Womran assaulted and robbed hmpontFowJne 19- Three youths face robbery charges afler a 20- The wallet w. year-old Acton woman was assaulted and unknown Party stripped of ber wallet and watch Wednesday that she's unsuri aftemoon. Information o fiie 'i .io iwas , in frronlrrr t 'Shupper s warlu whcir t Drug Mari at Carniage Square when a group of press time. four or fOve teens approached ber shortly before Three femnale 4:30 p.m., said Det. Sgt. Jackie Gordon of face charges of Halton Regional Police. The suspects The teens struck the woman in the face several said. times and made off with ber wallet containing Teen charge< $30 and ber watch. A drug store employee heard screaming and A 16-year-ol, came to the woman's aid. She was taken to trafficking char Milton District Hospital, treated and released. Centre staff fou Outdoor day camp Youngsters may learn an appreciation of nature that Iasts them a lifetime during day camps run by the Halton Region Conservation Authority. The Ways of the Woods day camp, available to children eight through 12 years old, is held in both one and two week sessions during July and August. Children discover nature through a series of games and activi- ties held at various Halton conservation areas. Pond explorations, insect hunts and bird hikes are but a few of them. Outdoor recre- ational akilis such as archery and canoeing are also part of the package. t1 A brochure on the program is available by calling the conserva- tion authority's administration office at 336-1158. as later sent to the woman by an y, Det. Sgt. Gordon said, adding e of the motive for the crime. on whether the money was in the wrs reircr iid wsv ia..rr var l.ble ar eyou ths, two aged 16 and one 17, frobbery. sare known to the victim, police 1d with drug trafficking atjail Id Brampton youth faces a drug irge after Maplehurst Correctional )ud marijuana in a package for a Police Blotter The package was searched after a temale youth went to the jail to drop it off. The drugs were found by jail security tightly rolled up in a balloon, police said. The suspect, also charged with two counts of failing to comply with a probation order, was arrested at the scene. Charge laid in vandalismn Police have charged a man in connection with $1,600 worth of damage caused to a traffic sig- nal switcb box, mail box, newspaper box and light standard on Pitfield Road May 12. The property was vandalized with graffiti, police said. Ar, 18 yc'ar uld rrr.rrr (4 ro frxr'd ,rdrr.ss 'os charged with mischief last Friday. Pick-up truck stolen A 1989 GMC pick-up truck was driven off by a thief early Sunday moming. The Iocked vehicle was stolen from a Mary Street residence sometime between 2:30 and 6:30 a.m. The truck was valued at $7,500. Police are investigating. An expert maintenance check of your air conditioner and natural gas furnace now could save costly repairs later Save $20 Combo Heating and Cooling Maintenance Check just $139.90à' A 28-point inspection* including a test for carbon monoxide, and cleaning (as necessary) the inspected parts for proper operation. Save $70 The Union Protection Plan for $19.961 a month covers you year round Only $23955 annually based on 12 interest-free payments. Includes both maintenance checks, plus the Heating Protection Plan and the Cooling Protection Plan which envers costly parts and labour charges for one fuît year.tt If you're already enroled in the Heating Protection Plan, you can upgrade to include your air conditioner. Caîl for details. Sale t Seniors program members receive a 10% discount. Cail today! 1800 441-4619 wject on change withor noice. reýetiar customers .A.C.; excludes GST, reprlacement parts, Ait coolant rehrging, or labour sn repairs. lompared to sur regular price of $7995 ofteHeatrng Maintenance Check and Coolinig Maintenance Check. poinsmas ary o mke odel and accessories. cuir Union Gas for details. à month for il monsh, annl one final payment cof $1999 on your monthly gas conditions apply. Derails of the Union Protection Plan Termns and Conditions will WMto yos spon enrolment. Accetance in protection plans sobject to soccessfal ipletron of maintenance check. Non may canicel wthrn 30 days. on Gas Lrmted 1998 e-nf-Mmnd Service is a trademnark of Union toergy Inc., aoed under licence hy o Gar Lrmted. 0 mnuongas energy for you