Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1998, p. 41

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GARAGE SALE£ BOMAR BARGAIN BARN SAT. JUNE 27I AUCTION SALE 9A.M. MONDAY, JUNE 29 5193 EIGHTH UNE 6PM TRAFALGAR & VIEWING 4 RHM. DAY 0F SALE LOWER BASE LUNE LOTS OF STUFFI! 719 MAIN ST. E., MILTON GARAGE SALE SA.JUNE 27 6 SOUTHCOT DRIVE JL SWD,1:0A 0ET F 4TH UNE PEIW us pn&Wd a oSl 5TH SIDEROAD Vlly :. tyCetr SOMETHING FOR EVERVONE 27 .ldGulp R., * ,. No Ealy Brds Please roMatnucis,6816 GARAGE SALE Dlt: lami. S ot Clappsons corners, (Hwys #5&#6), ST UE27 lai N of Hw 403, l/4mi W of Hwy So ia York Rd 8 A.M.-NOONI 656 CLOVERPARK NX AE~PCESSL ICRESCENT I l ,Mn rvew43p ae p hotit items, etc~hI . MOSTR l'i GARAGE SALE JUE27 & 28 104446TH UNE FimitureTooiS1 EXCELLENT PICKINGI Sports Equip., STRAWBERRIES & AHUBARB, computer.BET&SROIN Rein or Mine BE ROIN 87843790 for Pick your own - Read Pilcked (Pis" cali) Directions. "THE FARM" DE PAOLI 873-2050 L8-797 MON. - FRI. 8-8, SATr. 85, SUN. 8-12, GARAGE SALE CALL FOR AVAILABILJTY SAT. JUNE 27 15 Sderoad, 1 km west of Trafatgar Rd, 5A.M. -.1 RM. Frt tarm on North side, Stewarttown. 396 VANIER DRIVE S Something For a -..a*Q STAWBERRIES MOVINGIGARAGE PICK YOUR OWN SALE1 SAT. JUNE 27IAT 19A.M. - 2P.M.I 56FARMSTADI CHAS. GREIG FARM DRIVE lm Bob & Mabel Devolin muLTi FAMILY 15 ssderoad, 1 mile west of Trafalgar GARAGE SALE SA.JUNE 27 SUN. Rd., 3rd driveway west of RR tracks. JUNE 2 OPEN 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY 83 ..-4:00 P M. 5173 FIFTH UNE Free recieves! 2 KM. S OF 1 BRITANNIA Weather & conditions permitting! 2 ST.W 0F TRAFALGAR 877-7484 30 ACRES FNIHBUHODRASPBERRIES ROBERT STREET CHERRIES & FROZEN BLACKCURRANTS SAT. JUNE 27 -A~< r.HyRds :00 A.M. -1:00 P M. FrelayRiude, A UTTLE BIT 0F EVERYTIING Animal Corral, S.DAVID'S CI4URCH staiflng Saturdoy. GARAGE SALE .ROSEY cHILDREN WaEL ST UE27 RAPBERRY * C 41 a F GUEI.PH UNE PITN-8850 p11edi uiling Poci North sf 401 on Hwy #25. Drive eans on Rond #10. ISAT. JUNE 27I SUN. JUNE 2 9 A.M. -4 P.M.I I10097 HWY. 25 NI L111eat 1 bus oshl p ridge Farm Nores irs, housei 20 ACRES 0F LUSCIQUS No1iyBrsPes STRAWBERRIES MATTHEW'S TREE SERVICE. Hega. shrub & ran irmlnsg. îoping. e- movai an bflihdeans UP. Fran enantes. Uic. 519- 856-2597. IFauen 1 Markt l Ido.e.uUiMn~ HUNTER fOnd, toveiy movar to pari-board for espenned rer. canshdow Trilituan. Milton, 905-693-0375. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Assistant for special 21 year old young man with developmental delay. To help wîth work and leisure related activities. Tasks will include setting Up a sched- ule for jobs at work place. 1-5 pm Mon-Fni. Ideal for student looking for summer employment. Related educa- tion or exp. and own transportation is preferred. Winston Churchill Blvd. and Steeles Ave. 905-455-85530 Part Timo Lu mber Yard Staff Part Ttme Yard Staff requtreit to work 2 eveningo per aeek & meekendo. Applicants must have a drivers License mith a mini- mum 0f 1 yr. experience. A basic knowledge of tumber and building materials is required. Application forms may be picked up ut SCNUYLER HOME HARDWARE ses Steehe Ave. A Milton ceramics manufactureir has on openivg for a casting operator. Essential to this position are a working knoaledge of ceramic processes, including slip preparatios, mold-making and tînîshing as meli as good English language, reading and writing skilis. Pleasi spply by tax or in perssn by July 17,1998 10: Human Resources, 851 Nlpisslng Road, Hilton, Ontario Fax#: (905) 878-3143 immodistoly tor Wsndys isMilton (Hwy 25 and Hwy 401) eMany Permanent positions @Full/ Part-time ireALL SHIFTS AVAILABLE -Positive work environment dont tnr Retirees,stay ai home parents,stodeots a Wages depsnding upon exp. No eop neccessary-Training provided Unitorms prooided. To set up interview cati Store Manager (905)-693-0657 Sat or Sun or Fan resose (905)-693-0775 or drop by or mail 80 Market Dr., Milton S SEAMSTRESS WANTED We require an expenienced seamofress to work n our store. Approximalely 3 days a week 10 do our alteralions. App in person ailh a sampte of your mork 10: PeggsMtn Milton Mal, Milton, Ont. L9T 2M3 - 905-878-1414 CHARLEY FITZVdHIS- ATTENTION KEYS i00nw hbang Une Receine $50. in penience. Pins apply sn produots flEE person os 55Ontario SI. ahen you join N., Milfon. AVON nowt CLEANERS requimed for Qifer expire s ofice eieaning in the even- Jane 27/98 inga. 571hour. Part-lime. Cati Detibie Mitas amas, cati 905-330- (905) 825-912 2639. DOMINOS PIZZA la nom ALL Aroui Mainenascea Person, alrovg etdivg s capabiities and gaverai maintenance kvowedge.Ç anagea depend on naperi-t esca. 3 days/meek 10 tar.( Appiy 1: Fasbtua Prselom,E 15551 Stealea Ave., Homby, Onf. LOP 1 EO CLEANERS neaddi mme- dlnilyiform lAton aras. Valli- die & aspritesean as eset. Cal 905-660-4126. stf. Ail new applicatiovs auj te cosaidered. Appin in pemson avy day sar 4 pa.- ta 17 wiaon Orve (aI the corner of Main St. and Wil- ses Or.) MACHINE Opeaeors vend- ed for s11111 olloin fillton. Soma haavy lifting maquirait. Cai 905-875- 4962 or las resuna 10 905- 875-3701. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 26,1i998--33 LOOKINO FOR AN EXCITUNG NEW CAREER UN SHOW BUSINESS"- Premier Consumer Shows, producers of The Toronto & Montreal Golf& Travel Shows, The Cottage and Leisure Show, The Family Show and The Forever Young Lifestyle & Travel Shows requires an experienced Account Executive to service a large existing account base and develop new prospects for ail shows. he ideal candidate for this position is an enthusiastic, organized, self starting pmofessional with a proven track record in sales. Consumer or trade show sales an asset, but not necessary. To apply, forward resumne to: Norm Schulz, c/o Premier Consumer Shows, 467 Speers Road, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 or fax (905) 337-5571. Deadline for applicatiçkls: JuIy 3, 1998 L4!'V SLES REPRESENTATIV Metrolsnd Newspaper in Milton in seeking both a Sles Representative who in highIy motivated and cas achieve results in an aggresoive sles atmosphere. Be port of an award winning team with an attractive compensation package including salary, commission and car allowance. our responsibilties include: " servicing and growing exivting accounts " pronpecting for and acquiring new accounts " preparing formaI written and visuaI pre- tentations Your qualifications include:r " Post secondary school diploma or 2 years experience in marketing " a keen desire to succeed and advance " the ability 10 manage several products concurrently " good communication, organization and teaco skills. Pîcase forward resume to: David Bon, General Manager 191 Main St. E., Milton, ON L9T 4N9 14 SHIPPERIRECEIVER re- quireit fuiilîme, psy negoli- abie. MusI have drivers icence, Pleane fan resume Io: 854-2044. THE ICE HOUSE iv Campbeiviliv reqoires immediately, responsitte and reliabte mail staff for ahemoon shih. 3 pa. - 10 p.m. Ca11 or dmrp off reue 9 Main SI., Casmbeitviile or cxii 854- 0997. Events this weekend a Strawberrg Festival this weekend at the hospital gronunds " The Scottish Festival ai Rotary Park " The Big E1(ce sients ai the Dickens aland Metroland Printing, Publishisg and Distributing in Milton has on immediate opening for a Full Time Distribution Service Representative. This is an estry level position with many coreer opportuni- tics. The ouccesoful candidate must strive to work in a fast paced envirosment and have o saturai sense of urgency. You must: -have poîished telephose skilîs -work welI with chiîdrcn -have excellent communication and orgosizatiosaî okilîs -have a working ksowlcdge of PC bosed computer sytems -be able to work flexible hours (weekesds and morsings) -have a reliable vehicle Send resume attention: Generni Manager Milton Canadian Champion 191 Main St E Milton L9T 4P4 Plymouth, ChrysIer, Jeep & Eagle 500 BRONTE ST. MILTON SALEPERSON WANTED Higliy motivated and ambillous indiVid- ual. Expanaenca prefarrad, but sailI train. Apply 80: HUNT PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER 500 Bronta St. S. Milton, ON L9T 2X6 ... qualifi. ait perso equirni 10 care for 3 chul- f inn in our home. Fuiltlime LAUNDRYMAT BUSI- position. Please fax sarne NESS for sale, case tf0370 905-693-0928. Mais St., Milter on Satur- L.OVING, stay-at-home, ay m omnb. me Mother-To-Be, avaitabie ft a.&nos look aller infants & young chititren in our home. Reti- ohle, caring, responsibte & flexible, Cati 876-2886 & nas msae PROFESSIONAL Couple MOTHER of two availabie seekîsg very quiet, pavatn for chitdcare. Flexible boums accommodation in Miton in a non-smoking home.orna. Reriuired for Sept. 693-0678 Milton isi. 1-519-886-2092. NEW AOENCY, Caring Places. Souks Pronidema for licenseit pnvateihnav chiidcare programo. 876- PART limie Careginer re- SHORT Tenn reniai. 3 ted- quireit for 2 chiidren, ages 6 mona Townhouse. Bronte & 1- 1/2. E.W. Foster Schoo Rd. ares. Anailabie immedi- aiea, non-tanker, 875- stey. $1000 ./month. 1488. References. Cait Eiien ________________ Boer. 878-8101. Royal RAINBOW VILLAGE OAY- LePage. CARE oftening quaiity pro- gramo for ctiidren 18t montho to S nears. Ciahos, music & field trips. 878- 7552. RELIABLE experienced 3 BEOROOM apariment in provider. Indoor/ouldoor Tri Rlex, refrigemalor, stove, play Clubtouse. swings, wasmer & dryer. Hent Hydro large piayroom. BetVVanier in inciuded. $O75lmnonth. orna. Receipts. 878"506. 875-1813. BRIGH-T, dlean, freshin painfed 1, 2 & 3 bedmouan apartmenta lysa U CL AN a er- $495 Imonfh. Weil main- noona, weekty or bi-weetdy, taiseit Buriinglon highriae. goud rates. Senior apari- 333-9846, nous-t 8p. ment speciat. 875-1477. MILLSIDE TOWERS- 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON c m lli NOW LEASIG A8USED and ai raid? For t & 2 Bermm aanaeae heip catit 878-8555, a 24 se tes route.,freStie(Jeco- hour criais line for abused lane&2 ikePPa5O nailei women. Haifon Wtoivena boexait phoane & catie.) place is an emergeney Free pariking, ns Pela. ohelfer avaulafie for alouseit 905-876s-1e249it montes and their ehitddren By anpinfrvent omdy iv Hailon Regin. ail enla are corrfidentiail. AREYOI BENO ten ONE badraom apartment. byE sO EoNe ie rn- Four appliancea. Freeh by smeoe ese' drnk-peint. Cleas. Relerencea ing? Ares Famiiy Group equeni. $700. inclusive. mente each Monday mighl 8 878-5586 p.m. ai St. Pails United Chumch. bnck dour (parkring Lookbg for a fol arilmnnca.) 1-800891- ued car? 482.Lok«M na PREGANT? Deedins Flu OWL..k.11111extk mite? Calta uswere hare ts vo.id fer s.. lsiesn. 876-1246. 1

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