W-i W L-z-5 1 7 DESA NTEX L i Services Dd EXPRESS COURIER (90-5) 691-4688 Rush, SâmeDayorOvemight Hialton Reglonal Police officers worm among those called to theu scene Wednesday aftemoon when a CP train atruck a cranelrallway te remnover ln rural CampbelMvlle. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE CP probe to corne from TRAIN on page 1 CP's emergency response team and the Haiton Regional Hazardous Spilis Unit - along with members of the Ontario Transportation Safety Board - took over the cleanup early Wednesday evening and were stili wrapping up their efforts yester- day momning. Although one train car carrying danger- ous chemicals -including organic perox- ides and flammable iquids - was jarred as a resuit of the collision, CP's safety team conducted an extensive inspection and deemed the area danger free. The accident blocked the downtown Campbellville rail crossing for three hours until an auxiliary train arrived from London to remove the damaged one. Detective Sergeant iackie Gordon of the Halton Regional Police cunfirmed that no charges were laid as a resuit of thse acci- dent and no further investigation will be conducted - besdes that of CP. Said CP public relations manager Paul Thurstofl, "Certainly there will be an ini- depth investigation of thse incident, but it's going to take some time." PEASCWAUZED ONT MANAGEMENTl ~ 9avtaeedWei ht Loss of 2 Ibs. a we SNutritionally Balonced Food Programs Sonemon On. Counselling SSafe and Effective for ail ages For a free consultation call: -5 Otr-It.S Kids' book club The Milton Public Library is set to start its summer read- ing club for chi ldren. From July 2 to August 27, participants will collect points for every book they read. Awards will be presented at the end of the summer. Each reader earning 40 points or more will be eligible for a grand prize. The reading club will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. and Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 ar. to noon. More information is available at the library. - naumll nilwý-