Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1998, p. 23

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"SAY YOU SAW rr IN 1THE SHOPPING NEWS" " Rec Room Carpet $1 3.25 sq yd Do a 12x20 Roc Room for $353 * Graphiec Level Loop $1 4.75 sq yd Do a 12x12 Room for $236 * Pattern Berber $17.25 sq yd Do a 12x12 Room for $276 * 40 oz Textures $2095 sq yd Do a 12x12 Room for $335 IdI.THuRs 12-8 Fti 10- - Fnaas 7A T 9-4,UN 11-4- Shopaîi I W OR BY APPOINTMENT servIce NASCAR SAWMILL TICKETS DIRECT FOR SALE Custom-cut White Oak Brickyard 400 on Aug. lumber for decks or Ist. Four scats, tuen 4. fine woodworking. Call $245. 878-0695 876-4445 FOR SALE: Pentium FOR SALE: Window 200 MMX. 3.2 gig, 2 air conditioner, 12,000 meg video card, 6 meg BTU, $475. Tel. 878- 3D FX card, 24X CD- 6252, Hank. -7 ROM, 32 mnegs RAM, NASCAR 3.36 fax voice modem RACE FANS & games. $800 OBO.' Thurs., July 3th, 4 Cal 338-1728. -3 tickets for Craftsman BURN truck race. Fn., July 3 1, FAT NOW! 6 tickets for Busch 200. Increase energy. Look Sat., Aug. 1 si, 6 tickets & feel great. 15 years for Brickyard 400 success. naturally. Winston Cup. Face Resuits guaranîeed. value Ainerican. Cal now 634-7480. (905) 659-1303 M Imiii i e] kI S L - Expert repairs ta fridges, stoves, dishwashers, A/C, washers, dryers. Reasonable rates - 1 yr. warranty Service Cal$9.50 DANNYS» APPLIANCE SERVICE Caîl 827-9559 PRIVATE RESCUE/SHELTER Has the foffowiug for adoption P.B.: Corgi, Poodle, Shitzu, Choco- laIe Lob. American Eskimo, Bflack Lob, Golden Retriever. Mixed breeds: Husky. Lob. Dalmalion, Bouvier. Spaniel/Corgi. Shepherd. Reriever/ Newf'ie, Boxe/Dane. Houud/Shepberd. Teri- Poo, Jack Russel, Pointer/Staffi, YelIow Lab/White Shepherd. Border Colfie. Wire- baired Terrier, Caif (905) 939-2624. CIINO's WINGS Served wlfh veggies and blue cheese dip. Choose from MiId, Medium, Hot, Suicide or Honey Garic Sauce. 1 b.* $699 2 tbs.* $1299 S bs.* $2599 Extra Dlp & Veggies .50 aaglbetur. orni GINO% ORIGINAL GARLIC BREAD Tradîtîoflt Loaf $2.39 With swiss cheese $289 Witt'tmozzarella cheese $2.89 ,p.a. pauty lypa ft hme ene j FOR SALE: Moving. Oak diuiug room suite. Table, 2 leams, 6 chairs, buffet, butrb $750. I - year-ofd Magie Chef B&W efecronir gas stove, seffclean $750. White-Westinghouse fridge, frot free, f2 ru. fi., 1-1/2 yrs. old $425. Af moud AdmiraI efer- trie tove $225. Af moumi Keinore fridge, 17 ru. t., frost free $450. 7 ru. f. freezer. white, $285. Toshiba microwave, large, $75. Keumore washer & dryer $451 pair OBO. Cal 876- 1381. -26 -l PICK P$SPCIAL ONE LARGE PIZZA 1 topping. OOADDITIONAL VALIO ONLY $ 99 TOPPINGS ON PICK UP $139 PER TOPPING TrWO MEDIUM PIZZAS (each with 3 toppings) 6 cans of Coke. ADDITIONAL 1TOPPINGS $1799-TOPPING 1- 1 .TRY A Lll-TLE BITE 0F ITALVI TrWO LARGE PIZZAS (eaCh wîth 3 toppings) ADDITIONAL 9 9 TOPPINGS $1.39 PER GINO'S PIZZA are PIZZA DAY PROS Pizza Daya are a greaf way fo rase money for fild fripa, programa, etc. CALI TODAVI CeIl the number below to hoUp organize PIZZA DAYS at your achool SINGLE PIZZA MENU SMALL MEDIUM LAE X-LARGE MINI GIANT 6 sîceas slces 10 lices 12 slies: 16 squares bBASIC $529 $ 6.59 $ 8.59 S$10.69 S$10.99 Eacb toponsg $.69 $ .99 $1,19 $ 139 $ 1.49 4tapiza $S.05 $1.55 $13.35 r16.25 S69 DOUBLE PIZZA MENU SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGEGANGIS 128suces 16 sleas 20 sîces 24 slie. 2s qae BASIC S7.69$S10.79 S$13.49 S615.W9 S169 -sI pi- .8-9 -i 1.19 S 1.39 s1.69 s 1.99 e-amaua 1.25 $ 5.5 $19.05 $ 22.35 S$24.95 13EVERAGES TOPPING MTOPPMNG Coke, Diet Coe II Sprle, etc $.87 Fruilopia $1.29 Six pack 01 Coke $299 GN RIG INL-2PZZSWT OPINGS N E A RCH -MDIUM $13.99, LARGE $16.9 ~ ~ ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE.r- MINIMUM ORDER PLACEO t I r.) ~ ) f fTAXES NOT INCLUOED F~ ORl GINO'SOELIVERY $8.00, j-I~ 2 .) ~STORE HOIJRS: mi.90 GlI Munday, Tuesday ilarn - 12 arn - ~ 'A * ,Wednesday il ar - 12 arn * M* *:;? pa Thursday il arn- 12 .8arn-4 44 _jW CETVISA. MASTERCARD, ~*..~lIFniday, Saurday lilarn - 2 arn85m4 4 AND. AMERICAN EXPRESS 3J7 g g a ~ e - Sunday 12 prn - 12 arn Ail puices subîect to change. Taxes not inctuded. TOPPINGS AVAILABLE Pepperoni Frnsh Mushrorns - ren.Pappars -Gartic Oniens- Hot Peppers - Bacon ,am; Salarnie Stied Turnatuas Pîneapple- Anctiovias reen Oives Back Olives Sausaga.- Ground Beet Hut Italian Sausage- Extra Cheese 'Double Cheese (*Coult as 2 items) WMILTON 431 MAIN ST. E. I TrWO MEDIUM PIZZA (each with 3 toppings) sot >1919 ...-n 1 QUALITY FOR SALE: '88 I RECOND ITIONED Beretta, V6, PS, TS, PB, fr APPLIANCES cruise, A/C, 192,000 cc Washers, dryers, km. Burguudy inside &A fridges. stoves. Bey or out. $1,500 OBO. 827- S selI. Full warranty. 2728. -30 F Please come visit our AIR s showroom. 875-0154 CONDITIONERS d FOR SALE: Pars cars. We're the coolesi & d '96 Colt, uew shafis, lowesi priced ai Usrsi, hcadhLe glhti o s v [ Sable, good inicior, ar 519-853-2888 condîtioning, motor. FOR SALE: Kenînore 878-2176. -3(0 stove, white, $110.- FOR SALE: 12 fi. s 7 Motorcycle leathers, ft. wood panel garage red-white-black, suze door with opener in 38. BO. 878-1076. -301 good shape. 854-1733 SAVE FLAT-RATE eveuings. -30) LONG DISTANCE- FIREARMS $l1/întb/area. Mlton SAFETY COURSE îo/from Toronto & Monthf y FAC. course Mississauga. Also available from Ha lion Milton îo/from Firearms Academy. Hamilton/Waterdowit. Cal) 844-7048 Ad-Tel Halon for dates. (905) 842-3738 PAINTING $99/ROOM* PAINT INCL. DAVINCI 905 337 7011 PHONE FOR DETAILS & OTHER SPECIALS EXTERIOR ALSO AVAILABLE IMIC ART CAMP PHOTOGRAPHY FOR KIDS Portraits - Weddings. With artisi Allycia Design your own pack- Uccello. Studenis ages 10 suit your bud- explore drawîng, paint- gel. Cal 632-1407. ing, sculpture & crafîs. FOR SALE: 1991 Starts July 610o Aug. Ches Cavalier, 88 km., 28. For information & auto. air, PS, PB, $4350 regstrationi caîl (905) cert. Gibson dishwasher 854-0511 $81. 702-8735. -30 FOR SALE: 1965 SAVE LONG Comet. 2 door, 55,000 DISTANCE oig. tmiles. AIl nutobers Milton 10 Brampton. match. Many uew parts. Erin. Ad-Tel Halton $3,500 OBO cert. Foi 702-1277 mlore tufo cal) Dauuy aI FOR SALE: 'Spab- 847-0958. 30 relIa' 10' s 10' stand- MOTHER alone awnîng. No centre 0F TWO fpole. Swivel fecature. Availabte for childicare. Green, like new. Value Flexible bours iu a non- $1,595, self $1,200 no smoking home. 693- tax. Shoot & Score bas- 0678, Milton- ketball game $40. 876- FOR SALE: P75, I6 4390. -30 mb RAM, 840 mb HD, PONY RIDES 4X CD ROM, souud- FOR ALL blaster 16, Pauasouic OCCASIONS wide carniage prînter, Thinkiug of having al Win. 95 Corel Suite 7 party and wat to add package. $600 OBO.3 sonne fu? Give us a mouihs old Viewsouic e call. We'Illbriug the G8l10 1 " m'ionîtoi 0 fu right 10 your door- $1,500 OBO. Or both i- step. Ponies "R" Us, for $ 1,900 OBO. 825- 6 878-1635 0880. FO fre, cor As! Scý FC sui drz do îýh e m G cî hý bi 01 v e f S a c r S ir Ir 0 6 7 3 ic 01 The Miton Shopping News, Fuday, June 26,1998. Page 5 O~R SALE: '98 Dyno FOR SALE: Snow- LAUNDRY EQUIP- eestyle BMX, exc. blower. Will attach t0 MENT FOR SALE CALING~¶E ad. Ridden 3 times. small garden tractor. 370 Main St. Sat., June '- sking $375. Ask for Needs work. $100. 854- 27/98. 9-noon PIES AL . ott 878-5613. -30 9817. -30 FOR SALE: Office ' __> 2 L A L U DR SALE: Bedroom PUPPIES desk 60x29 with side ite, double dresser, 9 FOR SALE table, drawers. 2-drawer - Start Anylîme awer, 4 drawer cbest, Shepherd-Doberman fliug cabinet. Flip-chart- Problem Solvîngi,- iuble bed, watnuî in- cross. 8 weeks old stand. Exercise bicycle, & Counsellîng ,h 7S-1670 3< 1 (X) OBO each, basic. Sewing machine, VrosTann FOR SUMMER FOR SALE: Sectional 4-5W 26 Packages Availabe -C .I)rywall .Tapîug sofa bcd with foot rest, $499 WEDDING PUPPY CLASS *Stucco .Spraying taupe. 2 French PHOTOGRAPHY 47 Months old -Partitions -Painlting Provincial wbite bead & PACKAGE Sat. June 27 - 10 week course *Ceraînics -20 yrs. footboards witb rails, Iacclati aardal woîu-ai experience. 878-6050 posture boards & mat-acimdwr in MIT NK9O ED NC NANTED: Sega Game tress. 2 blue bead & uîg phrfenlpo- M (9LT )N8K-9 14E65N Jear portable unit for foothoards & rails. 876- torpr.Kpyor( 5) 7-16 ar. Also adapter for 9975, -26 ngatvs ak toue gaesif osi-827-2556 TREE FOR SALE: Sofa, houe gaesif osi-SERVICE girl's bike for 6-10 yr. bl.Cahrne86037EpAggr ate C Halton-Peel old, Frencb Provincial or Steve 878-5879. -30 1..NC E E niciuis Contractors. Large & dresser, baby crib & DED A LVED Dr Dwwaxs small retoovals. maltress witb hardware Good OR ca carE& 5ikwaOs5. Gsi. Deadwood & pruniug. missing, irak buffet. 2 trucks. Saine day sr- FREE ESTIMATES Gaag Hedge removals. Fully boxes of novels. 878- a ec. or. nsured. Caîl John Neil 7133. 301 vice 7 daysa e.Fosi§l (905) 257-5952. WILSON Spr76876,ice 95 827-8266 Ca S»l FOR SALE: Lîke new, ROOFING cal 87-876,taupe background pini *Flat bot asphaît 875-3279 anylittie BORDER TERRIER AUCTION couch $3511 TINo *Modified bitumen FOR SALE: 1988 trav- PUPPY SALE mabogany French *Reroofing/shingles el trailer. Lynx 24 ft., Beautîful red maIe. Mou., June 29th, 10:301 doors, suze 30x8()", .Repair work shingles front kitchen, fridge, Champion parents. a.m. Preview from 9 $10 Studeul's white -23 years experience stove, furnace, A/C & Vacc., talIoo. CKC a.m., ai the Agnecullural desk $25. Cal 878- '.Wilson Smith awuing, new tires. Lots reg'd. 878-2757. Hall, Milteu Fair- 1365. -30 875-6815 of esîras. Ready for the FOR SALE: Garden grounds, Robert St. road. Exc. coud. Must cultivator, wîll aîîacb t0 A large sale featuriug à5c&Z£,EJ./Ow5L.D twIv V7Z bc seen. $10,000.) 827- simall garîlen ractor antique & imodem fur- 3416. -26 Needs work. $1110. 854- nisbîngs te; Dînîng Affordiable ScreeflHouo i KITCHEN/ 9817. -30 tables, 4 chairs, dres- BATHROOM LEAKY BASEMENT sers, sîdeboards, bcds, REMODELLING REPAIR living roomn fumîlure et European craftsm.ifl osîside or insîde aI., Royal Crowu Der- shp. 311 years experi- Epoxy injection. Deck, by. Shelley, Nippon, ence. Custom cabinets retaining walls. Al Doulton china, depres- & counler top. Cal) Bill work guarantecd. sion & crystal glass, (905) 854-0873 519-856-4837 antque lighing, primi- GIOR ITOW 'S C MPUTRS! tivs, liuens andl much " QUALITY NEW & USED COMPUTERS opportunity for you home or cottage. Dcliv- * IN HOME SERVICE ery available. Ternis: Have a BUG FREE Summer " UPGRADES Cas. eheorqute g Many sizes & shapes (o fit on your deck 55 SINCLAIR AVE., UNIT 17 sale or consignimeuî Demo kils available at reduced pricing (905) 702-8887- Dave or Vicki info, fax or phone ion 905-825-0847 FOR SAE:t 2fI Mlý.ey, AUCTION- WWW.SCREEN-HOUSE.COM SUPER FRSL:1 t EER , (905) 878-2647. ________________ SAVINGS! Grumnan alumînuin car-FO SAE 195 OR AL.Bak C H Want a great retur ou top boat. 4 h.p.FO SAE 195 OR AL: Bck C H au original invesiment? Evinrude mnotor, bolh Pontîac STE. needs pull-oui sofa bed, dou- FOR COINS Caîl Fields. Sofas from new witb factory war work to gel il up & run- hIe wilh waterfalls cush- Buying coins, gold & $598. Sofabeds froîn ranty. Will spoit. $1 300 uîng. $300) OBO. Cal ion. Pd. $1,000, self for silver. Belleck, jew- $447. Chairs from OBO. 332-6002. -30 876-1058. -30 $300. 878-44.66. -30 ellery. stamps, post- $196. Up to 50% Off FROM OUR FOR SALE: 9-drawer NEED HOUSE cards, paper money. myderarfarics. FARM PRESENTS dress er wiib mirror, CLEANED? Trafalgar Coin Sa eior disouns. Ki' Gure armoire, 2 night tables. Reasonable fee. Honest Exehange, 134 Lake- 1Fields Quality Custom Cookîug Camp July 13- kng size futon & frame. & efficient. Dus'îg hr d.Ws na Upholtery 632-9090, 17, For info or 10 regis- 2 wall uomis, AB roIler. floors, bathrooms. CalI McDonald's), Oakville, 9-9 dailv ter caîl 878-9189 878-3879. -30 878-0778 Tel. 842-264-3 9qinow i ............... ili ý 1 1-1 -,

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