Tne Canadian Champion, Fndcay, June 26, 1998 - 31 * J.M. Denyes' runing club took irai-place hon- ours ln their ae group Sunday et the French Mahafly Vitima' lntagrlty Fund 5 Km Run. Treamn members are (elockwlse from fer lait) Amanda Robertsoni, Jamîe Carroll, Alayne Brynea, JacquellineO uinn, Amanda MoKlnnon, Jenne Murray, Sera Kllmury, Rebacce Tomllhsofl and KiQds brave the heat for this run J.M. Denyes is running wild. The local public school began a two-evenings-a-week runnini club this spring. Chrstening the group were nine girls fronr grades 4and 5. T'heir hard work and enthusiasm were put ta the test Sunday in St. Catharines wheoe the pack took part in a charity mun in support of the French-Mahaffy Victims' Integnity Fund. Each and every local participant successfully completed the five kilometre mun. Jenna Murray led the way with an outstanding 29-minute finish under a scorching aftemoon suni. "It was harder Ihan I thought, especially in that heat," said the long-distance dynamo. Club organizers Irene Carroll and Peggy Neely started the mun- ning club in an effort ta bruaden the school's athletic interests. Their hope is that the younger students will decide ta join the ranks as most from this year' s club will be graduating ta the mid- dle school level in the faîl. Alayna Brynes, Jaîmee Carroll, Sara Kilmury, Amanda McKinnon, Jacqueline Quinn, Amanda Robertson, Kasandra Rudder and Rebecca Tomlinson were among the other members. - I REPAIRS ITO ALI FINE DINING IN A GRACIOUS AND COMFORTABLE 01.0 WOELD CouNRy ATMOSPHERE (TkADiTIO)NAL Crtissc CISINE) O)pmta iiy forat raiÀriday <lYfer LuncWSuiiiiy Bru"d M.0- rCrda C"At-P~w 345 SiceltiA--niE-s Milton, Ontario L9T 3G6 Phn:(905) 878.8161 F=o (905) 876-972 ant t go for your licence? Trying ta persuade your folks? wby not bring them ta a free Parent- teen co-driver session at Young Drivers of Canada? (Or cail us for a free video brochure!) We can show Mom and Dad that with YD-s famous risk perception, emergency maneuvers and collision YounguDriver helps parens say yes t 44d riers' hnaicetandest responsibility of a licence. After ail, we've already tramned over haif a million people ta drive as if their lives depended on it. Just caU Young Drivers, and say the word. We'il reserve your seats. And maybe they'il let us put you on the roadi JULY COURSE AUGUST 3RD COURSE STARTING JULY 14 4 DAY COURSE TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENIINGS FOR 4 WEEKS 9:00 amn - 3:45 prn 6:30 p - 9:40 prn1 ___I~ -.87Q I Young Drivers of Canada W ~ '~Thats what parents are for. Ifyou are looking for a unique and exciting evening out, we will be holding a BBQ Dinner Dance "Under The Stars" in a Marquis Tent. Saturday, lune 27th, 1998 On Friday, July ioth 1998 we will be hosting a Wine Tasting Event. Featuring during the month ofJuly, a Four Course Dinner Special. Priced at 19.95 11111 m Ili 1 11 r-