lb aaia hm iFday, June 19, 1998 -25 Coach says humble pie may be good for midgets Milton's minor midget basebaîl team 1 broke new ground Tuesday night - butc not the kind they bad in mnd. C~oachi Pirl lerit (11 ItI. it' ci . 'e gamne ejection in the /ourtb inning. An hour later - with their skipper wait- ing in the parking lot - the Red Sox had squandered a five-run lead to Waterdown r and lost for the first time this season. The 9-7 defeat camc witbout the ser- vices of a handful of players, including leftbanded pitcher Jeff McLeod and short- stop Jordan Jeans.1 I take full responsibility for the loss," said Perron, whose tearu remains atop tbe Central Ontario Basebaîl Association (COBA) standings witb a 6-1 record. "The ejection came while Waterdown was intentionally walking one of our guys. Bantams turn on the power What a t me to get bot. The Mlton major bantam basebaîl team badn't had a home run througb the first tbree weeks of the season but over a tbree- day stretcb recently tbey managed to launcb four - plus a rash of extra-base hits to boot. Their power surge guided theru to five straigbt wins and the cbampionsbip title as tbe Owen Sound Tournament. A/ler falling beind early on in tbe finals tbey explodcd witb 13 ions in the last four innings to pummel Kincardine 17-5. Leading tbe slugfest witb long halls were Evan Jeans and T.J. Monagban, wbo crusbed a tape measure 350-footer. Paul Duff, Ricb Gostlin and Michael Volpe combined for an effective pitcbing campaign wbile the entire team played great defensively. AIl three facets of their game were gelling in the semniinals as well wben tbey blanked Georgina 14-0. Ryan Harper and Jeff Sebouten showed strongly on the mound while Zack Cosby came up witb some impressive catches. Highlighting offensive efforts witb his first of two homers was Jeans with Sehouten, Mark Black and Chris Dumencu posting two extra-base its apiece. The Red Sox' toughest battle came in their toumnament opener againat Aurora. Stellar ptching by Kevîn Cooper plus a tbîrd-înnîng homer by Duf made the dif- ference in a 5-4 squeaker Jessica's an inspiration fromn JESSICA'S on page 23 the Anaheim Mighty Ducks are on the tube. Along the way Jessica' s been a constant inspiration to both able-bodied and physi- cally chatlenged children, througb ber role as a Tammy with the Easter Seals Society and the adorable smiles that come when- ever one shoots a glance ber way. "Jessica knows her limitations but at the same time doesn't feel any different from the other kids. That positive attitude has made things a lot essier on us," ber mother said. 'Meir catcher balked and some of the guys yelled out about it. "For wbatever reason the umpire tbougbt I had iîbpe'. led tb lit-s lciîttand eî' e fI te ei. ho." Milton came into the game witb only nine play- ers, due to bîgh shool exams and work commit- me.andi the' iection ofi thiir coach was the straw that broke the camel's back. Perrott gave full marks to Waterdown for bat- tling back but added that the game was one his irîîtîptswîuld surely bave woff andi wotn dcci sively - under ditterent circumstances. He haid, "Maybe in the long run it'll be good for the team, that they tasted some humble pie early in the season. Tbev were getting a littie comfortable with the Iead we had Tuesday." Among the bright spots on the night was a three- mun homer by Perrott' s heavy bitting son Nathan, bis loutrh long hall of the vear. Andi iarrett Konkie0 pitched weilItbrough the early stages of play. The Red Sox next home game is slated for Wednesday, July 1 at Maplehurst Park against Kitchener. 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