12-The Canadian Champion, Fnday, June 12,1998, The N~ Q.Ld Nghtly at700 Pm & 9:15PmP Hal's S" Sunday - Matinee ai 200 pm he es rAAI with do. "'& DIRTY everthiit ~"' anda. Mainee ai 200 pm Frghteniîng Nghtiy ail7:0O pm & 9:15 pm Halton Scenes Sunday- Matnee at 2:00 pm car seats show thai installedi ALL ATINE SETS S.25 police sta p.m. Particiî Caîl 878- Dateline Mtilton chapter of' the Ontario s \ll.î sîll si licieuiila n hIe Par k ihis Sunlday aiTlown ictoria Park. vent will gel going ai 1:30 p.m. )ens of performances, including ig [rom piano solos to rock bands. at check nRegional Police will hold a free safeîy cliie Wednesday. Surveys [t85 per cent of aîl car seats aren't or used properly. nie will take place ai the Milton stion, 490 Childs Dr., frorn 3 to 7 iants must bave an appoiniment. 55l1, ext. 2406. Top Teni Reaeon5 Vto Become a Junior Achievement Volunteer.. 10. You cari Co t'ak t.o 5chooI... thio time without the horrework. 9. You'W feel younqer hanrinir arourid Eotudent5. b'. Thib le your chance Vo learri why the 5pice Girlb arce euch a ý!q eal. 7. Writinil on the 5lackboard wiIl help improve your penimane5hip. 6. Gooid chance they't et you uce thoice poinity E5cibborg now. 5. You can tell people you have "clabb" anid not eound e5tuck-up. 4. Your 5tudenit5 cari tell you wht "raà" meaneg. 3. You cari u5e the "qrowniup" Wahroom. 2. You cari Co to cla% only once a week - anid mot Cet nr trouble. 1. fhie i5 your opportunlity Vo eee if you 5till fit in thoge littie chaire. For more informalion, pelase eall Pam at 878-5029, or Email us at mdv@globerserve.net Dateline is a free listing available ta local corn- munity groups ta assist in promoting their future events. Notices for Dateline should be handed in af the office of The Chamnpioni,191 Main St. E. mailed ta P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed ta (905) 878-4943. Friday June 12 It's Hot Meal Deal Day ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., ai 11:45 arn. Seniors are invited tu enjoy a hot ineal and socialize. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., presenîs Variety Show '98. Numerous acis - music, dancing, song, drama and comedy - are staged. Refreshments are served. Tickets, which cost $5, can be ordered by calling 875-168 1. Saturday June 13 The Land of Magie and Make Believe' is the theme for this years Family Fun Fair hosted by the Milton Conmunity Resource Centre. Millonians are invited [o, Victoria Park (Town Hall) from 10 arn. to 3 p.m. for crafts, games and refreshments. Jimbo the Clown, Winnîe the Pooh and Barney are on hand. Features also include a barbecue lunch, tea room, raffle and sulent auction. Cali 876-1244 for more information. Milton Alliance Church, 2850 Derry Rd., presents soprano Glynis Fowler and tenor Andreas Streck in concert ai 8 p.m. The event features famous songs and arias [rom opera and operetta to the melodies of Broadway. Admission costs $10, or $8 for students and seniors. For tickets and more information, eall Sunday June 14 The second annual memorial and decoration ser- vice takes place at Carlisle United Church ai 3 p.m. A special invitation is exîended (o anyone with a special interest in the Carlisle Cemetery. Graves of veterans are decorated with tlags. Families are also welcome to decorate graves (disposable containers). Light relrcsh- ments follow the service. Nassagaweya Presbyterian Chu rch 's anniver- sary service takes place aI Il arn. David Smnith, eec- utive director oflEvangel Hall in Toronto, is the guest speaker. Evangel Hall provides a Christian mrinistry of service and prograrnslfor distressed people of' Torontos inner city. A light lunch follows the service. For furiher information, caîl 854-2688 or 876-3322. Monday June 15 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., presents Lunch and Learn ai 12:30 p.m. Seniors are invited [o come for lunch and hear guest speaker Ken Lamb talk about the Milton Historical Society and ils new book on local inventor P. L. Robertson. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hosts a [rip to Casino-Rama in Orillia. Bus trans- see more DATELINE on page 19 Take a stroII down memory lape See some of your favourite antique & classie cars at this year's festival! Antque & CIassic Car Show and Parade Parade starts at Towne Chev-Olds on Trafalgar and travels down to Bronte Heditage Park. Parade start times: Sat., June 2Oth - 9:30 amn Sun., June 2l1st - 9:30 arn - L~ I Vehicles will also be showcased at Bronte Heritage Park from 10 am-4 pm daily. Oakville ~Wat e Sponsored by: + Oakville Insurance * Brokers Association q