32-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 26, 1998 Classified YOURCULÇMDIOTLIKI 875m3300 I III,.11 II fflIVERSARY ANNIVtKbAKY Please 'o n Ross & Marj Britton RS ki as they celebrate their Anne & Les New 40th Wedding Anniversary at the Acton Royal Canadian Legion on Friday, july 10, 1998 from 8prn to Due to heialth problems there will be no smoking. ve Mary Anne, G 1 reg and Alicia Best wishes only COOPER- Markand Monque are pleasedt l annaunce the birh ai Iheir son Kyla Robart Co- oper, weighing 9 Ib. 14 aze., aI Milon Dastrict Hospital on Juna 19, 1998. A special welconte ront big brouter Ryan anti granparents Henry anti Cama Mooran ai Fenwvick anti Robert anti pauline Halcovildh ai Stoney Cr"l. Thank yau la Dr. Peers andt he M.D.H. staff far a soie de- liveiy. GORMAN, Andrew anti Bth (nea Brueh) ara lhrilad la announoe the barth ai thair second son, Jeflray Andraw- Jaf was bant Juna 17, 1998 aI 8:50 ant., wighing 7 lbs. 8 az, Big brother BratiWlesura axcitati about hie neet lilfe brailler, Prouti grantipaente ara Marg & B il Bnash anti Phyllis & Jint Gorman. Speciel lhanks ta Dr Barry HunIer, Dr. Glen HunIer, Dr. Charbonneaui anti al the caring nurses aIl Milton Distric Hospital for their excefllant sup- -port anti cae. FREE MEETING ROOM frm onto00 100persons. Ideal for apor feamas, pelles, banquets, realngs anticlubs. Nscer Sport Lounga, 878-1880. HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 900 AM-500PM Il OMII FOUR TICKETS f0 0<1-oui -04JLc2C..JACKSON, Margaret - ln loviflg memory of Our performance oi Riverdance -dear Wife, Mother & Grandmother. June 27, ai Hummingbird Centre. 1997. Saiurtiay, Juiy 18 at 8:00 & l' 49WwWe miss your smile, your genfle face, p.m. Wil oeail 2 or 4 ai cool. Deuuedtometig ou ned 1 nt 1 1 Andi ail the thingsy ou did with grace. Price of $93.75 each. 876- We miss the love from your kind heart, 46 And ail the joys you did impart. FREE Estîmàies. Got wob- -~Each day wie fold aur hands in prayer, biy chairs, weak springs, And hope that you are happy there, tireti looking woet i ishes? Where ai is peaceful and serenie, vie do à att. Customt wood And where you reign a heavenly queen. rfnshigat umlrC a Always remembered, pairs. Fiattiaustom iFuOni- bHarold, Ted, 8ev & Family tire, 9-9 daity, 875-4427. il 1 GREAT Savînga' Want a Doug Kce aoieKce nrwKce great retum on an original Kocer aroiseKocer ndrw Kber SHEA, Donald T. - In loving memoty of a dear nvealment? Sofas f rom 24 Hor Seviceson and brother Don wtto passed away June $598. Sofabeti f rom $447. *2 orSrie26,1996. Chairs front $196. Seniers * Pre-arrangment Options Remntbtir;g ou S 8asy, Discounts. Filds Oualty We do fevetydaCustoma Uphotstelflg. 9-9 * Grief Counseling Services But missing you le heartbreak, damty, 875-4427. *Cremnation Services tl neyer goes away. lOG~ beti, Thick otthopecc i Loved and sadly missed by Mother, Siater X-thick, sel/& trame, sfilli 114 eins~.Margie and Brother-in-SVi Ken. plastic, cool $1,500. Sait 11mans.Milton 878-4452 $625. 905-567-4042. 0 MOVING - Everftting 1/2 - price. lZtenry/Mahogany, 9 poe. 0/R suitea, $1,750. 10- W _ 12 pce. $2,250-$3,250-123 _____________________________ Aima Wicka, Ivan & Judy Hunier and pce. Chipendate BaIli& Familles cof the late Glen Wicks thank their Claw w/10 fi. table $4.200, frnends and nieighbours for the love and support Oak pedeotai table w/e fhey have espressed in Sa many ways during chairs, 6 poce. Queen/King IGlen's iliness and in our tinte of bereavement. size betintomt win beci ou- IA special fhenk you f0 Rev. Bob Hyde, Carol ite. Save $$$! Compare! 487 LAURIER AVE. 878-2881 MKerse-Kocher Funeral Home, Sf. Paul's acdI 1905) 227-9458, United Church, St. Paul's U.C.W. anti ail who POOLS SPECIAL. 1/2 $kow VO j aet Sec eiJ<'àIe. 1 participated in fhe musical celebrafion of Glen's Price Installation Sais. 168I. Famdly owited for over 3 0 years I fe. Because ai the support of the Community s 24 ft. o.d. retangular -- Care Acceso Centre of Halfon anti the Redi above grounti kayak pools Cross of Halton, Glen was able ta spend fhe including tiecko, iencing, lest weeks of his life in his awn home, sur- lier, 2 tatitero, sent i tifer, rounded by those he loved. Thank you Debbie pump & motor, etc. $5.395. Taylor, Case Manager, fhe VON nurses and fa 1-800-668-7564. REE ,RNES in the torra of donations 10 The Mifon Denise, the Red Cross Homemaker, for your SEAT Sale! Freohen up Distict Hospital Foundation are appreciateti. special care durinig Glen's ilîness. Gleno m6tt your dinette/diningroonl aty reilI live on fhrough the love, laughter and chairo!'rmil ends trom 37music thal he brought foa ai of 1us. $18.95/eacr Seat Febnc & labour inctudeti. Fields ANTONUCCI, Anna anti our family would like ing 875-427,9-. BOWEN, Haroldi John - In loving memoty of ta sincerely thank fantily and frienis, Father STO l o' eI l e a dear Father etha passed away on June 25, Earl Talbot, the Holy Rosaty Catholic Churdh STO .dn ftt e 1991. and the J. Scott Earfy Funeral Home for ail your ptacement foamt for oioil- 'Wifhin rstoore ai mersnres J kindness and compassion. ions. ResidtiaVConmar- My Dsd haldo a special place ciel. Feda Upftoilety, 9-9. For no one eise could ever be 7 days/weeti. 875-4427. More cherisheti in my heart." CHISHOLM, George& Joan would like ta WNITE 30 in. Kenmore Sdymissed and forever remembered, lhank neighbours, fantily and firientis who gave efectric atone anti 7W watt a lac so much love and support during aur vety sad Panasonic microwave witfr Your loving daughter Janet. tinte. Joan aost her Mars June lth. in Nova probe, bolh in excellent 1 -Scalia. George aost his Dati June 111h. Dad gol condition. 878-3860. FBUCHANAN - June 25, 1989. his wish la live fa reach his 901h. birthdlay, June ;8 In oing memary of a oing husband, father 151h. Thanks to Rev. Hunt and Sî.Claîr Chapler and paa Masons for Iheir services. To Merriff and GaragiSale - w Frances for wriling he Eulogy and la Manlyn The Ihinge we ffeel so deeply for reading if. St. Pauls Ladies for the delîctousAAZN Are. ihe.hrdeiIg lams y lunch. Scotf and Michelle Earfy who made a dif- MUTPEAML But ete your family loved you ficult lime essier la bear. Thanko also for the MUTRPET AL In a vety epeosal way. flowers, food, phone celle, kind etorde and SRESL They say I at memories are golden, huge. Il was greally apprecialed. SAT. JUNE 27 Wel Ihaf may be true,8:0AM-120 Bol we neyer etanteti mentories, .A-T1-11E CRES We only wanfed yau. DREW, Joe & Annie would like 10 thank our Lois of great <lama, Ttwe eeagifamily and finende for Iheir beat wiehes, gifls tyLte2 yeSe Loving wife Catile, James aLeura. and carde anti for making our 501h Wadding cidler, etid nin a NhtNhtPp.Anniversary a very memorable day. Speoialf dlb6,jsit sm Night Night Papa. Ithanke 10 aur sons for making il a day we witll RnDf ue2 always cherish. anDt ue2 DUKE, Alan - In laving memory of a special hueband andilfather, June 23, 1954 - June 29, GARAGESAL 1994. SAT. JUNE27 lis flot the lears of the montent shed 8 A.M. -12 NOON T1 81 f erthl r bFREWOO0 abite supplies test. ail bardwooti, maple, oafr, ~ lAR But the lears Ihal are shed in aller years hickory, aplil, delivereti, $175 Bush corti. 878-8251. Sorte Antiques & And the grief thal es silenlly borne. loeales If we cauld have ana lifelime wvish,NoEd isPea! One dreant thal could cama frue, We'd pray la God wtilh ait aur hearte For yasterday anti yau. BED, blackr wro.Jght irn GARAGE SALE Very sadly misseti, canopy, quaan onlhopeic S - DEAI SAT. JUNE 27 Sandy, Ryan, Shannon & Adam mattress/frame. Neyer FREE DELIVER 8 A.M. -2 P.M opanati $1,200. Sacrifce Ar onifmr561200 SUBEAVER COURT $490. 905-567-9459. BTUt . ...... $6.25 RAIN DATE SAT. RANGER, Phllip - In oing nternaya er .CPRS adn e- 32'Shetp TV PI P ..$10M HOUSEOD ITEMS, son. badAsng$00.0 Sharp 'ewcam: 64200m, ELECTRO4IC E0IJIP- ~Obrian Wakaboard $300 HiFe mntay s as dear tlay 080. ~4"cobOl craen ..8.25/Mf MEM, TOYS, ETCI As in the haur he passeti away. son. 875-0592. Cleoir. P233 MMX.$lSJwk Sadly misseti, Cdn Salatte Sysian .$6.25M Mom, Dati, Brother Milie & Sister Sue C O c S Ut (19 Plt Rîtii Lanmosar $1 3.75MSA a ily. ii cd88231 CU -02641 DAVIS, Howard Stanley (PA) - At Milon Dis- lrict Hospital an Wetinesday, June 24,1998, af- ter a full anti atvenfuraus lue, has jonad hie wife anti spiritual partner Violet. Sadly mieseti by hie daughter Susan, son George anti hie campaniail Louise anti grantichîltiren Rase, Kalhy anti Jilf. He was a lifetime membar of the Antencan Molorcycle Association, f nseclar (Retireti) of the Maropalilan Tronto Auxifiery Police, retirati nember anti coach of the Wildfy Boys Club anti menther af the Milon Lawn Bowfing Club. Ha relîl be mieseti by many fant- ily anti friande. Resling ai tha J. Scott Earfy Fu- neraI Home, 21 James St ree, Milton, f ront 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 pnt. Fiay. Funeral Service wIIl ha helti on Saturtiay aI 1:00 p.nt. af Grace Angli- can Church, Milon. A pnivate family inermeni reilI fol 0w in York Cemelery. In lieu ai flowere donations la the Milon District Hospital reoulti be appreciatid by the Iamîly. TARRANT, Bert -At Hamilon Genaral Hcepital on Watinastay, June 241h, 1900 as the resuil ai a car accident, Bert Tarrant ai Guelph, for- nteriy ai Cempbaflvilfa, loving faîher ai Grahamt anti Jamia. Dear son of Grahamt anti Lilian Tarranl. Saty misat by braîhere Herrian anti Steve anti siter Marins anti nepheete Coe, Devin, Dylan anti nany alhar famîty anti friands. Rasling at Ihe J. Scott Eanfy FuneraI Hanta, 21 James S., Milaon front 2-4 anti 7-9 RM. Fritiay. Funeral Service reilI be helti on Saturtiay aI 11:00 AM. Inlarment to folow in St. John's Angican Church Centlry, Campbelfvilla. The iamily has askati in lieu ai flowear a tifons be made in Brle Maemary ta the Chilrns Wish Foundtion.