The Canadien Champion, Tuesday. June 301998-13 p (j Qualfty Creens Shop By Phono & Dellvery Service! 5% SENIORS DISCOUNT! EVERY DAY!! <hXCludess lU CO. Specals IM-storFeatues> Pink Pnrk Pork Chops... 3 49Pm Shoidnr129 Il. Pcnc uc e . lb. Center Cut, Boneless Q9 PMr Loin Chops. .l. I Rib End Boneless * ~ M UU * Q89~lU Center Cut 99 Poaela8con .3 lb._ Pork Great on the 880 Ia uancucuSaae.. l. 399 Sweet, Hot, Gauic 49 K b o ke........ I Buft Cho. Bonetess Buft Roast. IL~ Black Forest Bacon lb Fresh Can Gr. A Chicken 21Cicken WingS.. i99 4 LIglt 1% Ice Ci ionade Reg.. Prdcto SA and 1s PMof cOntado, Ca"ad#1 Cucumbers... Prdc fW, Wa M. Large lUrcodqq mulamv........... w qwm . Prdc fOnaiC"Il, B&n#"99$ ProductOf Ontario, Canada#i, Large Size 9 cè c i'bp.... lo Produci of U.S.A., Canada#1 q u o rjs. .. . Producof Ontao, Tender Jf QM I ..... Productof Mexic, Canada Il LM,--W Umano. .. ..... 69m RedG 4 orloin chops (about 3/4 2 tbsp canola oil nch/2 cthick) 1 tbsp molasses beer marinade i tsp Salt 1/4 c beer 1/2 tsp pepper 1/4 c rice vinegar 1/4 tsp cinnamon Trim excess fat from chops; arrange in shaiiow dish. BEER MARINADE: In jar with tight-fitting id, shake together beer, vinegar, oul, molasses, Sait, pepper and cinnamon; pour over chops, turning to coat. Cover and marinate in refrigerator for at Ieast 4 hours or up to 24 hours. Let stand 6jt room temperature for 30 minutes. HOURtS: MON. - WUD. 8800 ^.M. te S&OO M ont. 8am0AMd. te amoP.M. ntHumS.- PM.L00a .M. te9100 P.M. SUN. 10800 A.U. te 0800 PM. Ce.nter fut lu@ rg Potoe /~041MI.~)~ I 179 lh Irm-p .40