1 0-The Canadian Champion, Fnday, June 12, wîth ,PICASSO, ANIONE? FOR THE ARTS ENTHUSIAST, TRAFALGAR TOURS has put together something 'a uitle different' - IN THE STEPS 0F PICASSO, to take place October 15 - 27 this year. You will fly to Barcelona, SPAIN via Air Canada, and from there your 13 day tour begins through picturesque regions of FRANCE such as Provence and the Cote d'Azur. Picasso's paintings, ceramies, and sculptures will be visited, along with works from Monet, Sisley, Cezanne and Renoir. There is a lot 10 see and do, including an optional tour 10 take in the casino at Monte Carlo, on this memorable trip! A great opportunity for arts folks! A CRUISE, A VIA RAIL TRAIN TRP A RESORT - there are such a variety of ideas for that 'corporate think-tank' session; making a choice is quite a challenge. There is littie doubt getting your people 10 a completely different settlng than they are used 10 - away from the office and City - is the way t0 inspire crealivity, wilh a less- crowded mmnd! The relaxation atmnosphere on board a CRUISESHIP is more inviting than ever, and they offer special event rooms for your use. ,VIA RAIL also caters 10 on-board meetings in your own personal rail car; and of course, there are many resorts which regularly caler t0 conventions and meetings. Your travel professional can help you decide. DNTFORGET TO ATTEND the OAKVILLE WATERFRONT FESTIVAL on the weekend - such a variety of choice in entetainment and things 10 see and do! DU) yOU KNOW DÉPT.: Airlines have the responsibility to verify you qualify for enlry mbt the country you are destined to before you board their craft, or they are responsible to deliver you back home if denied entry! Proper passport, or even a visa may be required -see your travel pros! TRAVEL TIP 0F THE WEEK: Don't forget your 'sun block' when you travel (aI home too') -il you are on a tour in Europe, sometîmes you can forget te, cover up, being distracted by ail the sightss' 74e 7#aravele &Wu44o.et0#W44u 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Ain la Min HMil, OakvIIIe and Miissauga www.brucehood.coin SUNDAY 2-4 PU 371 Brne S. # 93, $122,900 Eien oen inattendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 878-8101 SUNDAY 2-4 PM 371 Bronte St. # 9, $122,900 Mar exer in atendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 87"-101 SUNDAY 2-4 PM 341 o WlStn 4 12900 AMaicock ein attendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 8784101 SUNOAY 2-4 PM 3N I41 WilonS a#29, de Joylaic oevin attendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 878-101 SUNDAY 2-4 PM 742890r Ove, 25.90 Joac a onihin altendance ROA EIMA M ORE EATY SRVCES 878-777 SUNOAY 2-4 PU 72 Se RD rie, $249000 TenLynn 1-lioitin attendance RE/MAX MILTOWNE REALTY CORP. 878-7777 SIJNDAY 2-4 PM 42Woidawn OUres, $24900 Glad ys Cranfordin attendance REIMAX LTOWNE REALTY 001. 878-7777 SUNDAY 2-4 PM 442 Woodawa rAe., $154,500 Cottin Stean nattendance RMXM RETA1YE TR HOIESBGARPE 878-4444 SUNDAV 2-4 PM 442WoodardAe, $87.900 Audren ewrti n attendance MIN1REEW RALTY BETTESHOIS &àGARNS 878-4444 Fines to double in community safety zones Fines lor rcd lighl rutîners and speeders in desigiaated comnîunity salely zonîes wil I bc doubled utîder a provincial government proposaI to make amendinenis tb the Highway Traf-ic Act. The government rccenîly announiced ils plans Iot crack down on dangerous drivers ai îral'fic signais aînd in areas densely pop- ulated wiih childrcn. "Our comiiment bo decreasing danger- ous or aggressive driving in sehool zones and crossings, echool bus stops, parks, playgrounds and near daycare centres will heîp to ensure Ihai our most valuable pedestrians arc protecled and that tewer senseless iragedies occur." said Halton Centre MPP Terence Young. The amendmenîs will allow certain areas to be designated as special commu- nily sal'ely zones, he said. 'By setling up clear signs in special zones we expeci 10 gel moloisîs' attention and remind thern b bec on the lookout for children and other pedesîrians, he said. -We are calling upon our municipal partners together with our police services, school boards and other groupe 10 idenlify local areas that should be designaîed safe- ty zones." The amendmenîs will also alltw the governient 10 designale parts of Ontario highways patrolled by the OPP and main- 1tained by the Minislry of Transportation as ,salelty zones. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Hog wild Shawn MacPhee gives the thumbs up as he pre- pares ta head out on his '95 Harley Davidson during Saturday's HOG Poker Run in support of muscular dystrophy. s, s, s, MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St.N. 878-2022 10:00 arn. - Breaking Bread 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading "Ibis is a faiihful saying Ihat Christ Jesas came int the world t10000e sinners." Iflim.1.15 RACE UNITY DAY- JUNE 14 Saha' Teachings telldivs oy of humonk nd is a blesngto us alensuing tt'at we can meet our grCatest challenge - o estabilh and mointas sword peace. LOCAL, REGIONAL; NATIONALs. ~UJTN 1 f l et 123 MAIN ST. C H U O"" MILTON, ONT. Minisers: Ra. Bob Hyde - Rer. Ree fiunt Dreclar et Musc Judy HunIer Came ta Wrship SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 1998, 10:30 AM WORSHIP SERMON TITLE: JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS Sacrament of Baptism No ChurtrSchol Classes. Nurery Care Avaalable PICNIC AFTER CHURCH AT HUME'S FARM Vise ou Webse:htp//ýuateo'nt orrd-stpaulsto nr/ Levoi accessto the aactuary rs a lf rntt e parkng lot au0eu.eseLm 8784Mi KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main StreS E., Milton Minister-The Rev. RedI Lewis Diaconal Minister-Colleen Smith Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Grades 7-8 & High Sehool 10:30 a.m. Sunday Sehool & Nursery For information eaiu 878-6066 Parking on Mary Street f j Whcrthairruccessuand wshtsa.m pîaustc srthut alltmayuîoeu.andslorship. 80-0011O 1.00431.3284 ww .blaLrg orwww.necttitry.org HOLY ROSARY ROMAN CATHIOUC CHRCH 139Mari I., Milon 878-6535 (TTYt789044) htp/www.godten.net/-vts/hamiltonip-hoyrosary-m.html Mass ai 5:30 ps. Salueday 9:00 arn., 10:30 arn. & naun Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY Miltin Heights Mass aî103 a m Saday ST. PETER CHURCH-9th Lina & Britannia Mass a! 000 a n S,, ay Suis SouTaluot PR Ters Satri SOfa r Salr t.,. yý COU "Cealig our 6ltuAnniveaay" Grace Anglican Churc h tu317lMain Su.1E.,'Miltion tfh ,us -fh,,on t,,' ajtt 8782411 H, 1) r ' ' tt'u,, Sunday Services 8:X) suit- Huet>'Cuousmuunuionu ltt:tttt sit - Sug Eua.'luost (\rr"orr 5'ngr..rr C,,ru, uo,,o,. to lu. ,,,, ,,r i,tgl Thursday 10:45 amn - Holy Communsion ttr",.r,,,o îrgt oil, VIOTORY BIBLE CHURON Arc you hored wîtlî o.lurch and Christianity? Has church aitendance inado. litte difféeronce..in your lite 'f Is Sunday rnorning servic.e just a routine or tradition'? If your answer is yes 10 these questions, and you waîîî more out of church, then I encourage you 10 check ouI our services that will excite, challenge, and equip you each week. 10:00 -11:15 a.m. Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Room) (separate services t'or children 9 years and under) "Living A Vicrtriuou. L.fie By' The Word [Gtod" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: victorybiblechurch @chccrful.com NE L~~AIIE 'fEN r a it>s -A, 1-R.ti cidrOsu - l' iiaialtRomgpChucteSnte -MaladUtâtiuwMl Sut r CsJ5 y-Mm. sBs.eO.atu Sunday, June 14, 1998 10:45 ar. THE APPOINTMENT WITH GOD Paalor Rogge wili be speaking... HOW TO ENRICH YOUR LIFE" HOLY COMMUNION WILL BE SERVED 6:30 p.rn. EVENING EVANGELISTIC RALLY Speial GametSpeaker.. DEREIK RENCH SPECIAL YOUTH EMPHASIS EVENINO NURSERY CARE (0-2 TEARSf - CHILDREN'S PROGRAMO fACES 3G555E 8f MusMlnlitry Golf Classlo Tee irup insuXrn t a good causeadoieoruMntyolCssheda rnte tde M Course' Se are e o llfo oers. hole sponsors e prze nors' Cost $75 foft & Steak Oner 120 for Steak Dotner onfl $5 for Chi1 s Singrur eaI CAO. MEIOOl AT 878338 FOR INFORMATON on JMR320AM adu CaOurotrch offieeSy Frday and out Bus Mrrstry r ». - 4 6:00 .ss sP.. teem aipk you Up onl Sunday norrrnt! ZO OFID USI~ 1 r 1 1