30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 19,1998 ýCASSCýNS C CLASSICS Give Dad the Çf fitfa t Las ts a Life time CUSTOIIZE YouR G uIl Gt0tfçite From Mugs, cetxecTo Murojl GGSS Cryst0jt ec rez'e 1 - % o// anycustom.fraining frorn lune i15h unW iu' 'O0th, I ý_9 Cassons Classies Iho.- 348 Bronte Street S Unit 14, Milton, Ontaro* L9T536 Phone (905) 878-4087 Fax (905) 878-1746 e-mail: çassoflaw@globa Ise rve.net v.www haltonhills.com/cassofl Driving Range Large -$7.00O eSmall -$5.00 6621 3rd LUne (south of Derry) 693»0303 'Oie Faithful' Neyer Looked So Good One cf the mosi popuiar and mosi appreciated gifts f0 Dad on Fathers Day is the promise f0 wash the famiiy car. Here are some tips on how f0 gef fthe besf resuts for your efforts and a happy smile f rom Dad. The key f0 proper car washing is geffing the surface dlean without drying if ouf or scrafching the dirt info the finish. High-pressure washing removes the dirt but aiso causes the dirt particies f0 teave a scratch behind as they are biasted off. if is best f0 use a garden hose wifh a nozzie thaf refeases a gentie spray instead of a jet stream. If is important fo consider what type of soivent you are using for the wash. Pefroieumn or spirit- based soivents can iteraiiy strip the paint f rom the car. The same hoids true for househoid cieaners and detergents wifh ammonia bases. These wiii give the surface a chaiky, dried-out look. if is best f0 use a cieanser specificaiiy designed for washing cars. or larger bucket with water (warmn or coid, flot hot). Wash cars in ight shade because brighf Sun caus- es the water to damage the paint. Neyer wipe a dirty car with a chamois or napiess towei. Try using a towei with a deep nap to wash, dry and buf the car. Brushes and sponges can trap diri and scratch the finish. The best strategy iSf0 do it one section af a time. If you do if ail ai once, soap wilI dry on the finish. This wiii f rap the diri bef ore you can wash if off. Start by soaking the areafto be washed wifh the hose. Nexf wash the section wifh a soapy wef fowei. Rinse the fowei often. Using a Iap9 circutar motion wiii heip minimize scratching. Use your hose f0 ninse off the soapy water and move on f0 the next section. After cieaning ait sections, genty spray the whoie car. Use a ciean towei f0 dry the car, wringing if ouf as if gets wet. Are Having a N. ' Father's Daýj Brunch lOam until 2pm Aduits....... $1099 (att you can cat) Seniors .......$999 10 and under 4 children...... $499 "lKids under 5 eat IFREE!" Reservations Avallaibe Located atMTe Derry Conter HWy 25 and Drry (905) 871 6-1186 m m