L487 Laurier Ave. 878-2881 Vol. 7, No. 20, Friday, Juno 26, 1998 348 Bronte St., Unit 8, Milton, 19T 3N6 (dC-IOOPTICAL)"lMl fllMa -s129 INCLUDES FRAME SINGLE VISION LENSES SCRATCH COAT 1 YEAR FRAME b WARRANIY 15 Martin St. Carrnage Square Milton 876-0556 LOST: Gray cat wth whte patches. Guelph LinI & 3rd Sderoad aea. 854-2910. LOST: On Jute 2nd, 2 little childs toy dolîhouse, furnîture & doîl on bench betide Music Shop. 878- 1450. FOUND: In the back of my truck. A girls BMX bke. Call Jesica at 878-0101. FREE: To good home. Bichon Fnise cross, femnale, 5 yeams old, Al shots. Friendly, energetîc, goodli witb kids. 854-3215. 878-8855 Fax 878-6389 FREE: Brunswick billiard table, 7x12 late. Must take away. Needsasaaembly. Some accessories. Cal Mlton Community Resource Centre, 876- 1244, ext. 10. FREE: Firewood. You cut down & take away. 519-853-0967, cali after 5 p.m. FREE: Té good borne, 6 month od maie ktten. 876-0216. FREE: l-yr.-old bed chesterfield & small loveseat. 878-4044. ~gGEORGOWN SalesLasn Parts'eh Srvice 203 Guelph St., Georgetown (905> 873-1818 FOR SALE: 1984 Ford Ranger pckup. Certi-fied 6 mos. ago. $800. 875-0535. FREE: To good home, Balinese & Oriental kit- tens, M/F. Alto Oriental maie, 1 year, and 2 year old Balinese femnale. 519-8534254. FOR SALE: WaiI trade above ground pool for 5 yards of topsoîl delvered. 878-7736. FOR SALE: 12 f. x 7 ft. wood panel garage door with opener in good shape. 854-1733 eveninga. - - ý mm ç fflur *9 d m 1% %,L Pst % DKENNT'S FAMOUS DELI BREAKFAST SPECIAL HOME FM, 0011ti SOffer Expires JuIv 7/98 295 AI T.E. MLON 87-85 1 1 Not v w!lerthe * Not v.sldWe " i One coupon pet cutomer i Valid t Milto>n location only Ofer expires juIy 3/M8 KJ~. ~--------I Not v.shd wth other one co)uponpt Valid .t Mstonoci> nl Offer Expsres July 3/8 t5Sý £ R------------,i 500LUIER AVE e i N LUi'1 Rd. un E wil qui "q ejezWoo M m- ýzw WA&.V." 7"4 aet m