22-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 19,1998 M IROL Yri5 C Permanent Hir Removai for Men & Women WIif h Verif jable Steriizaion S*Facial *Bikirii *Back *Chest *Eyebrow * Arms *Legs * Underarms~~ LENNEA C. MORLEY C.E. Graduote of ECC F R EEConsultation by Appointment <905) 878- 1546 348Mlewood Cres. Milton HAPY FTH... DA June 29 JuIy 13 JuIy 27 August' Also Offorlng - July 10 1lst Session - July 20 2nd Session - Aug 7 3rd Session 10 - Auguat 21 4th Session Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross June 29 - July 10, 8pm - 9:30pm Life Saving 1,2,3 June 29 - July 30, lpm - Bpm __ Date: WedflMdy lune 24. 1998 Plac: Bishop Reding ScotslrY School L.esterHall 1600 Main Sureet Miltmonwmain Time: 6:30p.M. - 9:OOP.M. Presemation at 7:0Op.m. Dateline f ram DATELINE on page 14 Eh' V/ri 'it0'd Churcb boldiUd Straw lscrry Social lu o ii5 sWle 1-11 Tickets cost $650 for aduits and $2.501 or children aged 5 to Il years. Pre-scisool children are admitted free. For tickets, cal 854-2173 or (519) 824-377(0. Saturday June 20 Tise Canadian Mental Healtis Association of Halton isolds its second annual Children's Fishing Derby at Kelso Conservation Area. Registration begins ai 8:30 arn. and tise event minssirons 9 a.n. to 1 p.m. Ail participants are required to pay a $20 pledge/registration tee. Many prizes are awarded. For an informnation package, cal 693-4270. Sunday June 21 Boston Presbyterian Cisurch celebrates uts 178tis anniversary ai 1l arn. The guesi preaciser is Rev. Paul McLean, lèrrnerly a missionary in Taiwan. A ligisi lunch fol- lows. Everyone is welcome. Monday June 22 lt's Hot Meal Deal Day aitishe Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., ai 11:45 arn. Seniors are invited to enjoy a hot meal and socialize. Tise Children's Assessment and ai îuîciiufle ai CentralI Park Seniior.' Burlîngton at 6 p.ns. Tise ouest speaker is Fraser Mustard, wtio discusses 'A Pathway to Learning. Health and Well-Being Tisroughout Life: Readiness to Learo'. The public is welcome. To attend. caîl 634- 2347. Tuesday June 23 Help lfor Parents - a parent support troup - meets every Tuesday ai Pineiands Prcsbyteriail Ciurch. 5270) New Si.. in Burlington at 7:30 pin. With irained counisellors, tise non-denonsinational group iselps parents of cisildren who arei trou- bic at borne or school, or witis the law. Caîl 1-800-488-5666. Tise Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cisilds Dr., isolds its annual Strawberry Festival at 2 p.m. Strawberry sisortcake, teat and coffee are featured. Tickets, which cost $4, are available now. Boston Presbyterian cisurch isolds ils anniversary dinner [rom 5 10 7 pi. Dinner consists of bain, a variety of salads, strawberry shoricake and ice creain. The cosi is $10 lfor adulis and $6 for cisildren aged 6 to 12 years, or $25 per famnily. Kids 1aged under 5 years are admitted free. NOW Bob Fleming's AVlAL-dW ) G o1d lhy the Garnt, Satelite The Jewellery Store that makes house cails! Spcaeliteý Gold a Diam onds * e istones - 1 18 ThompsonflRd. ___ Fair___________ -_Free___________-____________________ Unt3, Mitonil- 876-1175 878-4572 ANNOUINCINO on July lst, 1998 jobi Scbulman M.D. vill move her practice to the MEADOWVVALE PROFESSIONAL CENTRE 6855 Meadosvv île Towns Centre Cîrcle Suite 206 Mississauga, Ontasrio L5N 2Y1 HWY 401 a \ trîtose \ cul AUTIEAVE Scierotiserapji I~I~/VA* Fainils Pr ictîce ISîuEcoL.Ž, 0*Counselling z ~Neuw Patients Welcomoe BA-UAOD ODPhone: EGLINTON AVENUEP. 0 HWY 403 HWV 403 (905) 828-0223 TUNE-UP AT MERV'S THIS SUMMER At MERV'S we carry premium quality Rotors, Antenna, Pre-Amps pour viewing! Vith v - Saelites! Dss EXPRESS VU (DIGITAL RECEPTION FOR MAXMUM VIE WIN PLEASIJRE) Authorfued Ddealsr PMASNIC, TECHINIS, TOSHIBAt I<IER'S mm878-7776 ELECTROICS CWS 575 0NTAR0 ST. S. Date: Thursday lune 25, 1998 Plac: Reional Administration Building cafeteria 1151 Bronte Raid Oakvll, Ontario Time: 6:30p.m. - 9:0Op.m. presentation at 7.OOp.m. A copy of PrOgreiReport NO. 1isl availbe upon reques. Pleas cal one of the nmtbers below to have the reor maied to you, or you uan pick a copy up ant fe Planning and Public Works Desk in fth Regional Adnminsrtion Centre, 115 1 Brom eRaid Oakville, Ontaro. Local Impaiies From: olurlingelMe 825-M03 639-4540 ext6030 Georgetown 878-813 ext 603 Sutitville 823-6720 eMt603 F«r us«sInmnatiOt on flet: Mr. Victor 1auici,Dirctor, Wuate MnagemeDi Servics lnnn i ubi ok DqautUUWExt.7689 Acton 853-0501 ent 6030 FREI L UntilJune 20th19 8UEIS I250OBRONT ST,s MILTN878-99747I TO AIL MAKES public Meeting Halton Solid Waste Management Strategy MWe Regional Municipality of Hilton is inviting ail ixmctd individuals and parties to attend the second in a series of publie Meetings te discuas the developmeit of a new Solid Waste Management Strategy for Hilton. Representatives from the Region will be on huM ta give a presentation and receive your comments and i nput. lie purpose of this public meeting will be to present Halton's Solid Waste Management Strategy Progresa Report No. 1 for public comment. Mre report summarizes the techinical work that bas been carried out te date which includes the information gathered from the firut public consultations andI worlcshop. As well, potential alternative waste management strategies have been developed fromn the information received a the public consultations and based on the direction obtained from the public revicw of these strategies, they will fthefr be developed to include costs andI timeframes for implememtation te be discusued at a second workshop to be held in Septemiber of 1998. 1 The Public Meeting will be held ai the following two locations: it'- Hot Nieai Deal DaNI ou Iic ii.' ut ai 1l1:45 arn. Seniors are invied te eus lOY a hot0 meal and socialiie. Halton Community L.egal Services holds ils annual g eneral meetinL, n tise communiv room of' tise Halton Regional Police station. 2 17 Guelphs St.. i n Georgetown ai 7 p.n. lTise kevutote speaker us I-lgis Tve. execuive director ol t(ise Hamilton Mouriain Legal and Coissisusis Services, and miemrber of the Association o' Comnsuniiy Legal Clinics ot' Ontario. Cail 875-2069. AIl are welcoine. Tbursday June 25 T'le senior citizens' Diners Club mneets ai a local eateiy lor lood and soeialiiig. The group mnecis lor a car pool ai tise Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Clsilds Dr., ai 5:30 pin., or ai the restaurant ai 6 pin. Caîl tise centre ai 875-1681 tor the Junie locatioVn. Tise United Way of Milton holds uts annual general meeting in the Corninuniiy Rooîn of tise Halton Regional Police sta- tion, 490 Childs Dr., ai 7:30 pin. Elections îare iseld. Voting privileges extend to any- one wiso donated $5 or more in 1997. To attend, caîl 875-2550. 1 -.à