The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 12, 1998- 5 Stoking tradi*tion's fire through Celtie dancing By IRENE GENTLE Special ta the Champion strong sense of community, cornes to Toronto's Princess of Wales Theatre frorn June 12 to JuIy 12. When it arrives, it wiIl have Milton high school student Patricia Finnegan in it. Needfire is touted to be an ail Canadian showcase of Celtic arts. It features everyone from John McDermott and The Irish Descendants to the oh so au courant Mary Jane Lamond. In-between and alongside are step, Scottish and Irish dancers, which is where the 18-year-old Miss Finnegan cornes in. But more on that later. Along with capitalizing on the very vogue Celtic trend, Needfire is meant 10 be about the traditional rituals shared by many cultures. The name Needfire jîseif stems trom the common fire with which a settlement's hearths were lit. "My family is totally involved in Irish stutf," said Miss Finnegan, who sounds exactly the way an I 8-year-old about to be placed on a large world-class theatrical stage ought to sound. She laughs often and speaks in an almost breathless clip. She fre- quently conters with ber mother when she talks. This is only fitting since it was ber mother who helped her on the road that eventually led to Nccdfir's stage, when she taught her daughter ber very irst Irish dance steps. "My mother was my irst teacher," said Miss Finnegan. -I was about tbree, years old but she taught me the basic side steps and asee DANCER on page 7 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Milton teen Patricia Finnegan is set ta hit the stage with Needfire, a kind of Celtic Cabaret at the Princess of Wales Theatre. SUMMER CAR CARE PACKAGE VLUBE, 0WL AND FJLTER VFLUJD TOP-UP VI15 POINT INSPECTION VCOOLING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE INSPECTION (INCLUDES ACIDITY EVALUATION, VISUAL INSPECTION, COOLANT QUALITY INSPECTION). 111 look forward to rny vacation ail year long. The last thing I need is to have car troubles get iri the way of our fun. With the heat of summer and the extra pressure of running the air conditioner, my engine bas to work a lot harder. So, before 1 take my time off, I take rny car in. My mechanic checks things out and makes sure rny car is as ready to go as I arn." PLU AFREE SUMMER CAR CAREm KitAS PREIMU QUMM M UM ,WHIE :SUPPLIES AST EGoodWrench Saek I