36-The Canadian Champion, Frlday, June 26, 1998 .~Lk I D ~ a z- 7B-wm SET279 DOUBL 199 SET3 =* EN249 ST SINLE $189 1 SETr $329 DOBE 239 SET 38 00 EN 289, SET 459- iimB 479 SET 749 L ANW - -ý FREE 1 CHOICESi . No p.S.T. Shece Straps - ca Dclivez - Bed Femme -PilIow -DispSdOsaf* . Maur=s -Pcale Sheea Old Set Protector -Piliw -Se-up - Bed Rails Procecer -Layaway SI$* 39 1$3091 SE$99 SET $479 DOBE279 SET 469 UDOUBLE 359 SET5691 uqUEEN 30 SET SO9U UIIUEEN4-9sET6Omg no59SET 829 Kno 579 SET 979 aTOAG - iS WdIIIBu Space Saver AIL Wood Captain's B.d mffwa i iiu i a gEUFFI 2rnIav ce any size of maitress *Disposai of oid maUtress availabis e Deiiveu'y and soi-up availabie *Wo accopt ail torms of paymont e Over 25,000 sq. fi. of taciory Se~nior Citizen Discount e Financing Availabie wfI Econoy Catain'aBad rnunB MW-- Lrame Futora anessà-Day ec KM L U21; LW EL0I 1 DAYBEDS1 IFUTONSI SPECIALTY BUNKS 1 1 Ci 0 WO MaKI