w 4 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 9,1i998 Quiet Brakes. Guarantesi. Mttmo " Guaranteed Quiet - Vehicles Specific Formulas " 0E Style Chamfers and Stots for Perfect Match BARAKE " Premium Constrained Layers ShimsPAT " Wear Sensors Identical to 0E - Shear Tested " Premium High Temperature Molly Lubricant' " Limited Lifetime Warranty ___________ IDPN M TU ~-* -. lass I CuvSO DmoSfffor sach vehicte model abd year 1HAw Duiv Touna CAPAn cantVou p to 6,000 ha. grass iowing.wegtit,.600 ho. tangue weigr. - .twn cpct abe increasedu ta 10,00t.w.%,1,00 ii..W. h.tien u a weighi distrtion systars. A typciaplcto s ae fr owngutify ralasboat, RV.'a or hasetritraUmts UetmeWarrty. rIl.MBMIBM 'Sooner or Later, You'11 Own Generals» As Aou 411he G G '~'/ '/~ TheGIof Milton Congratulations and Our Verg Best Wishes! to Karina and Ian 218 Main St., Milton 875-2999 Mond.ay - Wedaesday 9:30-6:00, Thurs. & Fr1. 9:30-8:00, satnarday 9:004:00 From the Mangotich famnily and ail the staff at The Gold Connection. Wedding to take place Saturday june 2th, 1998 Steam Er is aiming at pulling a younger crowd By KAREN SMITH The president of the Ontario Steam and Antique The Champion Preservers' Association, Jamie Arnold, wasn't even The Milton Stearo-Era wil cmbark on its 38th show bomn when Steam-Era started, he said. with a new marketing strategy geared for younger As part of the new focus, more of an emphasis wil audiences. be put on children's activities at the September 4 to 7 The Steam-Era organizers - the Ontario Steam and show. Antique Preservers' Association - On average, about 15,000 people have adopted the slogan, 'Show your corne through the Steamn-Era gates kida something older than you', said annually, Mr. Clements said. Brad Clements, a director with the "We'd like to see more," he added. group. Steam-Era is based on rural life, "Mhe antique equipment keeps get- but many show-goers corne from ting older, but fortunately our audi- cities - another trend that needs to ence seems to be getting younger continue, Mr. Clements said. every year," Mr. Clements said. "Maybe it's Canadiana mania but "Increasingly, we' re findi ng our agricultural pioneers are definite- younger people are interested in the ly attracting attention from city novelty of farm life of the early dwellers as much as rural." 1900s and the war years." , This year's Steani-Era will offer a That's a good thing, Mr. Clements steady supply of action and enter- added, and it needs to continue for Brad Clemnents tainment throughout the Milton Fair the show of puffing steam engines, Grounds, he said. chugging gas tractors and humming gas engines to In addition to steam engines, gas tractors and gas survive. engines, antique tractor pulls, threshing contests and Steam-Era, traditionally held on Labour Day week- twice-daily parades of rolling stock will be ongoing. end at the Milton Fair Grounds, bas alto been atract- Families will be invited to participate in games and ing younger volunteers over the past decade, Mr. activities every aftemoon in front of the grandstand. Clements said. *see YOUTH on page 19 &ami aN'UrI1j R im, taxes as set out in 'Ie Weed Control Act. 'fIb co-operation of ail property owners is earnestly soiicited. C and inquiries may be made by telephone, ta the number listed helo note that dandelions, burdock and goldcnrod arecflot cansidered weeds within the Town of Milton under The Weed Contrai Act;1 comptaints concerning these weeds or any anonymous complaintsi amcpted. Por information of ail property owners, the following are desiý floxious weeds in thse Town of Milton. Music' [ahllly [un, re fre8h- fflCftL and fire- workýs in the evenin& ati Qotiary Park on July l1st. Canada Day Thi8 mema&ae brou8ht to you by The Canadian Champion, wetvin8 Miton for more t.han 135 yeurê. i .1. Il 1 lrý 1