Flag r," Football I-ý Milton Flag Football Week 5 Goodllfe Fitness 44 Haiton Pool 25 Halton Pool tumned in one of tbeir best offensive efforts tis1 season but just couldn't counter igbly skilled Goodlife Fitness, wbo were led witb two toucbdowns by Dave Roland. Peter Daly, Tony Puckerin, Hayden Adams and Pierre Lefebrue also scored for tbe victors. Waltzing Weasel 29 SThe Dicken's 27 Aaron Sveda provided the heroics for the Weasel. His last-second field goal put themn over the top and kept the watering bole crew stationed tbe second place. Remnax Realty 44 Bruce Hood Travel 12 Ray Delegarde's brilliant air strike continued to fnsstrate oppos- ing defenders. He comsected on TD passes to Werner Mikolet, Sain Collura, Panno Toumidis, Vic Lanandrea, Carlton Periera and rookie Jeff Turcotte and went 46-for-54 overail in tbe passing department. King of the night Terry King went 15 laps uncontested to wn is first Chiallenger class race Saturday at Flamboro Speedway. The owner of Mfilton' s Eagle Rad powered bis way to tbe lead fromn the onset and beld on strongly for the duration, following up on a qualifying beat triumph one hour earlier. Tbe vîctory came just two montbs after King' s move to tbe Challenger division. Last season lie scored a number of wins in the Street Stock clasa. His closest rivais Saturday were Georgetown's Ryan Warris and Paul Maas of Hagersville. Milton's Andy Wbeller took third place in the Street Stocks division to maintain is season points lead. The Canadian Ch Barnes beats the heat M the trip. Ramnes bas now won six of seven races on the President's Choice Triathlon Series this seasoii. Lailier tis niouh lie was the top finisher in his age group at the Canadian Duathion Championships in Oshawa, wich followed a provincial vic- tory in May. The highly decorated racer will try to complete a national-level sweep this Sunday in Guelph at the Canadian Triathlon Chamnpionships. Harry Rames is once again feeding off adversity and having his MIi of success. The Campbellville athiete needed just 3:13,48 to complete a grueling 2-kilometre swim, 55km bike, I 5km mrn triathlon in Muskoka Sunday. He finished head and shoulders above bis age-class rivais and knocked almost nine minutes off Iast year's finish - despite racing in sweltering conditions that bave been known to play bavoc witb bis fat-free body. 'That migbt bave been the bottest I've ever raced in. Lt was total survival out there," said the 51-year-old, wbose improvement were especîally noticeable during the competition's swim portion. The race served as a qualifier for tbis summer's World Ironman Cbampionsbips in Hawaii. Altbougb eligible to compete, ~Basketball Boys & Girls 8-16 years We are stili accepting registrations for our JuIy 13 to JuIy 17, 1998 at Bishop Reding High School Please get your registration in ASAR. For more information please cal Pat or Martha Gleeson at (905) 854-2714 ADVERTORIAIL JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! By the Milton Summer Empiogment Officers Left in the wake of an extrernely successful Hire A Student Week, the Milton Hurnan Resource Centre for Students is experiencing an ail time high vacancy of available jobs around town. Now is the time for students to start looking for that perfect summer job! How can we help? Corne in to the HRCC-S located at 310 Main Street, Milton, to view ail jobs that are currently available in the area. Everything frorn Dishwashers to Bahysitters to Landscapers, or the more professional position such as CAD operators, are examples of the employrnent opportunities currently available for students. Prepare yourselves for these jobs! Corne in and make use of our free internet job bank, free faxing of resurnes, and free interview help. Our services are cornpletely free for your use and for your summer job search. Our job is to help you find one. Don 't have a lot of experience but want f0 work? Why not sign up for the Odd Job Squad. It is a list of students that want to work but have yet to find anything full tirne for the summer. When homeown- ers need help doing chores around the house, they can cail on an Odd Job Student to corne to their aid. This is casual work that usu- ally last only a day or two and the student is paid irnrediately! Interested? Corne and see us during office hours, Monday to Friday 9 am-4:30 prn at 310 Main Street East (the TD Bank Building) and speak to one of the knowledgeable Summer Ernployment Officers. **If students are unemployed and need a little help in marketing their skills corne and see the Summer Job Service Representative about the availability of receiving a $2.00/hr. wage subsidy for erployers.** Luxury Motor Goacn Lavish Buffet ONLY $1 2.00 Bingo & other day tours DaIIy Service _____ 1-80-46-868:.: Precîsion Paralegal Services LET US SAVE YOU TIME, MONEY AND FRUSTRATION SPECIAUIZING IN DEBT RECOVERY & SMALL CLAIMS OTHER SERVICES AVAILABLE " LANDLORD/TENANT " PROCESs SERVINO " TRAFFic TICKETS " PARDONS a~ Phone: (905) 875-1904 0 INCORPORATIONS 0 UNCONTESTED DIVORCES 0 SKIP TRACING AvAiLABLE e AND MORE... Fax: (905) 875-9964 EmJLhi a student. ~SNA JOB!O Sound Familiar? For more information cali the Human Resource Centre for Students: (905) 878-8418 ext.216 Huma Rucurus DéwslsoMmwddtd I DtvobnmffiutOUUdUrésourc..humaines Canada t w. w. w. -u w. i w. w. -I -I w. w. g, n n n Bu Cmaad w mmi 1 m 1 Harry Bernes