FOR SALE: 1995 Ford FOR SALE: 1987 Windstar. fuly loaded. Grand Marquis, power 71,000 km. Very dlean. everything, great shape, $13.600 OBO. 842- safetied $2.150. 338- 4395. -23 3398. 23 U* Vdo, e listà- Srvce Rieoé d 8multi winws computers, On-Sft* $eM,*o Z ~875-3428 HORSEBACK FOR SALE- 1988 Ford RIDING Aerostar XLT, 7 paîsen- SUMMER CAMP ger, ilver. dark bine. The Ranch in offring 3 Everything power. Very weeks of sutssnser camp good cond. $3.000. 876- ai our new location. 0597. -23 2381 Burnhamthorpe KEEP Rd., W. OakviIle, JuIy SAKE 6- 10, iuIy 20-24 & Meaning of frst naine, Aug. 10- 14. its for origin of naine, root ages 8- 14 and i's tons naine, personaiity, etc. of fun! For more info (905) 828-7703, ART CAMP FOR KIDS Wiih aitist Alycta Uccello. Students explore drawing, paint- ing, sculpture & crafis. Starts iuiy 6 to Aug. 28. For infortmation & registration eau (905) 854-0511 FOR SALE: Cast iron free-sianding firepiace, suitable for cottage $100. 4-1/2 h.p. 20 gai. Caisphel - H ays fiel d cotsspressor, portable, complete with hoses & atiachinents, used once, stil with warranty. $470) fiisi. 338-0803. -23 BABYSITTER FOR SUMMER REQUIRED For approx. 2 days per week. 3 girls. Must be 13 years or older. E.W. Poster area. Cal FOR SALE: Antitque oak crank diîsîng table & 4 chairs. CAl) 812- 0093. -23 TRUCK TOTHEDUMP Garbage, rubbish reisovai. No job toc, stoali. Also stoali densolition. 876-3112. FOR SALE: Buili in oven $150. Bud-mn dishwasher $150. Jennair cook top siove $125. Air Kng stand-up fan $135. Ind. floor pol- isher $150. Cail 875- 1030. -19 FOR SALE: Prego Princess 270 batiery powered tootorcycle, grl s,$250. 16" side- walk bike, pitsk & pur- pie $50. i0xi8' vinyl swiîssming pool/cssver $50. Wantcd: Area for riding dirt btke. Phone 7, FRI.108, SAT.96, SUN. 1I5 M auî'KI t' 'i I TREE FOR SALE: 1993 CAKES FOR FOR SALE: Door, FOR SALE: Waterski SERVICE Safari extended van. ALL OCCASIONS 36x83, soi id cedar, boot, Jobe Highwrap. Halton-Peel $9.500. 875-1607. -23 Professionally deco- skeieton lock. Fumace ladys sinail. used once Contractors. Large & PAUL rated for birthdays, fan, G.E. 1/2 hp., 8 $50. 878-5429. -23 smnail removals. THE HANDYMAN showers, anniver- amp. Replaced by heat FOR SALE: Water Deadwood & pruning. Garbage removal. suries, weddings start- putnp. 2 humer softener $250, good Hedge removals FulY Renovations. ing at 2-tier $90. Free Coleman naptha camp working order. 876- tnsured. Cali John Neil Indoo/outdoor work. deliveM. 849-6383 stove. 876-2837. -23 1530. -23 (905) 257-5952. Demoi .titons. 878-2413. FOR SALE 89 Dodge iORGETOWN'S COMPUTERSI gF~ffl~ S ~Ç WPiVI~ 878-7274. -23' *QUALITY NEW & USED COMPUTERS Resîental Comerial FOR SALE: Fisher * IN HOME SERVICE Panting, Stucco - Drywaîî playpen-cnib $55. Apt. a &RADESui Dro Cehns, tel Sud, Rc oom sze cnib $45. Arborite 55 SINCLAIR AVE., UNIT 17 $40 troîtale &umbreai 95 0-8 7- Dave or Vicki (905) 876-4023 $4.kttcentale & u4 cha 90)70-8 stroller. Phone 878- FREE: Drywall vinyl LOST: Green oul cloth DAYCARE WANTED: 4.5 or 6 h.p 1920. -23 coated. You take ail, jacket ai Martin St. AVAILABLE Mercury long shaft oui- SIT ON IT Also soure vinyl siding. Public School. Code of Throughout the suits- board niotor. Cal 878- Dont sut in it. 878-31,55, leave is- Honor on front. 876- tier for schooi-age 3994. -19 Replacement foamn for sage. -t9 3515. -19 children in FOR SALE: 1989 cushions. Residential- FOR SALE: 1993 FOR SALE: Futon, Catipheilville area. Dodge Shadow, 165,000 commerctal. Fields Chev SIO pickup, ext. double size, sofa style, Tutoring available upon kits, 4 door hatchback, Upholsiery, 9 cab, auto., A/C, 118,000 rernovable arins, exc. requesi. Lttniied spaces $2,300) cert. Cal 337- pin. 7 days week. km. Orig. owner. $8.500 cond. $150. incides il.he 95-294 . 9494i-23 62-900. OBO. 875-4438. -23 bedding. 878-6096. - 19 cail ~ ~ ~ ~ ai o (90) 69-98. FatreThasNmeo87-192tioniZ . -S ,.,i,., Notice of PubiMeeing REGIONAL ROADS 5 & 25 CORRIDOR STRATEGIES (Formerly Hwys. 5 & 25) n January 1998, the Province of Ontario transferred Hwy. 5 in Oakville and Burlington and Hwy. 25 in Oakville and Milton 10, the Regional Municipality of Halton, witb responsibility for planning, îraffic operations, safety and policing. Ibese roads have been renamed by Halton Council 10 Regoîîal Roads 5 & 25 respectively. These two roads play a major role in transportation network in Halton, in additinn significant development is proposed in tbe vicinity of botb these roads in Oakville and Burlinglon. Halton Council bas initiated the preparation of a comprebensive Corridor Strategy for eacls of these roads. The Regional Road 5 & 25 Corridor Strategies bave a number of key componenîs as follows: " Safety Audit (working with the Halton Regional Police) " Traffic Operations " tirban Design and Development " Transportation Planning (Road and Transit) " Engineering Assesument of Roads and Bridges " Financial and Implementation Plan The Regional Road 5 (Hwy. 5) Corridor Strategy wilI focus on the sections in Oakviîle and Burlington. The Regional Road 25 (Hwy. 25) Corridor Strategy will focus on 2 sections, QEW to Burnhamnthorpe in Oakville and between Britannia and Derry Roads in the Town of Milton. t s essential that these Corridor Strategies be prepared wilb the direct participation aîsd involvement of the general public, road users, abuttîng landowners and residents osf nearby neigbibourhoods. There are two public meetings scbeduled for ibis sîudy in June. Wednesday. lune 24, 1998 Thursday, lune 25,1998 Milton Lions Club Hall Halton Regional Centre Auditorium 77 Tbompson Rd., South Hwy 25, jusi North of the QEW Milton Oakville Both Locations: 6:00-7:00 p.m. Open House 7:00-9-.00 p.m. Workshop Session To contact the Sîudy Team and/or place your name on tbe mailing list, please caîl or wîite 10 one of tbe addresses below: mc. Mke Delsey, P. Eng Totten Sims Hubicki Assocciales 300 Water Street Wbilby,, Ontario Li N 9J2 Pione 1-800-668-1983 Fax 1-905-668-0221 E-mail: Mr. David McCleary Region of Halion Il151 Bronle Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Phione 905-825-6161 - Est 7207 Fax 905-825-8822 E-mail: Tîsese Corridor Strategies are heiisg undertaken as a Master Platsin accordance witls tihe Class Envircasmental Assessment for Municipal Road Projects" Public input will ho documented in tbe Master vi -rv wic iii ,tisfv Phases 1 & 2 of tbe Class EA. &NORTH HALTON TRANSPORTATION STUDY Halton Region, in conjunction witls the municipalities of Halton Huis, Milton, Oakville and Burlingion, has initiated a review of the role, function, needs and services level of major roads in the Region wilh tise objective of determisiîsg ibe mosi cosi-effective way of managing the road system. Part of ibis study will also address specific transportation problems and solutions wilhin tbe Region, parîicularly in tbe area norîb of Regional Road 5 (Dundas Street) Public input is a very important part of Ibis sîudy and the study process is designed 10 provide the pub- lic. stakeholders and interesi groups wiîb the opportunity to interaci on an on-going basis wilb the sludy team of Regional staff, municipal staff and consultants. Tbe purpose of ibis firsi serins of public meet- ings is to seek input on the sîudy îerms of reference, criteria for defining different classes of major roads, transportation issues, and ideas for finding solutions. The meetings will be beld ai the folowîng loca- tions: Tuesday, lune 23, 1998 Georgetown Cultural Centre 9 Cîsurcîs Street, Georgetown Milton Lions Club Hall 77 Tbompson Rd. South, Milton Thursday, )une 25,1998 Halton Regional Centre Auditorium Reg. Rd. 25, North of QEW, Oakville AUl Locations: 6:00-7:00 pm. Open House 7:00-9:00 p.m. Workshop Session To contact the sudy îeam and/osr place your name on tbe mailing lîsi, please caîl or write to: McCormîck Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ontario Li N 912 Pbone 905-823-8500 Fax 905-823-8503 E-mail: Region of Halton Il151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Pbone 905-825-6161 - Ext 7632 Fax 905-825-8822 E-mail: This study iv heing undertaken as a Master Plan in accordance witb tbe "Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road Proîerts". Public input will be documented in tbe Master Plan report wbicb will satisfy Pbases 1 & 2 of tbe Class EA. Pla rpsncniO S Syr -