PHARACYWeekend 1 Miltons Independent Pharmacy * Free Deiiveay * 10% Seniors Discount * Aii Dirig Plans Accepted * Wrntton DMj Informnation Availabie "At Zak's We Car, About Vour Healthl"i mt n471mirA0 70 Main St. E. 875-2424 A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 139 No. 30 Fniday, June 12, 1998 28 Pages 750 (GST includcd) Deoni is in court Catholic sehool Trustee Joe Deoni wiIl retumn to court JuIy 13 after making a brief appearance yesterday.------- Mr Deoni, 59,of Steetes Avenue, who faces a fraud charge, was remanded to Juiy 13 in Ontario Court (provincial division) to set a tnial date o en Mr. Deon's JeDen iawyer toid the court he's stiti waiting for fuil disciosure of evidence in the case. Acciaimed iast fait to the position of Milton schooi trustee (Engiish) from the Halton Catholic District Schooi Board, Mr. Deoni was charged in March with fraud over $5,000. The charge aiteges that Mr. Deoni took approximateiy $43.000 from Industriai Ceramics Ltd. on Nipissing Road, where he worked on contract as a bookkeeper from 1992 to 1997. Fun in the park Famiy fun wii be featured at Victoria Park durinq the Mlton Community Resource Centres annuai fundraser tomorrow. The organization wili host the Famiiy Fun Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Town Hait park. The event wiii feature puppet and . magic shows by Jimbo the Clown and special visits from Barney and Winnie the Pooh. Games, crafts, raffte and a sulent auction wiii aiso be featured. Refreshments wiii inctude a barbe- cue lunch and sweets in the tea room. 327 Oronte St.. MROI Uf 4MSpring sacl< Dr oAnMeKinnon Leanne Eppinger and son Malcolm, 4, hot L 875-1322- in one of the sack races featured at Saturda OPEN 7 AM TO 6 PM MONDAY- FRIDAY EARLY LEARNING PROGRAM *18 Mü ostS»io chAa HsMNunosl Lrùms *Gwmmoet Subsdy AvaW* mesna *Hall Day & Fu Day Pmoiias Nwisniig Enwommn *Tansp«oilaito & Frrn Pflic Osa&ed Sta & Dapate SchaHs Gwefmsei bceasd 258 Commercial St. MArMilton Tffm ,878-7552 Council moves cautiously over Mohawk casino By BRAD REAUME The Champion In a 5-3 vote Monday Milton counicil has decided to consider proposais for a charity casino, with the understanding there is still an option to say no. At issue is the formula for distributing the casino proceeds and the potentiai toss of bingo profits, which currentiy go to local charities. There was some concem that casino proceeds wouid not be as substantiai as bingo profits. Evidence suggests that bingo attendance wiil drop if a local casino opens. "It worries me if local -71 schoois or the hospitai aren't etigibie," said Jim Leworthy, representing the Milton Bingo Charities Association. "They are aiready in a number crunch." Mr. Leworthy asked councit to defer the issue for three weeks, saying nobody was in a position to make a decision SO eariy in the process. Counciliors explained that approvai of Milton being a casino site would simpiy begin Ron FLrik the process, and no final decision was being made. Ait charities which have provincially recognized non-profit statua are etigibie ta receive funds, according to Rick Dykstra of Ontario's Gaming Secretariat. WMile ait charities in Ontario will benefit, charities in the host municipality get a targer proportion of the gaming proceeds, Mr. Dykstra expiained. In addition the municipaiity itself gets an addi- tional payment ta spend as it sees fit, he said. Some councitiors wanted clarification on the complex method for distributing proceeds. Hard numbers are not possible ta obtain because payments are based on percentages of profit and per capi- ta payments ta charities. The need for approval stems froro the provincial govemment plan ta introduce 36 penmanent and eight temporary charity casi- nos in Ontario. The plan requires the approval of each host municipality. Before Monday's meeting oniy 15 municipalities across the province had agreed ta host a casino while more than 200 have voted against the idea. Ontario bas more than 600 municipatities. Mr. Dykstra said the old systemn of roving Monte Carlos pro- duced only about 10 per cent of the anticipated profits from the new casinos. With council approvai the Ontario Jockey Club wiil put for- ward a plan ta open a cbarity casino at Mohawk Raceway, whicb would be operated by croise line Camnival Hotels and Casinos. Florida based Camival runs Casino Raina near Oriltia and was selected by the province to be anc of eight operators. Steven Kates of Camival was on hand ta explain their approach ta the esee CASINO on page 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ecieunL.-J