ThaCanadian Champion, Tuesday, June 9, 1998-7 - SO UR REA4DERS WRITE Watch out for bad egg., warr Milton Ratepayers'Associai Dear Editor: This letter is regarding HUSP financial details. To date we do not believe the stated promise frot politicians that "growth will pay for itself ' has been ke Witness even the changing of the language now lx describe the financial impact of HUSP frorn the abov mizing the cost to existing taxpayers." la this now a re( reality or has the obvious now dawned on our town coi While the growth projections for Milton put forth by continue to be met with mixed ernotions from ti Miltonian, we do at least expect the concurrent dev< schools, hospitals, parks, roads and policing. These st Miltonians wil! corne around eventually tDear Editor: I feel that the issue regarding Milton's expansion is important to Miltonians and there are a lot of interested citizens. I, too, even at the age of 19, find the issue very controversial considering I plan to pursue a career in urban and regional planning (depending on being accepted or not). The issue regarding the core study will moat likely be something 1 would have to deal with as an urban planner in the future. I have to say I agree with Councillor Wally Hunter. It is a proven fact that "con- sumer habits have changed in the last 25 years." We need to see what cornes from the study. I think that this is a valid point and that ail Miltonians should really try to under- stand what is going to be happening to Milton over the next 10 years. I also agree with Mr. Challinor regard- ing his quote, "if (popular) facilities dont exist, people won't use what does." Already, Miltonians travel out of town to bigger and better stores. If they were already in Milton then ail the business could stay in Milton, rather that people going elsewhere. People don't want to be going around to place to place trying to get everything. They want to go to one place to get every- thing they need. This could be accorn- plished by bringing bigger stores into Milton and this would then help Miton's economy. in conclusion I would just like to say that I understand people's concems for not wanting Milton to grow. But on the other hand, if Milton wants to survive then we need to bring business to Milton. I arn glad that the council, approved the core study. I think that once the results are given, rnany people will understand the situation at hand. Amanda Muikins Milton Thanks to everyone who contributed Dear Editor: on behaîf of Joyce Scott Non-Profit Homes I., Deborah's Home and Attendant Outreach, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to the individuals, business own- ers and local organizations who made our Sixth Annual Dinner Auction a success. The appreciated efforts of our hard working volunteers and generous esponse of our caring community have helped con- tribute to the promotion of independent living for adults with physical disabilities in Halton.' 1 invite anyone interested in more infor- mation to please caîl me at 875-2679. Maria Sevel, commuilty relations Deborah'a Home resent a oeal and ongoing cost. We don't want a repeat of the last planning effort, which saw new ,chtools t nstantly requiring potlablestiti tdoîwe wantti rpeat of it taking some 10 to 15 years for acceptable sports and recre- ation facilities to be in place. Unlike our town counicillors, we agree with regional councils' fiscally responsible vote to ensure that the inancial plans and impact for these services are completed belore HUSP approval, rather than find ourselves with an open-ended version of a tax supported money pit. As Oakville's Mayor Ann Mulvale said, while this may delay HUSP, they are only trying to, "honour thc commirnent to exist- ing taxpayers that growth will pay for itseif.' Our town council made the samne commitrnent, yct has atready voted to proceed with HUSP without knowing these costs. Our mayor said, "It is tirne for the plan to be hatched and I can assure you I don't want a turkey or a dodo bird to corne out of d ý'd iht depet. nd ho I.l-to i he m Patrick Kelly Milton Ratepayers Association Letters Welcomed The Canadian Champion welcarnes leffers ta the editor. We reserve the right ta edit, revise, and reject lelters. Mail letters ta: The Canadian Champion, Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or leave them at aur office, 191 Main Street. - --------- - IR:G the* _iL 1 RUNK REDS 1 SPECIALTY BUNKS "Liry] IFUTONSI 1 AYBEEDS]