14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 19, 1998 GOT 'GOLF FEVE? 'THOSEWMO DON'THRAVE1IT - DON'T GET IT', is the saying around the many folks who get 'golf fever' - an obsession which grabs many of both the maie and femnale populace across our great land! Chasing a iny bail with a stick across fields, lakes and sand (plus in and around trees, etc.) seemns absurd to many! Tough to understand for some, but nevertheless enthusiasm for the . gaine is there, with the continuai building of new golf courses throughout our area, along with dniving ranges, indoor facîliies, and countless instruction opportunities, it merely sets the stage for the next step - A GOLF VACATION PACKAGE! And there are many offenings in this Trey depaitment as more and more tour fr n companies have a vaniety of offenings, including the popular al-inclusive packages - time to get looking to make your plans for next winter - or D a i go now - the rates ar _rat! Dateline i only. The cc A 'SKYIGHP BALLOON nity groups1 FESTIAL is taking place July IT7, event. Wec 18, 19 at Burlington AÙaic. It i pulct ouh desciibed as a FAMILY FET'A demnand is k OF AIRBORNE MAGIC, and offers a variety of on-gmound activities aiong with the very colourful in-air portion. Child's play area, crafters' market, live entertainmient, and foods and beverages are there for the choosing. A different kind of outîng for the sumrmer - more than just 'hot air'as în balloons - sounds interesting! ? GOS DII) YOU KNOW: The gaine of golf actuaily started about 700 years ago on the east coast of SCOTLAND 10:00a (a good plae togo for agolf outing!) 11:45a when A COUPLE 0F BORED 6:30 r SHEPHERDS USED THEIR W 'CROOKS' TURNED UPSIDE Prayer Mf DOWN AND HIT 'SHEEP DUNG' INT RABEIT HOLES! "ThSis ia fail into the worid1 TRAVEL TIP 0F THE WEEK: You can contact home via e-mailu1 nowadays from just about anywhere - c you can use a neighbor, or a business Mir addoess, if you don't have your own don>. b SWon address - it is very economnicai to 'buy' somne time on a computerintemet link on die road. iravel 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtowfl) Amo in MaiSon H6is, Oakville and Missimsuga www.brucchood.com Voc Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Beach betty flop rar-old Mackenzie Spurgeon shows off his belly flop Kelso beach Sunday. Summer activities have long begun even then (inset) cornes up for air in the shallow waters of though the season won't be offmcially here until Sunday. Friayiunn1 is a free listing of comning events olumn is available to local commu- to assist in promoting their future can only guarantee one issue of )sest to the date of the occurrence more insertions are possible if l3w. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for TuesdayVs edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. It's Hot Meal Deai Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., at 11:45 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a bot meal and social- ize. * more DATELINE on page 22 - p ________ - . -. I ~I - - A .1! - HULY HU~AI1T u,.wraee i~xagIavusa WILTON "PEL HALL 306 Ontario St.N. 878-2022 a.m. - Breaking Bread a.m. - Sunday Sehool p.m. - Gospef Service fdnesday 7:30 p.m. Aeeting and Bible Reading hfui saying ihat Christ issus casme ta save sinners."' 1 TimilS1 N 1T 1J~5O 23 MAINST. H U R Ij MILTON, ONT. sisiers: Rev. Bob Hyde - Rn,. Ras Hunt Oirectar af Music Judy Hunter ""ip SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 10:30 AM WORSHIP SERMON TITLE: ROCKING THE BOAT First Nations Sunday No Chueuh Sohadoi CIsa Noassry Cam Aoadabla oawesge: hifpiiwww.azlefflA co-9rpuli sr8ad .av.iacm oe9 .areeuyaeIais bftS'rpw*Sg bt KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Street E., Milton Minister-The Rev. Rod Lewis Diaconal Minister-Coileen Smith Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Grades 7-8 & High Sehoot 10:30 a.m. Sunday School & Nursery For information cali 878-6066 Parking on Mary Street hec ait ccs nd ashrooao prOovidd Bj~AHA'I H 139 Martin S ,Milon «If you desire with ail your heart. frendship î 878-6535 (T.T.Y 878-9044) wifh every race on earth, your thought, itip://www.golden.net/-wts/hailton/p-hiolyrosary-M fIlmi spiritual and positive, wî)) spreod if;, f wil) Mass at 5:30 p.m. Saturday becomne the desire of offiers, growîng 9ooam.,l10:30 a.m. &floof5uflday stronger and stonger. until if reaches the mindso0f ail men. OUR LADY 0F VICTORY From the Baha'i Wrtngs M tas H 0aigtSun LOCAL, 878-0011 ST. PETER CHURCH-9th Lino & Britassia REGIONAL. 1-800-433-3284 Mo:ooi9O00aý Swday NATIONAL: ý1.905.889-8168 RsouWEaTIWiW T--rooSohI, E H-uo <:1 AL diAwww.baibai.orug SwA,:Oru13-a CSJ 0flut.; Sunday, June 21, 1998 HAPPY FATHERS DAVI 10:45 ar. THE APPOINTMENT WITM 000 Pastor Rogge wahi be spaakisg... -IEAI HOES YOUV WIT TO HAVE FILLE" 6:30 p.m. 1<10' PRAISE PRESENTS.. A WONDERFUL ORAMATIC MUSICAL FOR THE ENTISE FAMILY. Caphaesd I«the hsamigia eadý ou$ Mlnstry Golf Clulo Teeil p insupport of agood cause, anldgolfinOur BusMinistry Gog Clsschld ai Grade Figýe 801Course! We are okng for gogers.tofe sposors &prize donors' Cot $75 o Golf & Steak Dinnar, $20 for Steak Qnner oly,$5. lforchies urger Meai. CAU. MELOOI AT 878-M5 FOR INFORMATIONI on CJMR 1320AM RdaCali CurhofiebFridanafd ourBusMiflstry E..rr Frr.y E-n'a 1 pcaion ck poou p orundaf mnomirg Chuircll Me Chi t he Mlt! 5fr 241 1 Sundosy Ser-vices 10:X)fif - Suig Etiidiint Thursday 10:45 amn - 11lo1V CommunIIIion, ff'IIr:.:, l:,g a1.:,,1 g lot VIOTOR-miULM OHURON Are you bored with church and Christianity? Has church attendance made little difference in your life? Is Sunday morning service just a routine or tradition? If your answer is yes tu these questions, and you want more out of church, then 1 encourage you to check out our services that will excite, challenge, and equip you each week. 10:00 -11:15 a.m. Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Room) (separate services for chitdren 9 years and under) "Living A Vicioroou.o Lfe B>' The Word 0f God" Pastor Chartes Boyce (905) 875-2t62 L J Email: victorybiblechurch@cheerf'ut.com ENLAHUE YUUM mal, 'OF LOVE Call NEW LIFE 0 i "Cdobrifing our 601h AnnivorsarY" la i :à M a G- F Y 0 U R C 1 R C L E