wnwý Somebody has hot chicken1 A thief cracked a sate and made uff wifh 210 pounds of trozen puultry produef s tram Kenfucky Fried Chicken ovemnight Safurday. 'Me cuipit entered thruugb an unlocked duor, said Det. Sgt. Jackie Gordon of Halton Regional Police. S tix x>o > pop !C lotoc Theft at party Police are investigating the thefttuf a video camera and felephone during a bouse party un George Street May 27. A party gueut is suspected in the heist, Det. Sgt. Gordon said. The buss totalled $2.300. lImpaired charges Police stupped a vehicle at Martin Street and Milîside Drive shortly hetore 2 a.m. Sunday and arresfed a man. A 23-year-old George Street man is charged with impaired driving and driving with over the legal limit ut alcuhol in is blood. Stolen car recovered A $35,000 vehicle turned up stolen at the Toronto Police Blotter Auto Auction Jonc 2. i il .th La\ÀsouuRoa.d ,îuLtîîeî; Lý ilicmo door green Chevrolet Tahoc lhad a counterfctt vehicle identification number, police said. The car was reportcd stolen from Toronto May 15. Gym clothes stolen A Nike jacket and pair of shorts were taken froin a locker in the women's change roorn at the Milton Leisure Centre Sunday. The clothes were wortls $130. Smash-and-grab A sinash-and-grah Saturday targeted Halton Rent- Ail on Steeles Avenue. Thieves broke a glass Iront door and stole expensive equiprnetît including chainsaws and cotîcrete cutters sometinîc in the laie alternoon or carly evenîng. The value uf the loss wasn't available at press time. The Canadian Champion, Friday June 12, 1998- 7 Dancer is chosen for big show e from FIRE on page 5 one-two-threes." If is presumed that anyone with a passing knowl- edge of Irish dancing would know what one-two-three steps are. Anyone who duesn't need only understand that this is the kind of footwork popularized hy Riverdance and Lord of the Dance. Mom eventually relinquished her role uf teaching to ofhers but the traditional theme continued in the household, with Miss Finnegans lather spending his free time playing Irish music in his band, Inishowen. Miss Finnegan herselt was nu slouch in the tradition department, taking her tlying teet ail the way tu the Emerald Iale last year tu cumpete in the World's dance compefition. The Bishop Reding high sehool student tirut heard about Needfire tram ber present dance sehool, the Fearon Scbool in Brampton. Figuring discretion was the better part ut valour, ail the students were told was OPENHOUS SUN 2-4PM 92 CHARLES STREET bed bungalow with walkout basement, large mature lot, walk- ing distance to downtown. Teresa Milîs-Haîl sales rep Royal LePage Real Estate Services 878-8101 that open auditions were being held in Toronto for an upcoming show. And if mighf he big. "It was nerve-wracking," recalled Miss Finnegan ut the auditions at the Randolph theatre in Toronto. -I wasjust glad to make if lu the next caîl." In tact she made if through aIl three callbacks and then was told she had t he job. -I's been really hectic these past few weeks witb school," said Miss Finnegan. -These are six tu eight hour rehearsals." There are compensations, ut course. Meeting the current Celtic poster girl, Ms Lamond, along with the rest uf the show stars is une uftfhem. "In the last week they've ail come in and we've heen sbowing tbem what we're doing," she said. "I've been falking ta fbem and they're ail very cool." "It's really inferesting fa see everyfhing pulling fugether," she said. "I cant waif until if really startu." For tickets tu Needjire eall Ticket King at 416-872- 1212 or 1-800-461-3333. DCýOM E A Praperty af CubLink Corporation For great golf, there's no place like the ClubbLnk Dome The Toronto area's largest golf dome is now open'. ClubLink, Canada's largest owner-operator of outstanding golf courses, proudly presents the ClubLink Dome (formerly the Oakville Sports Dome). I's a one-of-a-kind golf experience you'll love. Our new bent grass 9-hole Academy course and putting courses are simply sensational. And the suni neyer sets on your game, because The ClubLink Dome is lit for night golf, too! Check out these exciting features for yourself: *A new 9-hale bent grass Academy course, lit for night play, and a 9-hale bent grass Putting course * Year round golf instruction *Great Junior Programns * 80,000 sq. fi. golf dome (re-opening in Fait '98) * Licensed lounge * Snack Bar * Perfect for client or office outings Corne discover the Toronto area's biggest and best golf dome, day or night. The incredible new ClubLink Golf Dome. We hope you'll join us on the green! For tee times cati 905.847.3663 CLU3LINC CORPORATION ClubLlnk Dame 1333 North Service Road, West. Oakville, Ontario L6M 2W2 Tel; 905.847-3663 Herbai Rour 'Weight Loss for the 2lst Century" TuesdayiJune l6th and Wednesday June 24th 7:30 PM, 377 Coxe BIvd. Milton 144 invit s ou to enpnv our Informal (iotltietg, in whic/u we to/k about Herbs, Woter, Food, Nutrition and how these can be used f0 create a better quolity of life for you and your Ioved ones. Seoting is imited so be sure to cal! in aduance. 876-4414 or 1-888-302-8725 This Educational Seminar is intended to inform and enlighten on the subject of nutritional supplementation and basic health require- ments. We do flot dlaim tat heubs can cure anything, but we do believe that if the body is ted properly it bau the ability to heul itseif. Sponsored by Act Nturally, Milton 876-4414 GEORGlOWI k~If ~- CINEMAS jîi / \235 GUELPH STREET 873- 19M 0 HOPE FLOATS ~ 9CANT HARDLY WAIT ~ IQ BARNEY n]I 0 PERFECT MURDER PG 0QOUEST FOR CAMELOT 1 il a