The Canadien Champion, Fuiday, June 19, 199"-1 The Origins 0f Father's Day The Woizi Weasel Brunch Special (2 con dine) * Our 270 Main St. E., Milton 878-8366 1910, in Spokane, Washington. At about the same time in various towns and cities across America, other people were beginning to celebrate a "Father's Day." In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. In Canada as well, Father's Day has become a day to not only honour your father, but aIl men who act as a father figure. Roses are the Father's Day flowers: red to be worn for a living father and white if the father is dead. Mrs. John B. Dodd of Washington first proposed the idea of a "Father's Day" in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honour her father, William Smart. William Smart, a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife died in childbirth with their sixth child. He brought up aIl six children on his own, and it wasn't until Mrs. Dodd was an adult that she realized the many sacrifices he had made in bringing up his family alone. The first Father's Day was observed on June 19, elhiTA&.. EATEiyV Pstt... Plonnuel aything for Dii jet? FATRIIIr' DAY! Su.âay Jume 2t1ut T'his par intoia of gotting Di nothor fie, show him h's thoe. Boit with the Bot! Breakfast, Lunch & ~ Dinner Specials Just for Dad! p-rizes & Surprizes. Dad doesn't have to miss the game, Catch ail the games on our Big Screen. Cali and Reserve Soon 55 Ontario St. N., Milton. 878-6697 shomoom 925 Maip St E