Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 1998, p. 24

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RE i 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Ju - I..àw4 Surelink, a member Company of the Tibbett & Britten Group Canada nc. is one of the world's eading specialists in warehousing and transportation. We currently have positions avaiabie at aur Milton Dspatch location for: AZ Drivers (Part -Time) Job Requlrements "Have avalicdAZ Licence. "Have aclean abstract. " Be available to work up to a ful work week. "The rate of pay is a combination of $15.89/hour and $0.3958/miIe. "Good knowledge of Ontario and the grocery industry is an asset.. If interested, please forward your resumne to: Fumen Resources Department, Surellnk, 3185 American Drive, Mssssauga, Ontario, 14V 1 BS SURE ,II>JNK No phone calis or Agencte Leas NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Assistant for special 21 year old young man with developmental delay. To help with work and leisure related activities. Tasks will include setting up a sched- ule for jobs at work place. 1-5 pin Mon-Fni. Ideal for student Iooking for summer employment. Related educa- tion or exp. and own transportation is preferred. Winston Churchill BIvd. and Steeles Ave. 905-455-8530. lim Horton's requires Counter Help and Muffin Baker. Apply in person to: 8501 Hwy 25 N or 575 Ontario St., Mifton LOCAL BUSINESS REGUIRES IIELP FULL TIME, HOURLY WAGE VEHICLE INSPECTOR Must have the following: eValid driver's license *Read & write fluent English Minimum Grade 12 Education 1Good work ethic Cali 875-2815 9amn - 5 Pm Ask for Rick Banks No Tuesday caîls ALL Aroursd Maintaace Parsos, strang welding capobilltiea andi geserai mantance tnowladga. Wages dapan nsi s apari- a=e. 3 days/waato ta t. Apply ta: Fhlbum Procor, 15551 Steelas Ave., Honby, Ont. LOP 1 EO ARE you an anargatitepar- sas wanting la watt sn a f ast pocasi anvronmant. Wa Ara cijrrenrly accapitg applcatinssfor FuI/Pari Te Store Civrts, FRd/Pari lMmaSiotr Ordar Coats ansi FulIPart ttaa Wal- rasslWatar/Casliier. Apply in perSnta Fdtis Wisal Tset Stop, 40 Chiseioia Driv, Mioa, Ont. BODY Sisal)Positions. U- cessasi body Rapair pensas & axperiearcasiProP- por.Asa office assistant. mst be familir mitis bodY sisop asiminig & ports or- darin. Dua la aur aspan- Sims vianeed tlie aboya people. asparitnca re- quirasi. Please contact Bace Lamptin Uptavin Collisias, Georgetown. (905) 873-1607. -.a 1 lune 3.199 IF you have sing ansisaes experince, tisasyou coutlia eREUUABLE easporiascsiMM ths pesan we're ineg for, Bahir Saddiery in Homby, as provider. Indoor/oitdoor W Aprmnsmanom iooting for an ontissiasic, hard waildng, sali starter for a play Ciubhausa, swings, 1091 Ranger xL, rmd, 5 speasi.air, paip.b., cassette, lisar, bungAalowt3mesta, main chenbath an largenta sio iselsssdve 7000taBe$l00 excel.leri b ngalow. 3 b i igaesinMlin tull imesalies position. Pisas pick up application, arge piayroomanY coe. 7,0 1,00.88231 0romectn iao lvgars nMlo. 878-8885. aras. Receipis. 878-6506. AUTO INSURANCE. Bos rates for moat drivers icuding garden, use, sutgrfesi- $385./aastis 1-905-629- ~.higiser lossCaliiWarren, 519-853-4284.aipoupe, esstion78 . ________________________________ 50*% .of utildies Ose bed Wild flp %i-A el nitnntrom basement, bnght ex- ' ~ GORRUD'Scallins shape, irepiace, air, 20 AZ DRIVERS l~BT ~arge lvng om arsdar led- SEMI RETIRED. Tctnicai roora, $700i/month indlu- IRU BD IIIRDAT L H a n d s - o ,an sive. Laufldry opitinai. bath OFFICE SPACE for rant, zMirhinsa1iraJ IMMEDIAarL avaiable Juiy ls. No pois, %052 Steios Ave, w Cati $40HORSTARTING RATE!!! Mlimgnal hopEC. PrtSALES & LEASING hrst/tw required for bath. 905-272-0648 Seasonal growth beyond exptctations. We Brian 519-856-4857.__NEW________Cali JohnPRI878-O6F5CE have severat fuît timne positions avaitabte. 410 STEELES AVE. IWO bodroomri partmelt. beauitfuliy aippointed Hwy. A FAMILY BUSINESS divan, indludes ait uiCes. 25 & 401. 905-819-8035 or Work weekdays, weekends, nights, local aiWITH- FAMILY VALUES $900/moniis. Cali 702- 1-905-277-9347. Ont., or short haut US. Experience is NEEO HELP? For expert WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE 879 required, somne positions wvilt involve tutorng cati Donna t 878- LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON e358. Ait subioci aroas, 8527 ILG ACag handbombing. grde75tas,227pe7i Please apply in persan only, ta: ies are languago ats ndbodroars, condo, open con- UIE DRVRSRIE N. organization. Tait with you caps, magnilicent raaw ai UNTDDIVRSRICSIC Son je l:ONE BEDROOM, iceiy oscarpmosit. Hoasiser 875- 280 BELFIELD RD. #23 RICHARDSON decoraieri, incl auna'- o55s. ETOBICOKE, ONTARIO CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE drys A/C. ultiehs, no pets. Avaiabe August 1lst, aller 6 416-675-2141 To lems or purchase pam. 693-0216, dsytimo your car or truc 637-8777, Conrad. PERMLANENT PLACEMENT ALSO ABUSED and airaisi? For Hwy 25 S. t Derry Rd. AVAIABL AT O CST T YO!!! hoip cati 878-8655, a 24 AVALALE T O OSTTOYOU!! isur criis fine for slxused 7 -2 9 viomen. Haton Woaons Place is an emorgoncy v i n soeater avaiiabie for abaaed women and tirir ciiddren REOIJIRED: Fis for Matomity Leavo, 2 days per weat Îin Halton Region ait catis ILawi Office - Gonorsi Duiea. Phono 905-876-1179. arcnidsi. 1AOC ïuu 1 Mruasrs TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS Requires CUSTOMER SERVICEI TELEMARKETING Full timne position available for an experienced person with excellent interpersonal skils, ability to learn quickly, good typing and somne corn- ter experience an asset. Please ax resumne: Attention: Joan Gilmour Fax: (905) 875-2910 HENDERVALE EQUESTRIAN COMPLEX REQUIRES AN EECU&3TMVESECRE-TAR-Y Buit in 1995 to develop a venue to promote and develop the horse industry in Ontario. We hold Intenational jumping competitions as wetl as other shows. The Experienced and tully qualiied person wilt have the complete responsibility of the organizing and running of the office. Must be completety computer iterate and have at least 5 years office managerial experience with impeccable reterences. It is preterred, but flot required, that the successful candidate has had some experience in equine areas and/or in sponsorship fund raising. This position is varied, interesting and definitely unique. Applicants must be dedicated and flexible. Please fax resume to: Janet Manbert Hendervale Equestrian Comptex, 5244 #1 Sideroad, RR #6, Milton, ON L9T 2Y1 Fax: 905-827-6333 Pieuse nclude refereasces. MACINE Oparatora naad- ad for shif wort in Mon. Some isaavy lifting raquirad. Cati 905-878- 4952 or fax rsasse ta 9055- NO Fao. 3-Wat Course avaiiable ta haip you pan your ca- l 875-3701. rear. «Caraer Explorsiton si sponsorad by Humas Re-1 NEEDED Lisa douta Prap sources Devlapmass Canada. il yau ara unemployad cafl c~la& Dtmd -FuIGraca t (905) 333-3499. Hitta Aduh Educaiou Centra. & port Uime. Apply In pomson ta Wslszlsg Weasel, 270 OROCERY STORE MANAGER Main Sret, Mdon. . for Halton Region. Seeking ATENIN energotic hands-on Manager. Rtceîve $50. n Pleaso fax your resume to: products fW E905-632-6277 whf n you join AVON now! 011r expires June 27/98 Co ebe CAREGIVER raquirad lor 2 NEW AGENCY, Caring (905) 8259120 iidras, sgas 4 & 7, St. Rlaces. Soots Provideas for - Petrs Sehoal ares. Nos- icassed privale/ora amatar. 878-1598. - ctidcara programa. 876- LOV1NG, stayat-home, 154 Motisr-Ta-Ba. avaiivblo la RAINBOW VILLAGE DAY- ACHfILLES Mazda raqiras iot attar infants & youMi CARE offeing qusiity pro- immaasataty now anduse chidras as aur home. RaMi- grama for ciildran 18 vaisel Sals Raprseita- abe, carisg, raspansibe & mortha ta, 5 yeaas. Crafis. tva, licarso raquirad.Ben- flexible. Cati 876-2886 & music & fiold trips. 878- alta andi remuseraios ivava massage. 7552. pian. Pleasa raply519-853- E>C Fb , 0200. o --c r4 - 30 1200. I 0 7. O-236 by someonoeiaoses drint- ing? Anas Famiiy Group meeta eacis Monday nigiss 8 pm. t St. Paul's United Church, bact door paitdng lot entranca.) 1-800-891- 4862. PREGNANT? Deiionis ta maka' Cati us sera hora ta ston. 876-1245. PROFESSIONAL Couple seeting very quiet, pivale accommodation is Milon ares. Raquirad for Sept. 155t 1-519-886-2092. 3 BEDROOM Towrhouso 2 baliros, binalsd base- mants, sera carpais. paint, 3 appliances. garage, use ai pool + rec centre. lot & ast, no pts. 876-0071. SHORT Tans rentai. 3 bod- roa Taaniouse. Brasse Rd. ares. Avaiabie immedi- ateiy. $lOOOJaaonth. Feerences. Caii Eules Boer. 878-8101. Rayai LePage. BRIGHT, ciea, trashiy pointad 1,- 2 & 3 bedraomr apartmosts tran $495iraonts. Weil main- taisad Builingtos highlrise. 333-9846, nous - 8 p. LARGE 2 badroora spart- ment. Privato astrasca. Appliancea isdludad, plus iaundry lacililias. $g2Oimontis plus utiitias. Avaiable Aug. 1stJ98. 13 Chadas St., 332-0614, Patriciasiar5 pa. LARGE Basemaent spart- ment. Rrapiaca A.C.andi ubltiaes indluded. Frat/ast required. Referancas. Na pets. $650. 875-4475. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedrouas avait- skia ou bus routa, f reshly decoratad, 2 appliascas, os-site iaihidry, isckles ait ulti 80 (eacapt pros & cabla.) Frae parking, opots. Rafarascas raqulrad. 905-876-1249 By appaistaast asiy ONE badroornasporimesi Four appliincas. Frasir point. Ctas Raferascas raquirad. $700. inclusive. 878-5586 MagnhrKUriL imiUI ri ai Fitness Centre - Utiities & Parking Included 4, Fantastic Location! Tro VW CML (go)>63458 Please present this adi ai ime of view- ing. Soin. restrictions apply. BURLNGTNfIU TrOWERS Mm A PA R TME N TS 2 & 3 Bedrooms Also Available ONTAI SRETA M,£ E Metroland Printing, Publishing asd Distributing in Milton has an immediate opening for a Full Time Distribution Service Representative. T'his is an entry tevel position with many career opportuni- ties. The successful candidate must strive to work in a fast paced environment and have a natural sense of urgency. YOU musi: - have polished telephone skilts - work well with children - have excellent communication and organizational sklls - have a working knowledge of PC based computer systema - be able to work flexible hours (weekends and morsinga) - have a reiabte vehicle Send resume attention: Distribution Manager Milton Canadian Champion 191 Main St E Milton L9T 4P4 t is with great pleasure that Milton Chrysler announces the return of Geoff Bower to our sales Management Team. Geoff will hold the .position of New Vehicle Sales Manager. Geoff would like to invite ail of his customers to drop in to chat and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee. Geof says, "Ilm ready to make a deal on any one of our fine Chrysler products, hope to see you ail soon."1 878:8877 S..4w E p ............ 1

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