22-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 26, 1998 I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up because I like to go shopping for clothes. I plan on being a fashion designed when I'rn 25. I hope 1 can rnake bathing suits and dresses. I hope people like the bathing suits and dresses I make and rnaybe I will rnake skirts and kids clothes. I just can't wait until I see all those fashion models go down the aisle with rny designs on. Jennifer Petrie Age 10 1 want to be a soccer player when I arn grown because soc- relaxing as a ranger because cer is rny favorite garne. I plan forests provide a peaceful rest- on playing soccer when I'rn 20. ing place. I hope that I can play goalie so Ernily Foster I can save the baîl frorn going Age 7 into the net. Meg Clark When I grow up I want to be a AgeS5 horse tramner so I can help witl 1-ores -a m u ±u'V"É."TrfelTy When I grow up I would like to be a forest ranger. I could f ight forest fires and save anirnals frorn dying and having their hornes burned down. My job would be very irnportant because trees give us air and oxygen. My life would be h r Road. I will train horses all day alone at the farrn. I will work until 6:00 and I will corne horne at 7:00 and I will get up at 8:00 in the rnorning and I will ride a horse at the farrn. Brittany VanKoot Age 12 1Clarke's GOLF MI. 18 TImmIm.Rd. Units 7 & S8aI3MiltoniXtt (905> 878.1818 _ 324 Steeles Avenue East, Milton (905) 878-7934 Picture by Mat and Eik Vi>t) ' .* i ' kY.. t' Picture by: Patick and Brltany ~r~siP~r L MO Y.' 'N 1'~ ( vm~ A, /\'ýu r-e.. 157Oh' FAIRWAYS V 6667 Hwy #25 at Derry Roud Milton, Ontario L9T 2X5 \U (905) 878m5355 jq ý3 (ý