"SAY YOU SAW IT N *ME SHOPPING NEWS" DIGIROLAMO'9S GREENHOUSES Growers of Fine Quality Perennials, Annuals, Herbs Landscapers Wecm Open 7 days a week 9 arn-ôpm 8890 Eighth Line, R.R. #2 Georgetown, Ontario 5 Side Road __ Steeles Ave. - u2 as .e Hwy. 401 SALVAGED ANTIQUE MATERIAL Brick, lumber, flooring. barn board, beatos. mic 19-l83-3903 FOR SALE: '97 Ford pickup Super Cab XLT, PW. PL, air rond., box tuner, tonneau cover, 3 door. $21,500. Ph. 878- 4253. -23 * Rec Room Carpet $13.25 sq yd Do a 12x20 Roc Roomi for $353 *Graphie Levai Loop $14.75 sq yd Do a 12x12 Room for $236 * Pattern Berber $1 7.25 sq yd Do a 12x12 Room for $276 * 40 oz Textures $20.95 sq yd Do a 12x12 Room for $335 BICYCLES FOR SALE: 3 air con- FOR SALE ditioners. I vertical Ladys, boy's & girls. $175. 2 horizontal $150 Mountain bike. Mans ca. Also ptckup truck coaster. 30 other vari- cap, toeasures 59- ous sizes. 878-9263. 1/2x88", $75. Cal 878- FOR SALE: l989 0821. -23 Cadillac Seville, 4 door, HILDA'S low ktn.. mint rond. CLEANING Neyer driven in winter. SERVICE Oil undercoated every Private hotmes. Ver year. No rust. Ph . 875- reanonable rates. Cal 3844. -23 (905) 878-0182 E en, Il L7Y2-Fcl KITCHENI FREE: Husky/Lab, DOES YOUR DOG BATHROOM maie, 2 years old. Needs NEED TRAINING? REMODELLING room lu mun. 878-8288.- But you eau t fit obedi- uropean raftnman- FOR SALE: Medium ence classes ito your hip. 30 years experi- euh freezer $150 fia-m. schedule? Pnivate rire. Custom cabinets Heavy duly wtsher & lessons avalable tn rounter top. Cali Bill dryer $100. Cail 875- your own home. Cal (905) 854-0873 3848. -23 for details 854-2106. Young's Plumbing Co. Inc. The Milton Shopping News, Friday, June 19, 1998. Page 5 Complte lN 1711lïIIJf 5, g,' li g. .... PAGER # ndan ne'b RIPS & TEARS 1 WEGOTYOU COVERED Boat seats. Tarps. Cockpit, tnooning covers. Bîmini tops repaired or replaced. Cali Offshore Upholstery, 875-0385. FOR SALE: Pond fish, plants, filter, pump, UV light for algea, liner. African cichlds. (519) 853-1266. -23 FOR SALE: Sunray sperd boat, seats 4. 70 hp. Johnson. Exc. cond. Low hours. $4600. Cali Dave 827-7698. -23 BICYCLES FOR SALE Assorted faiily bikes n good cond. Repairs & parts for ess. 827-7378 FOR SALE: 1985 Chrysier LeBaron, 4 door, 4 cyl., auto, A/C, 161,000 km. Lots ol new pars. 2nd owner Car runs & drives great. Weil maintatned, wil seil certifîed $ 1,500 OBO. Cali Dwayne 469-0412 -1 IMC PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits - Weddings. Design your own pack- ages to suit your bud- get. Cal 632-1407. FOR SALE: Electric stove, altoond, 4 yrs. old $275. Sewing tmachine & stand $75. Massage & heat chair $65. Stoall fridge $100. 2 old fes- sers & onirrors $300 & $200. Tandemn bikes $300 & $200. Air cond. $125. 336-7669. -19 e * FOR SALE: G.E stove QUALITY $150. Sanyo mtcrowave RECOND ITIONED- $75. Both work perfect- APPLIANCES !y. 878-7069. -23 Washers. dryers, FOR SALE: Closed fridges, stoves. Buy or hox trailer, 8' long s 6' sell. Full warranty. wide x 5' htgh. Rear Please cotue visit our door-ramp 4' wide s 4- showrootn. 875-0154 1/2' high. 15" wheels & FOR SALE: 1981 spare. $500. Caîl 827- CR80 dirt bike, ru ns 5482. -23 great. $650. Phone 875-- EUROPEAN 0442. -23 CLEANING LADY FOR SALE: 1993 WiII dlean your hotne, Saturn, PS, PB, AI C, apartment, office cassette. 5 speed. You quickly. thoroughly. won't ftnd a car in bette nicely. References on condition t this price request. Free estimates. $6,500. Phone 847 (905) 785-2431 7198. -2 5FcnEN1tiOgioze àWNM/7Z1 Affordable Screen House Kts Have a BUG FREE Summer Many sizes & shapes to fit on your deck Demo kits available ut reduced pricing 905-825-0847 WWW.SCREEN-HOUSE.C OM WEDDING PIIOTOGRAPHY Approx. 100- 120 prints, abutm and nega- tives. Professional, reli- able & reasonable. Creative litages, 825-3800 bed. bathroom cabineti & mrror & other bouse- hold itetos. 878-1121, 878-6696. -23 NEEDED? PLUMBER Cali Brure for ail your repair work or new installations. Reasonable rates. 876-4508 FOR SALE: 1988 Subaru wagon, GL, 184,000 ktîî. Good run- ning order, new clutch. rubber & exhaust. $1,0() OBO. Cal 844- 2800. -19 DON'T REPLACE -- RESTORE! For expert carpet cIras- ing & repairs of ait kinds, cal Stan 876-3203 FOR SALE: Step 2 Big Splash cenler pool, tacludes slide. New $120, seIl $70. iolly iutper stroller $25. Square playpen $20. 875-3304. -23 FIREARMS SAFETY COURSE Mothly F.A.C. course available frot Haltoin Firetrins Aî-odeny. Cal 844-7048 for dates. FOR SALE: 20" color TV, portable. 12 string acoustir guitar Indus- trial crtpet tmachine, holds 25-35 gais. water. Cal 875-3561, leave tosg. -23 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Good ot- scrap cars & trucks. Samne day ser- vice 7 days a week. For beut service & price caîl 876-8746, 875-3279 anytime. FOR SALE: Double toattress, box spring brass headboard $40. Baby crib with tnattress & bedding $100. JoI> Jimper $20. Cal 878- 5317.-2 19 PESR. A KVILLE 842-R84R0 FOR ALE Phtoop ALON G FOR SLE: Bal www.oakilletATEa.AN ier with stand, 501 pcs. Royal Albert china. Discovery toys, Singer sewing machine. Al best offer. 519-853- 4765. -19 FOR SALE: 2 hp. out- board $250. 6 hp. out- board $350. 9.5 hp. out- board $450. 9.9 hp.ot- board $650. Al good., running coud. 878- 7108. -19 WILSON ROOFING -Fat bot asphaît z *Modified bitunten .Re-roofing/shingles s*Repair work shtngles y *23 years experience -WilsonSmt 3 875-6815 DISTANCE thrower wagon rack, Milton to Brampton, good coud. 1.H. 4-bar Et-m. Ad-Tel Halton side delivery rack. 335- 702-1277 6692. -23 FOR SALE: Honte STAN'S office? Metal desk, YOUR HANDYMAN cotmputer station, flip- You name it! l'il do it! chart stand, roont parti- Reasonable rates. Caîl tion. 875-4563. -19 now 876-3203 Canada Geese Nestiug $1,000. Fallen Willow Snowy 0wf $600. 812-0093 STOLEN: From our front yard. Lady's aqua- white Supercycle bike. if found pIeuse rail 876- 1629. -23 Trham UBmst £WNINO SYSTEM under the Sun!. " EXPAND your living space P " Use your patio or deck rain or shine " Available in hundreds of O T attractive colours0 virtually any shape, colour & size F O " Can be motorized for fully S R I automatic operation " Protect your family and home from , ee the suns harmful effects HALONAWNINGS C& PIESCALLTODAV FVÏNY 1 VINYLI STANDALONE 1F'76-2027 ýN RAILINC UMBRELLAS 1 1-800-2176732 , Sii.ffili ItokingCn~t .bl oc8 'F A Usoeakas ~ ~ - 72 arvea r. or-& (F m d ,e 4~ç 4 *LLW RI QU 'L; P ;11 ÀMPV -------- --