SAdv6r4-i*se LotÀr Butxv1e~r ! 1?e,,?$s-ra-ions 4odaiý. , Cail the Champion Advertising Department - at878-2341 FINE DINING IN A GRACIQUS AND COMFORTABLE GLU WORLD COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE (TRADITIONAL CI.ASSIc CUISINE) Open dafly for Dinner/Monday-Friday for Lunch/Sunday Brunch To celebrate ou r First Ann iversary (with Robert and Ray) we are offering a FOUR COURSE DINNER FOR 1J9Y5 during the week of June 15t/ until lune 2Oth, 1998 Our sincerest thank you for your patronage over thepastyear. And ifyou are Iooking for a unique and excitingevening out, we will also be holding a BBQ Dinner Dance '«UnderThe Stars" in a Marquis Tent. (Alofraturing a Scotch and Cigar sampling table in a separate area outside). Saturda9y, lune 27th, 1998 L[SaturdayJuly lOth 1998 is our next Wine TastingEvent-j 345 Stecles Avenue East Milton, Ontario L9T 3G6 Phone: (905) 878-8161 Fax: (905) 876-972 Réservations Appreciated. Major Credit Cards Accepted Private dining avai/ableforgroups'of 8 to 40 9 q=-Â qhe Canadlan-OhmplOfl Tuefty, June b.1»8-«17 'Dm. nm khhdomy adiilondmptim pt «frm Of.f«1er«*dJune WM. 41 SEEESAVE ITI aralit AU OU