The Canadiaen Champion, Fridey, June 19, 1998-29 AIR C *N ITI SN M.A.R.C.H. *Water uasse Syseca * Ges Propane and : rrHeat Pueps - Air. Ground Eloctrc Fucaces &Water Sources -Hîgh Effcency Air Fiters *Central & Roorn Air & Humiditiers 881.13785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Sèrvice) 875-2700 (Sales) c.m*ml Alla c.dklni.g Naturel cas & Propane Sales and Service 13BQ PARTS Gas Propane & Electric Furnace Ail cakes and codels LE XTERRY ROWLEYma a TERRY ROWLEY MN-O.Mechanil h Ic. Mechanical Imc. VaO ur Showroom t 0 0 f7 1vs" aurShowromai' 8 -1971 52 Man St. EUnit ii3 88-1979 925 Main St E7Unit 03 87 -7 DELREX ALUMINUM LIMITED *Alumnuc Awnings -Canopies .Eavestroughs -Storc Doors -Roofing -Windows *Siding -Fascia Soffit in Living Colours Aso a fullne of repacement windows 877-5383 MASTER GLOSS LTD. 'iny & Aluminum Royale>nC r Deae Sîdyng & Windows 5" Soamless Gutters ERROL MACPHEE 32 Years expenience-5 3 Ë (905) 878-53 e hmnyRes Tuk i nimn g r ü CmbîlsTukontg Caps a Liners e Smalf Roof Repairs *Turbine Vents a Basement Leaks Chimney Sweep (95) 877-4217iEL W)18476 ~»Q~t3~ We Solve Basement Problems Permuneflhly From inside or outside Lifetime Guarantee Transferable FREE ESTIMATES KENED HME . OEMNT CONTRACTORS r.m. contracting M. HOME & OFFICE Additions - Tiles g 'td. BONDED - Bathrooms - Rec Rooms LIE T Po t i(ýENCE 1 - Decks - Garage C E RF, FERENCES 878-8625 HOME IMPROVEMENT M.A.R.C.H. K*A*L HOME IMPROVEMENTS MECHANSCAL LTD. Central Air Decks Furnaces PRSFRBBQs Fonces Freplacos PAhrs-DyesR s-F rezr Gas Linos Inspocted and Repeîred -asher .Oeros - Rengas Feers KEITH HADLOW 785 Main Street Eat 878-1138 875-1699 Mltoti Acrosa froc the GO Station FE aro ooxd eeco - thodr SALES & LEASING t « NEW & USED C 410 STEELES AVE.E A FAMIILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES v WE -BUY -SELL -LEASE t LARGEST SELECTION OF LUSED VEHICLES IN MILTON 87.5-2277 ] Make i RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To leass or purchase your car or tuck Hwy 25$.al Derry Rd. 878-2393 GEORGETOWN TOYOTA *New & Usod Car Sales *New & Usod Car Leasing *Parts & Service *Open Saturdays 15 EoifGETOW Latual aider th# nier fe»Or date spots: foe a Fal o it e Dadtoner ie cPReeitaboe flot ceh fe bn pue i nc aeetsoppotoni ZlIeacef-tcaaae mngeve t oinac utt apCOlOdeeirn ,ad ave aàmi itaene licy. Fea Mail, h aon pliedtnteli skdtil wor wea it ci i iiee « bave exS cilliit c &fotts rgntb i zatidel i i siii iilis hpe& àniaaOdSttaCdgeofPC baad -eriitisnia ble aMi e cet flexaldehorewS"NdceiOtdi san h ave a mliade nelicin ksi rmatiianO*eDiiiibalioifMager MiliCton ai l3atWiv 191 matn St E W M" sL9T 4P4 MYaI HENDERVALE EQUESTRIAN COMPLEX REQUIRES AN EXECUTIVE SECR-ETAJRY Built in 1995 to develop a venue to prom- cite and devefop the horse industry in On- tario. We hold International jumping competitions as well as other shows. The Experienced and fully qualefted person will have the complete responsibtltty of the organizing and running of the office. Must be completely computer literate and have ut least 5 years office managerial experience with impeccable* references. It iv preferred, but not requîred, thut the cuccesaful candidate has had some ex- perience in equine areas and/or in spon- sorship fund raising. This position is varied, interesting and definitely unique. Applicants must be dedicated and flexi- ble. Pleuve fax resume to: Janet Manbert Hendervale Equestrian Complex, 5244 #1 Sideroad, RR #16, Milton, Ontario, L9T 2Y1 Fax: 905-827-6333 Please include referenoces. HORSE LOVERS Rare ATTRACTIVE one bed- spportunity. 2500 sq. If. 3 roue basootent apattent, bedroura, 2.5 baths, lire- centraily locaied. Fridge, place, renuvaied fara stuve, wurkeng pecson only. huse wiuh horse bacn, Reforonces. 878-6069 - paddock and fantastic vewe 878-8965. of escatprnont. lecredafe BASEMENT BACHEO possession. (905)624-6710~ Apaicoint in private home. or (905) 609-0030. Fireplace, garage andi utili- MUMUM MOMM fies indluding suitable for single poraun. Firsi/last requiresi plus rofoerences, $700. Avaifablo imeediate- ly. 875-2949. 3 BEDROOtI ToWnhoU5O 2 BRIGHT dlean, f reslrly bathrofcflis eed base- painted, 1, 2 & 3 bedroura cents, n- canpats, Peint, apartents froc 3 appliances. garage, use $495/eonth. wel eain- xf pool + roc centre. 151 & anesi. Buttingso higliSse. 1st, no e ts.876-0071. 339-9846, nuon,-8 pc.n LARGE 2 bedrooue or 2nd floor, close to downtown. $750. lus utilities. AalbeJuly lt. Caîl a Dotale. 875-0201. (nu cails until June 22, ploase) Magnificenf Indoor Pool & Fifness Centre - Ufilifies & Parking Included * Fantastlc Location! TO viEw cALL (905) 639-8583 Piease pcesent Ihis ad ttihme of vîew- ing. Some restrictions apply j LADCPN C.C. LANDSCAPING eLawn e Garden Care e Household Maintenance 4'ASK FOR CHRIS or GEORGE .g'(9O5) 876-8782 Bloîck Feundations *Chimney Repair *Retaining Walls *Fireplaces G eocrai Masonry Work FREE Cali Steve McDougaîl ESTIMATES 878-4196 Davldson Woodworking and Renovations Renovations of ail kmnds Fmîisbed Woodwork Refnsbing Cail Mark for estimates <905) 693-0438 SEPT1C TANK IPUMPINO Robert Noble Led. u.OcfI . 0 is o rslgeas 3radio dispafched trucks f0 serve you. Dm, a't Mîfr PMW bom f. e l 0afii (Shouldd pamp ai leasi every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double piy toilai paper. (5191 853-0500 Acion Anawerlng Service 8786869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCEI ___ ROON for rent, use of ONE BEDROOM, nceîy kitchen, laundry, dining SMALL PRIVATE OFFICE, decraedinluingfan-roue, country noar Acton beautifully appuinted Hwy derA/C, uiffluienu pois. Gardon. $50iweOkty. 853- 25 & 401. 905-819-8035 or Available Augusi 1lst, alter 6 1-527937 pam. 693-0216, dsytice 637-8777, Conrad. PRIVATE, Bedroum with sitaresi kchon, bath nd TOWNI4OUSE for sale by living areas in Milon. UI o Rn.32Brune Cner Deirable Steelos & $3 5 im onth 1-905-62 - S t ., Sout h U nit 18, M ilon, O n a rio St. location . Pully 7486. Ont. 878-2138. upgraded. $137.000 878- - VILLAGE PARC large 2 S besrsua. cundo, open con- LARGE lurnîshed roue cept, magnilicent vioc of aith ridge, stove & sînk, OFFIE SPACE lo r test e capmn5 He thr57. $75 & $85 weekly Gente- 50-52 Steeles Ave, W.Cali 55 con prof erred. 878-0225. 905-272-0648. TWO Aparimets, main frbugia 3 bed- MILLSIDE TOWER - 82 rous, excellentl shape, MILLSIDE DR., MLTON garde use, sud pofession- N0W LEASING ai couple, $50.monih plus i&2 Berouens ailatite 5%auilites. One bed- 1on bas route, baosly dc- ruabasement, bright, rated, 2 appianses. onste s0Mlln hape, fireplace, Free partong, ns pais. bedruoni, $700/montft Referancas equrad. inclusve. Laundry opiional, 905-e-1249 bath avalable Joly lot. No By apont-ent ordy pois, firailasi required for both. Cati Jolhs 878-6859. TI4REE Bedroom. Auguat 1sft. 1 2 bath, 2 sturey, vauted celing, centrai focs- don. Nu apphiances Access u via stars. $950J plus uii- BEDROOM, quiet home. des, Cai 905-875-248. Share Idicton, laundry TWO bedroin aparient. route, living areas. Cloan, indludes ait utifies. Steeies/Fifih Lina (noar $900/mont h. Cali 702- Cashway Dist. Conte) 876- 8709. 23 [PLEA5E gECYCLE TH5 NEW5PAPER 1 BARBECUES 1 1 CHIMNEYS li---