Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jun 1998, p. 26

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2t-Thd Canadian Champion, Friday, June 12,1998 N081-SHEDOING sen allen- WA8TED ilahrme fr1 e Secratary o busislDNAis GNSTW geais. pistabnailBichinFise oltI abBoniten Colke Good na- DNTL VGEIS 0e e Puppies. vît checed uait. Good Ut choldrea 853- isfice, mgr reai ertale e era- qireanas er8raaastié infllat iteiormeit. finî le. $475.2492, laîve message. One. Smo rmmanieatpPleare tois na ir groingergpacicaet (905)6590-0878.(905)87544rari resame li: Holdar & Mikan. Ose te one andI a Il8 905)75-144.Skrda196 Main S.. Millon, ilys par we Peasu tas te- moi, Ontario L9T 1 N8.Tl: (905)878- sramaetn 905-878-3278. .; , 8421, Pas (905)878-8422. Atention: Ltda Waned aritd OI YIR DISTRIBUJTION IN(...a leaider in dry bolk distributon, packaging aod warc- housing bas an opportunity available for a: ILIII 4CUSTOMER SERVICE -D ~*REPRESENTATIVE CHECKEN VILLA As you provide support to tIre internai sales Mature help wanted for Management Trainee. representahives, you wiul be expecîrd 10 wages pluo benefits, Apply in perron only at KFC 276 Main St. E. weekends. Thesideapland n iatoniI be positivepstianointediad e to pro- knowlipegeon Elecria,aient, nings and w riToopls oud e n ss Exelent eneftts & cPla tineremu- neration.,Pese 1foranintrewe.o aaia Ti wre Miltoenin n Attkn: M. Thei ierscnddte, llb psitchb tamortd aOpreratopro viequirelen at-uturner Cmervile.ai Hnwedeouris: 8:3Ol, am lb 5pm. adPw owordPfecban ansset. t EclntLauneie ts (905) 876-0272m nrto.Ps faxrsm o(905) 876-1091 t Bel-:Mac Sm imerics mc Aar wrenicanfiagca ervie opr aStsgwing indusr us te rdrairiipo viM.N serieinr1esar(opp.frnad11) e me id eetenticme pointat. Onl hrvith i Wtgiyai ordPerkethic rea. ormli TsueddMatin(905)28761091 DRIERS WANTED AMlag Nhaeriean dring i srveco. Works arontund ourcyardn in-ipten. Oay tUrne wrk, Cui arno-dpMari 0-2216 CONTACT RICK BANKS - 875-2915 No Tuerday Calls BENNYS DELI raqires part lace, aopenaanceil blp. Pleasa applp in pemaon ta 295 MainSt. E. a,8hreranmai. EXPERIENCED A-Z DRIVERS reguied lto ts aot arputlime basic for local meakand morE. Must hase clama abstact. Pas rastana onrtrif letnar iadluding phone number to 800-875-3900. EXPERIENCED Watress requirad. Full lime. 401 and Trafalgar. Pleamn caîl Jus or Nik t 875-1388. LOCAL BUSINESS REQUIRES HELP FULL TUME IIOIRLY WAGE $8.80 VEHICLE INSPECTOR Msl hase tba toowing Vail Drinars Licnsa Remit & enite flunal Englirs Minmua r ale 12 ailicahion Gond woisteteSc Capable iof woaiin sa taam enironmant Cal 8752915 9 AM - $ FM Ask oIr In ibfBanEs No Tuesllay calîs PERMANENT per-tira hlp ra- quirent for privata sabla sn Lima- houris Horra expesaence sac- assarp. MusI ho asergabic, ma- tsrean malreliable. Cali 877-7080 days, Wnitp WANTED ton basy classic, car ilaalarslap, clam-up aildtait penson. Pleaase mIll (905875- 4700. ACHILLES MAZDA requires imaradiatah nais mail useil oah- cIa Salas Raprasanîahoae, licnca raquirait Bens andar remoneration pla. Please raplp 519-853-0200. IF pois basa ring and salas e- peritsca, Osas pois could ho Ue persan wmare icolong fir Bahr Sailtlryir Hismby, is icling for an anftosiastic, bard mrI- ing, self starter fan a fil-hmrre salaes psiton. Please pick ap applcan,878-8885 WANTED, WELDER capable t0 pass OTAW. 5000W, GMAW in Carhon S.T- S.T. andl Aurninm100% 0-Rayp Fais resumne to 905-878-8824. Looklng for work Look touardsthe Champion Clasalfieds process orders and some quonations via sales representatives, as seeli as, other clerical duties. You are a teami ployer with strong capabilities in conflict management, problem solving and decision making. With minimal sapervision, you must also be multi-îask oriented, detail ori- ented and possess excellent oral and wentIes communication skitîs. Knosetedge of ACC- PAC+ an asset. We offer a very competitive compensation package including beneftts and profit sharing. Please fax or mail your resume to: Human Resources Dept. 359 Wheelabrator Way Milton, Ontario L9T 3C 1 Fax # 905-879-3162 TECHNOLDGY SPECIALISI Contraci Position Hallon Credîl Union provides s compitît fine of bank- ing services through (ts branchs in Milon, Aclon and Georgetown. We art seekîng an individua> (o 'lake charge' 0f (ho credif unios (echno(ogy issues (o en- sure (bal our members receive the mos> ref jable and cerrenl services avai(ab(e. The successlui appicanl wî>) ork wilh varisus soft- ware & hardware supp(iers (o ensure (hoefective & irne(y implemenlalion s> banking syslea lechnology. We are (ooking for an organîzed se(-sfafler wilh excellent communication ski((s and a good workîng know(edge of hardware configuration, da(abase structure and nefwoidng. Know(edge o> basic bank- îng services wuuld be adoanlageous. P(ease (uîward your resume wi(h sa(ary expeclations (o: Mr. RJ. Buwvalda, CGA Chie> Executive Officer Haton Community Credit Union Limited RO. Box 40, Milton, ON L9T 2Y3 lAu=TE, rl 3 1,m home, retrences reqailil. CalI 875-3397. Monday - Thrrvtay. everings.y CHLDCARE openerg analable.8 toildlers melcorre. 878-4410. F MIE OUT NANNV neecedil li cane for mno children. 18 mondrs C and 3 yeans. Refeences please. 854-3594.F NEW AGENCY, Cadrg Places.F Seeho Prooldens for licenred pi- l oafehome chilicare programo.1 876-1514. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAY- CARE offaning gealty prpegram for chîlitres 18 menahs la5 pears. Crafis, marc It fild tEps. 878-755Z RELIABLE espenencad pronidar. Initoor/oulitor yla Clubhouse, swings, large play- room. Balianierar e Recipts. 878-6506. FLEXIBLE Chîilcara prosidar manIains Millon la look afler 2 yaar old. Nos NEED HELPi Par expert ltar- ig cal Donna et 878-63M8 AI rafqait araas graeitits 8 m spaoaitas ara langisage arts and ogenrzaoon. Tciti pan sona! malte9 Cal us ere hem 10 lis- las. 876-1245.s 1968 COUGAR. Rastration orn parts. $700. 0.8.0. 875-4312. 1988 NISSAN Pulsar. SE. TRoot. Needs sema madhani- cal. $500. as is. 878-0171. 1882 CHRYSIER Le Baron, 108000 Icms.. gond condition, cerffhed. $5700. 854-547. 1885 FORD Escorl wagon, 68000 Ions. automalrc, air, cas- sagae, alloy isheels. $11,500. CaliI aler 7 Pm. 689-0379 or message. ATrO INSURANCE. Best rates for most drioers includirrg hgher risks. Cali Warren, 519-853- I 4284. SLES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - SOY - SELF - LEASE (ARGESI SELECTION OF USED VEICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Malie il RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchas your car or tntek Hwy 25 S al Denry Rd. 878-2393 Franhise!!! No Royals for 10. sora. EtacîblU oppcrtuntly, cars monep, haoe fun-Cal nomi (905567-6165. WANTED: PROFITABLE Businass, Weast Toronto to Hamlton area. Reasosable ras. No relaîl. AIl calîs ralameil (905878-0185. TWO Bedronm aparîmanl. Clama, quelan Mîfton for Julp ltI, 875-4563. ONE BEDROOM Mobie Home. Complafely ranosated on Country steclose t10 Millon. fient nagotiabla for srsises roitarail 853-4334. TWO plus badroom. Nais lisîdhan, spacîous, fr ti dg a sto v aI/f reapla cea $750.incluisea Asailahla Jane f1 . Jan or Toina 693-0502. 2 BEDROOII, uau/walnioro & ealea achuea. $Mmoaanfth. aoailable Augant 1. 878-4343. 401 & TRAPALGAR RbAD. Quet country bungalows, aoil- abIe July 1. 905875-4513, cal behocas Il a.m. 0<1 p.m. weab- duos asrime isebkenils. ATTRACTIVE one badroom basemenl apeilmesl. Cenratpy - - MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION bar a 1988 GMC JIMMY FOR SALE Eqaippeil as fotttows: - 2 door, VU engine, aatoanatic, 2 onteet drive, approx. 140,000 kmn, Serial #I1GKCS 1 8RX1051t5688. The truck is ingood operatof condition and sorll ho 'Mre vehtctr onay Ire viewed ar 55 Thompson Rnad South, Milton, Ont., Iretoneen thn hours of 8:00 a. and 4:00 par. Mnnday tIru Fniday. For art appoint- ment tu view, plruse contact: Richard Murray, Supernttendent - Operatiors and Engineering ut (905) 876-4611t ext. 240. Seuted tenders ctearty murîrd RFT-98-09 GMC - JIMMY"onitt ho received urttl 4:30 p.m. Friday, Jane 19, 1998. BIRTHDAY lkými~ BIRTH DAY Peer is 4V MairtficentflndiIiU ooFIl &i C Fitness Centre e Utilities & Parking ~ - lncluded a Fantastic Location! TO viIw cmL (us)>63948M3 Pleaso prosent this ad aIttme of vew- ing. Some restnctions apply BURLINGTGNflI" Happy RlrMhdy Peter TrOWGRSblIEdrm%9p of & ounryClub 2 & 3 Bedrooms Also Avalable LOSAISTET TMAL BASEMENT Apegmnent an pri- vais home. Bedsitisg ranm. 3 pe. bath & kthon. firaplece, garaga, AC. & tfleas tratattei. Recanty rînasateil. Suitable fon single poison. Na pets. Fstlast raquireil plan ratarnces, $700. Aait intreiliatalp. 905-875- 2949. BRIONT clama, tslp partal, 1. 2 & 3 bedroosr apantmaalrs trom $4951imanth. araîl main- tatoed Burfiogton lnghra. 339- 9846, mnn - 8 p.m. DOWNTOWN MILTON, Naalp ilecorateil , oneabadriom apart- mient, con second fane aivIrlarge living rrom ailfoar pana Saatr incluiing pioule sauna - aai- abla July 1 - No pets. $8251month4yCali 854-2655 irh hl ralererce details. MLL$IDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MLTON 6086 LEASING 1 & 2 Beilnoerm esmilable or bas rante. frerbtp daco- ratal. 2 apphancas, an-rita landry, icluels ai Uani (eacepl phrona & cable.) Pree parking, no pats. Ralermaces requireil. 905-876-1249 Bp appoicacent orly NICE mne hodranm. Doanloarr. $55.Plus utibes. 878-3700 ONE BEDROOM Apmrtmant. Avaîlable Aug. lsl. $640. ail inclusive. No pets. Retererces. 905-78-2737. ONE baitroom rapt enhoane. Owners have 3 pets. 4 appl. Suils single, wrking, non- smishen. Refereacer. Aeilahla immadlatelp. $700. 878-5586. ONE beilranm, like nais, ircluder ail utiliies. $l00Jmionth. Cal 702-9709. TWO hedrioar apartonenl. Clean, arcluiles ail uahlitias. $875Jmisr8r. Cal 702-8709. okrand rniiaaia 10 istarti camad. Fmge, stona Worfing ASAP. Plaasa leavea Omes- persan oslp. Refarecces. 978- ONE BEDROOM, saiteyceco- Saga aI 875-1784. 6069, 878_8965 raled, înclaing lausitry, AIiC, u-l-a- 5- pts. Aoailabla Au- canm help. Cail 875-3300 1 gus ls10. aller 6 p.m. 693-006 I iaytima 637-8777. Canrad. PRIEAT, Belnontn with sharait itchon, bath and lrvng areas i Milon. gSimantr 1-905-629- 7486. BACIUELOR APARTMENT o reet, laundry & cable anailable. Cal aller 6:30 pm. 876-4537. LARGE turnisheil rioar oith liège, tone & rabk, $75 & $55 wealyl. Gentlemen prafemrei. 878-0225. FOR LEASE cne anlldus- trial, excelent tar manulactsaing on oarehoana. 4,450 sq.et. 5. n clading office n hop. 24009v-i & 2 loading toos. Excalaent area wiftr outsida peildng. Cal 905-693-0406. UNIT Par RanI. 342 Bronta SI., Soutr. Unit 818, Millon, Ont. 878-2138. OFFICE SPACE for serd, 50-52 Shoalas Ava, W. Cal) 905-272-0648. SMALL PRIVATE OFFICE, hoaufiMly apportail lHoy.25 & 401. 905-819-8035 on 1-905- 277-9347. COZY Cape Codt homneinr me- tsme area of Mllon. 2 plus bail- ronms, aronilburring fraplace, watt-ouI to iteck trm Main flocr lamily roon, sapanale dnng roon. Aslung,$189.000. Cali 905-878-824610toi e VILLAGE PARC large 2 bail ronm, conilo, open concept, mugnillenlnri of ascarpmaent. Heaftrer 875055 BIRTHDAY_-_ LodyLod Look whos401e lo fe r àiJffrey, amqei BIRTHDAY rHappy 8 Oth Birdy brie Grece Tam, John & Anne, 8I,*,6&&LO7P*r amlgi Ayour graudcfiilda & preu gruackidrem More 4/1fkfion Pa,,21 11Classifiedsg

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