Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1998, p. 18

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Page 6. The Milon Shoppi n srdy uy3 PART-TIME TELEMARKETING/ INSIDE SALES Required for busy newspaper office, 5 aftemoons per week. Ideal position for a self starter with excellent communication, organi7ational and custorner service skiIis. Milon location. Apply in persan with resumne ta: 348 Bronte St. Unit 8, Milton or fax resume to (905) 878-6389 JANITORIAL COMPANY RQUIRES 2 individuals for Acton 5 contmact. Reliability. honesty & thorough- hi! nets a must. Seriota C inquiries cail (905) Cz 875-7541. Stan at Bc $8.l0/hour I COMPUTER 69: USERS! Format, copy & mail disks for cash. Rush seîf-addressed stamped envelope 1: L.L. SI Wood, 60-8 Bristol Road E., Suite 359H, 'h Missisuga, Ontario Ff L4Z 3K8 BE READY F FOR SUMMER D imt-ywall Taping g Stucco .Sprayiig $ Partition s Painting f iCeramics *20 yrs. C experieiace. 8786050 FOR SALE: 2 windovs air conditoners. exc. cond.. 8000 BTU. $300. 5000 BTU $225. Outhoard engine $100. 335-9119. -7 F FOR SALE: Organ. Baldwin Fantasia, exc.w cond., asking $550 t OBO. 878-2664. -7 C FROM OUJR C FARm PRESENTS Kid's Gourmet Cooking Camp July 13 17. For info or to regts-1 ter cal 878-9189 FOR SALE: Washer &1 dryer, esc. cond., $300F for fth pair. Phone 854- s 9919. -71 FOR SALE: 19910 Lincoln Mark 7 LSC. mint condition. New8 paint. new trans., 17' ROH rims. $12000 cer- tifted. Cali 878-9771. -7 JEWELLERS 1 TOOLS WANTED Looking for bond tools. casting-related equip-1 ment & supples. Jeff,1 825-3123 1 FOR SALE: 19 ft. Fiah-N-Ski, 100 hp. Merc 1000 outboard,1 tradler, battery. fuel tank, bilge. $1,500. Caîl 847- 344BICYCLES - FOR SALE Assorted family bikes in good cond. Repairs1 & parts for leas. 827-7378 1 FOR SALE: 19901 Lumina Euro 3.1 litre, one owner, exc. cond.. Ioaded, 293 km. $3,30C cert. or as i. Cail 257- 0705. PSYCIC READINGS And -consultation. Gift certificatea availuble. Please cail Karleen 875-2408 WANTED. Lawn trac- tor. condition of rnower- bodywork not impor- tant. to build float fol claarity fundraser. 876- 1530. FOK -7 OF SHEEP For sale. 9 Doreat ewes- one Doiset rami. Clean. good breeders. 854-9817 ICE CREAM VENDORS WANTED Summer'a here, we need help. Miltons xst ice cream vending company opansayou. Cash daily & bonuses. lest training progrars, lots of fut. Caîl (905) i3-8444 or (905) 339- 1822. Diekie Dre 1cr Cream MAKE SERIOUS MONEY! Your own business îith uniimited income. Free 24-hour message. 1-888-574-9615 FOR SALE: 1989 Dodge Ram 9-passen- ger van, propane,. $3,000. Cali Milton Community Resource Centre, 876-1244, ext. 10. -3 CHAIR CANING Cane replaced, woven and/or pressed in your chairs. Cali Mary (905) 878-3865 FOR SALE: 16 ft. Crestliner Bowridger with 65 Merc. Canvas & trailer great shape, ciean. Asking $3.500. Cali 876-0152. -3 PAUL THE ISANDYMAN Gaebage retoOval. Renovations. Painting. Indoor/outdoor work. Demolitiotls. 878-2413. FOR SALE: 2 natural stone slabs 2x26- l/2x62". Ideal for steps or stoop. $100 ea. or ooth for $150. Cali Bil 878-3646. 3 IMC PHOTOGRAPHY portraits - Weddings. Design yoUr own pack ages to suit your bud- get. Cali 632-1407. FOR SALE: User Playatation gamies. NHL Face-Off. Crash Ban- dicoot 1, NFL Gamneda '97. 3 for $50 or $20 e:. 878-3388. -3 15,000 WATT DIESEL GENERATOR For sale. 240 & 120 watts. On trailer. $7,000. 905-632-0699. FOR SALE: Coudh loveseat, chair, white background with flora pattern. Award winning style . Like new $1,200 827-1950. -3 FOR SALE: Peregc Milano stroller $300 Fisher Price stoller $60 EvenFlo carseat, $35 Ail brand new. Cal 335-6200. FOR SALE: White 30, Kenmore electric stovc & 700 watt Panasoni mnicrowave with probe both in cxc. cond. 878 3860. FOR SALE: Booketuc china cabinet with ce denza, 72" x 72") 15/12", good cond. $175. 878-2664. _" FOR SALE: Rattai furniture. Pool chtai Exc. cond. Cali after4 854-4004. ys 3 t. i .3 o, 0. '0 tid se l-7 ir 4 1998 AMBITIOUS PEOPLE NEEDED 1 To mail our sales letters1 & prodtsct offers from home. Easy work - excellent $$$ potential. To inquire srnd S.A.S.E. to: M.N.I., 123 Queren St. W., #207 Toroto,îr Ontario, MSH 3M9. MODELS WANTED From Canada between 2-19 to compete in this yrar's 1998 Toronto Pageants. Over $20.000 in prizes and schoiar- ships including trips to Nationals in Las Vegas. Cailitoday. 1-800-367- 2125, Ext. 211. FOR SALE: 1996 Rockwood tent trailer. Like brand new. A mgst- sec. Price $6.500. Phone 825-6414. -7 FOR SALE: Saiiboard,1 Malin, red, perfect for begtnner to internordiate $85))01tt. Cali ti42- 7138 7 FOR SALE: Liwnoiy lawnmowrr $9)) Sofa & loveseat $250. Sofa bed1 $75. Coffer & end tables. wood & smoked glass $100 for set. Rocker chair $50. Also1 lamps, entertaiment centre. twin & king mat-1 tresses )new. stili in plastic) & other house- hold items. 844-5523. -3 A PUPPIES FOR SALE Shepherd/Dobertnan cross. 8 wreks oid. Aiso 3-yrar-oid Jack Russell nestered mtale- sot good with chiidren. $ 100 eu. 873-8017. FOR SALE: 1991 Jeep Clieriil-.ai.redii 4x4 230,000I)kîîî (.uc.1m JI door. 4.0-L, auto. ioadrd. fuliy srrviced. rxc. cond. Asking $10,.500 cert. Cali 827- 9601. -7 FOR SALE: Window air conditioner. 12000 BTU. $475. Ti. 878- 6252, Hank. -7 FOR SALE: Fridgr, stove, washrr, dryrr. Exc. cond. Brampton (905) 564-7974. -3 ti( in Pl F( ou Nt $5 Ft if, Wý C; 1 have several thousand yards of new Citation, 70,000 km. el Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpets. original. $400 OBO as f Will do living room and hall for $349.00. is 338-7539. _3 i Price includes carpet, pad and installation FOR SALE: Redecor-1 (30 sq. yds.) aing. Chserfield, F Calil Steve 639-2902 choair, irak coffée tablea enmd tables plus iamps. s FOR SALE: 1990 SUPER $300. 845-8125 0 Pontiac Grand AM, SAVINGS! FO SAE rfs9 body A-I. power train Want a great returs on sional air compressor. warranty 'tii Sept. 2/98. an original învestment. ? /2V 2hpbi 168,000 km. $4.000 Cali Fields. Sofas front 1driVe.63-297.p. 7l OBO. 825-9072. -7 $598. Sofabeds front Fri SALE:7-297. hi7a $447. Chairs front FRSL:mahc $19. U to50%off Electro 3-5 professional 5 cmera, tre idfn- many decorator fabrics. atlpoo&wd Senior discounts. er. rehto&wd ~ Fields Quaiiy Customa agle auxiiiary lenses, B ~o~crte<~.. .~, Uphoistrry 632-9090, filters, carryîng case 99diy $275 or trade for tiity -1oàs~s~os dtiy trailer. Ladys English :î t- . FOR SALE: KenrooreTrup biyî. 2J p9fridgr & stove. almond. rup iyl,1 ~~ ast~~?S5 se t for $4-50. Cali 842-see 70 niu S5492. - cameras for dispiay. FOR SALE: Trak din- 825-3927. igtbe& 6 chairs FOR SALE: 1989 $20.Rosewood wall Pontiac Bonneville FIREARMS unit, coffée & end table SSE, good cond., red SAFETIY COURSE $1.200. 827-6517. -7 exterior,. gray leather -Monthly FAC Course FOR SALE: Pool, interior, A/C, alarm & available from above ground, 18x30 ft.. CD player. only 11l2,000 Firearm. tfly Pioneer Pool with flter miles. Asking $4.900. Academy. Cali & pump. $1.200. 844- 337-7477 or page (416) 3 (905) 469-9112 0073. -7 563-3737. -7 FOR SALE: 165 LICENSED FOR SALE: Bike. Massey Ferguson trac- ELE.CTRICIAN Won. Harvo Revo BMX tor front end loader 3 Residential/ComtmTer- $350 firm. Cal 339- pt. hitch & live power cial. Reasonable rates. 3999. -7 take-off. 854-9859. - 14 References. Cali Bill HILDA'S FOR SALE: Side by 878-6055 CLEANING side refrigerator-freezer, FOR SALE: Reciner/ SERVICE wshite, good cond., $150 lift chair. automatie, Private homes. Very ftnn. 878-i1128. -7 very good cond. $495 reasonable rates. Cali FOR SALE: Admirai OBO. 878-6502. -7 (905) 878-0182 washer, dryer,' large FOR SALE: 40 litre WANTED:- Set of iawn freezer. Ail tn good seif-pumping pull- bowls, suze O or i, plus working cond. 876- behind Iawn sprayer accessories. Cali Joan 1307. -7 $75. 693-8150. -7 827-2864. -7 FOR RFiNT Sbared acc.ommiooda- tos, near iibrary. park- ng, cabir. $325 month plus $ 100 deposit. Cail Jor 878-4024. 'OR SALE: Nissan .utboard tootor. 3.5 b p. Never ased. Asking .500) 878-20)95. -30 FOR SALE: Drhgtotd- lfier, Elrctrohotnr, good vorking cosd . $50. Catt Bill 878-3646. -3 FOR SALE: Pond equipment. Fish. plants. filter. pump. liners. Free info. Acton. 519-853- 1266. -3 FOR SALE: 2 Hotpoint tir condttionrrs. as new. stil in boxes. $200 ra. or both for $350. 878- 9094. -3 UPPER CREDIT HUMANE By appoiniment. 25 kit- teos, 38 cats. 519-927- 5152, 519-855-6850. 20 dogs: Hounds, Beagle X, Jack Russell Xs, King Shepherd X, Pointer X, Lab X, Husky X, Atrrican Eskitno. 519-927-5152. FOR SALE: 35 ft. Mullard trailer, 2 bed- rootas, separate bath- root. $14.000. 878- 7036 af1er 6. -3 TREE SERVICE Haiton-Peel Contractors. Large & smail removals. Deadwood & pruning. Hedge removaîs. Fuliy insured. Call John Neil (905) 257-5952. FREE- To good homie with room to mrn. mnedi- um-large dog, excellent with children. obedient & good-natured. 854- 9952. - PLUMBER NEEDED? Cail Bruce for ail your repair work or new installatiorns. Reasonabie rates. 876-4508 3 HF tROONI BUI.NGALOW Country selting. for rent. 5 tminutest to Hwy. 403. 875-4544 2 BEDROOM APT. FOR RENT ist & iast & references. Non-smoker. No pets. Leave message. 878-2110 STORE, FOR RENT 42 Bronte St. in Milton. 1,000 sq. ft. $600 tnontb plus 2 months free rent. 416-439-1801 GARAGE SPACE WANTED For storagr & vebicie maintenance. Wiii reot oid or new garage or ban area. Cali 845- 2647 anytime. HOUSE FOR RENT Auggst lst. Upper level. $950. 3 bed- rooms. waikout to bai- cony. Main levri. $900. 2 bedrooos. wuikcout to patio. Botb with 4 appliances. air cond.. private entrasces. Cali 876-0145. PRIDE 0F OWNERSHIP YouIi be impressed with this 2 storey. 4 bedroom townhome. 3open concept living & dining room with suid- ing doors to, a pnivate fenced yard. For the large famiiy. the fin- ished iower terri makes a world of dif- ference. Asking $138,000. Cali (905) 875-0449 eFOR SALE: Antique i- wooden washing mach- It ine, pattent 1911, Red It Star. made by Beatty l- Bros., Fergus. 519-853- 7 0829. -7 BURN FAT NOW! r Increase energy. Look & feel great. 15 years success. naturally. Resulis guaranteed. Cali now 634-7480. "SAY YOU SAW IT UN THE SHOPPING NEWS" Servin BringonOakiMitn 3 greai markets- 3 greai papers OAKVILLE AND BURLINGTON OFFICE: 115 SthSeRdW M N7F N2-95 PoIe 27690 MILTON OFFICE: 38B aIeS M8 9 N6 x8868 h1ýd88b CIRCULATION aurlagios 52,000 lTuesdayoty) Qakarlie 40,000 (Tuesduy and Faiday) Mitron 15,750 (Tuesdayl il1,000 (Fririsyl Our cambinsd circulation oi 107,750 la te masi comploe caveraga ai any priai media. Tirs Siropping Nees raseraus ihe rigirita0 reuse advsrtising whichin ils opinioma bu tuse, rmsisad n rt bad tasis. The Shopping News iîl(not be fiubie lor lailureta publiait any utivelisemeat or raurrs in advesoisemeots itsyand the cast ai tire spuce occspisd by tire errars andi reusoabis alloaurcs for signature. Notice a oars ia advsrissmsnts mast bu submittsd by 2 p.m. aites duy prior ta tire illowing publicution da. DEADLINES T1JESDAY PAPERS isplay and business classitsed, t pet. Friday prscsding pubiica- tion, unîess cdea.sd by te Geoeral Diretor. Cancelluitan tp.. Friday. Osudlins for proi s 5p.m. TItssda.. DEADUNES FRIDAY PAPERS Display and business cissiisd. t pet. Wdesday preceditng publication, unlsss clsured by tirs Osasoal Dirscior, Cancellitan t pm. Wsdsssday. Osadline for prools t p.m. TOsadali TERMS Cusit, choeque or crsdit curd prior ta publication, anti crsdd s essablisired or cisared iy tirs Gsrul Director. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Tailoîd Fanmai - 34" Wsb, 10-38" nids by 14' dep, 9 columns s 196 agate fines deep (1764 lins psr page). Columo widtb 6 picas 6 (1.0831. FLYER DISTRIBUTION Tire Shopping News diSiobuteSs lysrs, catalogues and prs.prîat inserts ai asry compsitins rais. îupervised carrier deliverY doar ta doartr compote osnificutioa. Ted Anderson, General DIretor Niaa Fernante. OffiicsDiretor Trucsy Lng, Oultuilis Advsrtisiog Diretar <tris Davy, Minaon Adversiag irsctor Ai Boedith, Burlingone Advsrising Dirstor Daidi Doddis, Creatios Diretar Sonry, Tir ShOopping Nees dues not situe cianges or oiisr rstuads on aay Houssirolder adi once tse ad iras itean boobsd. Na citages or rsiuads one Business or Commercial adls booked eith rebquency discounts. A 10% basdlne uSrfferamap be appild ts asp cascalatise Produs.d sm vleBy itakreer AdoeMr1n9g preted in Oaks'h by Dl W. WANTED: Bench saw, WANTED 8 or 10' or bond sawv, ANTIQUES mounitain bike (reason- Collectibles. old china, able). For Sale: 17 ft. figurines. old toys, boat, Motor 165 hp., crystal, fumniture, art. trailer. $3,500. 336- oid tools, jewellry. 7669. -7 878-3145 FREE LONG FOR SALE: 2 new DISTANCE cedar planter boxes CALLING 18xlgx20, 18x46x20. Milton to/frors Guelph. Bianket box 20x2Ox36, Dial 519-853-2001. Foi cedar lige 1920's Lane info, Ad-Tel Halton,' Sweetheart chesi. 878- 519-853-5511 1286. -3 FOR SALE: Kenmore LICENCED electric range, fully BODYMAN operationai except for Looking for work after dlock $100. Teledyne 5 anad on weekends. Lors propane pool Please cal heater, fully operattonal (905) 875-3374 $150. 878-5167. -3 or (905) 693-8315 URRIGeT ATTRACTIVE FEMALE T lai tre famis.e,53, ttracti s u F. Os acca blande uas ila eVra - S 'i I.Cn . rmatî. ou h..uIdi buni- b'U ..e. esedin meetinan o P ac o R E Ad sue. naliýn .gsn tcsudsrsrendlng. atacivemas uha nssosnmeiner 46-5yearsodd ADe3440 sas.ieng, oukng. mnng &dnng.C l MUTLOVE KI05 aingle resta, 44. wsAs sapus ln aiks, SOMEONE NEW music. moviss, dancing andsea n Sg F 20bondeanr, 5 u ees, 57% r, sgfr nho «Ik.ard.codriMing meos? res e ego out & 1-888-400-3283J Ext.1 5 rrnslpa neposbl ug tees raea- nec itneesting. AD#tios 957:1.TSies a FRElesphona oCail liost.ip. AD# 317 LA5TINO RELATIO5SHIP COFFEE à CONnERSATION meAnTRATIVE ADOUTOSinglue whit ase .1,te hmusc & Singe abwh ite trametir sth cos re - ATTRnAeCmarE rAND, t a. taGONds ugfoasnge o are su rR5 los.. '.brocs noirr bruen eyes, ir3,bs 1ne.srca, Suer-gaina ul SMLRITRSS em th era casuas Ing or ustinu sseklng mais. 22-42 ysara musi 5 Sîai neîî' nrar îr. duosu I. gemIAs 3664 25 RE s saosArd3570 sincerelroests&cariag.Ada3437 -amimtisa.damplod.Uilr0ý5 namgu rownhai.cean cu.en ni htr READNG àMOVIEC DE MY P5sCES roence.soeahermil. rtd porte, duang als 5& ramasic dn Sngemae 356, usugren eles, tiisDenieman, ar" re fsias sat &pepper ma, »35. ADs 3rsr nets. seekiinq a testal i o oadtamîîy readîsg. home tenasations. maies &bnirî. emploîsu. ne oe Miltas ara, DISCREET ECOUNTERS svlue & îmlar interess de 38r6 long uvis'ls, easy goisg. looiîng for lovs chifdren, hass a rs yesair son - tnFa sar. a ssearo, ehîsîs ATI LOER someoaS sitn s spnnraneous B isetro eelilngra lady 505 childtss, 010 tas. SWîbr niretriirs,51",asle357A1NrOVRîonsd. iroset. sînceis 5&isous hir i. ons outdaai. ,dancing, pantes. sael.îng O eItaliens& SpaùSeirMale, 43, tînas- luh ct 51goals aintsIde. A 2430 airer tomaesafot Orcresi encourets uciesceurs, 5. 1t55 bs., lie sature, 0000 CONVERSATION AD 05animais, t casis8. Seesing a ramnteSingle 5dar oir 2 cinte. gued ais. lise LETS ENJOY LIPE lads 30-40. Ode 3732 dning aut ai quist pisses, dancing. Gentleman, as eats.inascea, 6s. ras NO MEAD GAMES CRYBOW A Mines &s a nversratcs ison s e ngfbs. nsapots, dnieg. dancing, oui Single whte mae. 3, 54". derwn i aesta CURL BR toW NAIR someaSe Who 1sposite. inele&n hss racativâtes, easy gutng, resesarul. hait. brw esyas rî-rîursd. lsîays Osismls skîgreas tue e htiave ftn. Ode 3591 lise ta salon lits, seesîngoluptaOus i; long cauksa.candlelît laser frt 5 tirs anas ai 25-35 for diecreet enourt- lady, dante art con, nsstsgood dncing, plapuain,por, boehsa. cete asd tors, maritel status a cnet impantant, lm CLEAN A RESPECTPIJL se of humouer. Ode 3441 doge. Lusitagioa sweei mas. doca to 24 sirbrasae sis &broncry hai.1 tiiy atractive witesmais, 32. vselI bui ea505. ODe3155stand 5'7-und igh10 b, d 33aitir blonde sait r eesyes. cloe ADVENT5IROUS PEMALE CALL ME girlthy&liks t have unadffton9 bises tisais crans tomais. 32. as' siîslrSinge whirs maie. 23. long Cuti0 brocsw t h taOe 03ATNAE atactive. auburn hai, bicse ys.Cseesi iri, chestut sa ifi, a5rienergaria. SRiATRATIElce sexu3el0, white.l, lankîsn A ointeri. sassa ai humour. canident. sassr, conssderats. osto bluet nt. slai0' RY AlRCIV cEashoa o odlu~gg iaae as1s -snuua Cagl osro sbseatg eudisestr ati.blande hit, eeskisg a slultauselady hate55s te8-30.OrfAd# ones,lise muscampireng. fi hing. aiiescasuelleke. ekisa carîsu, honest. whairs sahou taihae a or ime. ssstatratve maise. wllgrurejÎ st OCinate aàSdytaM thespar obcs in Ode 34510tRETECONE HaAVE mmN ismi =sAesaad# 207 mi, eCr. Ad#3740SRE ECUSE lai55U1un5110(10 aiaSt£55155 eSCsuE Esecurix AR! OF GOLO TO S5ARE LIFE WITH Snra maa-rton 18.ser nanete Say"fs htis. - &stdr.Singeewsits male. 33. 56'. 160 sa,' maleys. 30. r75 ba iesd sphat ri a MOM&SLO50WALMS saa,2-3 ohimahfun f. M Sing e hte tais. 22. 5'-e. Suea igleae3.15I$,bod &r 6 SW40sfais. 18, Ntive Canadien. noias.blssiri. sessîsg anotiri rasatAsMitoness, brasa hoiaion ~tmse lc i sa.iet tms nsE OTi mmbOis Mal is, t àIa ou.t..BRO soeuArs siin. lie to decot scustes 5Yk oseaSringeeloalwhaiteautlslitmatet.,eaia3sng cns emas. 3.lis uidai& lie wsiebcgsa. 111isbeforueEast lndiesnltornaer. besesaiaess. sap autiSont.s pants. Ada#a26W roatesesietive. sm. lova ets atmais, as-3s so e seppy sos asne i socs actooca as. rute hs. seîîng a chîrirsa, -4eYO -1- --tdaonitahaïr.ise. ases-leahereImIrisl-temele.n, t-3y oulîtl aturvdîesarnnt a55atIis . Ahle. 5a55 l5a sice Se sfli- = LONG BROWN AI isg ladsyairs e grestesmîle. As 74 usanÏte sa e t eed#3469 tmt.2-0wiefrdsr sysla& -.'c- A-d#S5 n3649 whletees& tei ta teal i.g ta meet escouester. Ode 364 6369Sr t5le 3. - 25Is. o AEA LKSTHEATRE MUSC &CO5CEtB netatcuma. t.s. as b ingle uil ts, 3 [veiA ltnSingis white mais. 49. brasa hir, bise VRtDSRE Single lSe ttl. opoista.siplsttad LOYAL ࣠IXET brocs noir, thisklnq glt gsi hrso sgs ,33ris îtusya seigosrmie etsntie5sgsm isC2 sRaEbET.Cts tittam"sreMresis c& sesaiCatrIMaiSb #as.3M ae2 ie aaslot 5 eate. haes bytiend. 5hiF renee90 odeee iae s go5tn ics ertat-hsybeehat bt u.sptry aicls ucfle dsig bstpsgb i lda s0 lsplh umour, îteressad in a laitfihîsges cd60 &70Sotrpuasu eopl. oaien ga tO5tsu movie. 000dng, inIn shoping sutie aissSi. & pleese isane msssage.Ade 25360 epane. dm11159 ueoner sesîmaî1s. Ode 35patir6 ue ai Sea e lesta kWiele C Whoese.ploysa.risa is, tasses - GREAT TIME WNS OOGM irs yoasasr mâle.hse1 neen s Mg halaiii aaa C8 I e e 5 siatrustas379osa SAF toit, blonde, îosîng frta grear DIaCRET MEETINGS 5 îWANTciamOGals a-,7 &ba amvery modslt.Adice iras ODe i 38 chduwhite maie. 45.tB60iis. gnd thiteta. 5",in 70maise Ui. esmbf L55HOM bows irit 5 pcB.lise tire astdoasS, gong, hai. k mle wth ALTERNATIVE LIPESTYLES Ciel amis 7.C",15 a tls 0CRM!!? 5MP ATTRACTIVE PEMALE restfsports B salinig. lankisu frtas'mues clat neesei frîa O 24t7 esp-Bisexuelwsite rmala sîti a butidy. pli AetmaBbailasSis isiaMatl, tn id. aiuatt1 """ ia SOWF. agtrciaSe.r. lv s as ist onlu attecirartoteas.20-50 fotrdîscreet mu e&inhp d 47 liîg fot e 3rd ta gel tsgtireîrato giBO.aat-b Cesser.air e .béies . cars'bthe ispos, seekig thtreraam es mfaiga Adf 3W7 gaad imasa prtes. Ad#10 roesaisisel tais for posaile --'-Etsis asaOTI.atCtîMALs.3 WAWTCOMBO55U HOsUAT thrssiclie sbat flot nsas, ,lof a S POSSIBLE tiaF s5tELTM oP niaî tic. , attprier malePic et ssaa ssrpkt.MW"alsàA #u0 tav- ducs tIoserra, lose long saia. musa:, dast1, & i ousts cst r.seeieg k u o Baealssi. , si tt, loi mm satga -oWF. 4, ltWgr.fr htoaietof 5 fllsyss, - sefY;an th e a 5h05 NsssA# 1sOrhtlamaiston oti odei rIe.A# 70 m essages from your NONECT A TRUBTIeO SAME INTERESS it, i a.> &rsatin s iA soet rg M.UI. tas.prts, lita t pay as.t - Cal teo. Aos r19ecars& assba -s5kl~isgtmae cîrs Juet cmili1-888-400-3283 E2t.15 'option i .for FREE -1 lit aL 1& Otesilotta?? 416-23-66" N 1 1-quu-451-4bbz Ext. ID m 1 t s op 01 'N

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