merilage Tournament festivîties sam Imo msil-mafcried teasago rieat fhiati. Jack Esgles scorstheri only goal orfIris garas esrly in trie tirat riait for Nortel. Excellent defens anti goalie play by trie Karmnax isara heldth re scoring 100one. Speciai mention 10 Nortel goalies Krysfsl Power anti Kristy Mohun anti Karmax goalies Jortian Winier anti Grsg Mountaini. Scott, Batenchuk 0 Milton Jaycees 3 Trissa imo feasahati sgrsst match on s very hot day. Goals tor tris Jsyceea mere scoreti by Jonathan Nevîns. Ryan Burgess. Great goslsniding ail arounti frora Jennifer Krane for trie Jaycees atnd Spencer Copera anti Orem Bromn for Scolt, Batsnchuk. Nortel Raymond SteelO if massa hot summer nfgrit, but bofri tearas kept trir cool Int tris cIffl sconog garas. Jack Eagiea mas theiae ssporer for Norfel. Gooti defén5f5e pisys mare han- deleti by Sssn Whftsidte tor Karmax anti Ksegan Gvitiolin for nortal. Excellent goal fentiing by Colin WarzorrSk anti Melissa Sriabsga for Karmas anti Mchos Kenet & Jonathan Tsnisy for Norfel. Specisi Mention 10, Colin Grsytion. cnances 011 lvwr»h1aotW-UV m rrf Solid goaltpdidng fltfWfncit0f~ Mentor by Cad tekw« n icO DGiallonaWto. Goal pCOffl fr MOttot mare Nichol itialMGref andft ya. Mitchell. Agwatganite La Rose Bakeq y3 OpfimittClub 4 This gamerf0aWietiPant9 Of actionfal bofri ends. Steve acktaQn core it Ifour Optimiat goals,.witelaKiftophai Paînîn, Kevîn Marsha land JontihanRtfuhgg acoreti for La Rose, Great goSa#fting from Joniathan Rtding anti if aeitColier of La Fos and frora lames G"alt an rd Mathew idy-Rusell uof thre Optmlsta. Under 9 Girls Shoppers Drug Mart 2 Tim Hortons 3 A game thai more botri the 4b tiandthre goaies out, 001 to mention the coaches! Shoppérs took the lasti n the firat hait mith goals by Res-Anne çinahnie anti Aes McC)AGkrson. Tim H-ototts broke through Shopfers'dtalree IMth second hall anti CatufiBrowan actredt a hat trick to take trie game. Great goaltsnding for Iim Hortons by Aexndrschembti anti Laura Frank anti by Courtney Flslt anti Megan Johnston for $hoppers. A special mention 10 Stscey James anti Natalys Schoutsn 0f Shoppers for triait team morkt Belamy's 4 Dairy Queeni Caitlin O'Connor had a ferrific night for Oairy Queen, sconing their lone goal as weil as stopping many shota on net as first hait goalie. Belamys fook fhe game, how- ever, wifh a sfrong performance f rom Brooke Harper (3 goals) and Enika Minkhorst, who mas player of fthe game. Candace Black and Jade Brownridge were sfrong in net for Belamys, while Caiflin O'Connor and Shanelle Vaif 100 were the busy goalies for Dairy Oueen. Speciaf mention as5 goes f0 Kayta Paul and Kimberfy Cnitoph for a good effort. Richardson Chev-OIds 3 Milton IIawkeyesi Wom, mhat a game! Steady bacit and forth action kept aill ho watched through- ly entertained. Sconing for the Hawkeyes was Alfison Sereda whiie Elyse Garbutt and Marianna Healey each piayed solid in net. SpecialI mention fo Micfhelle Stapies who seemed fo ha everywherel Richardsonas goalkeepers Kara Boomhouwer and Nicole Couleon were awesome aa were the offensive efforts of Jessica Coulson, Jennifer Warzonek and Jenna Vander Doelen, who each scored. Brilliant defensive piays from Ernify Warzonek and Samantha Spiers during fhe match limited the Hawkeyea' chances. Belamy's 4 Couldtn't have sketi for a baffer game! AfVrKlista Dermolt scored her third goal to glve Belamy's 4-3 leati lare in the sec- ond half, things were looking grira for tim notons. Courtney Coulombe answered the tIreat with a volley over the goalie. Final score 4-4! Outstanding offense by lýelamy's anti dynamic defense by T m Hortons. Player of the Game awards ment f0 Jade Brownnidge cof Balamya and Dffana Stiao of Trm Horton's. PdU$10 ha lead by agfib Max Goomîn.Gti defffive 9voepng by Altn r1 dgouMcao*fbW Kyle Garbutt oUtpStPa»pittStuari Phîip sooma a gflt ouaz 0rIofie if upin trie #te hlt.. Hcwqs% rrt us passing and bail cottiDI soon over and goals by Max Robertsonf,;ktdrem Wells and Justin Clouden saed Red Star's fate. Reti Star neyer gave up. Shot s by Peter Learnan, Anidrew Lees, Scott Bomman mare well saved as usual by Greg Cowan of Primus. Luke Dniber orf Red Star made a super lisader. Primus player of the game mas Robert DiMaso. Pro. Co. Menegement 2 Primus Printing 4 Allhough Pro Co Management gof off f0 a strong stat wif h tmo goals by Eric Lasorda, they couidn't hoid off the con- stant pressure f rom Primus Printing. Sconing one apiece for Pnimus mare Yuri Hrystsyniak, Justin Cloutien, Max Robertson and Nicholas Vipond who scored in the aest second orf trie game. Greg Coman had a solid garnein goal for Primus white Pro Co had Joari Shabaga in net for trie f irst half and Scott Makail for the second. Player of trie Game for Pro Co Management mas Graham Offieraki and for Pnimus Printirlgit mas Nicholas Viponti. Trie officiating by referas Chris Ford mas cnisp and fair. e e a p a il m