E'-~RU USRBafBiV~MUmp1Ufl, ?'nIoSy; ourwo, iwmo Classified 'OUI.CLSSII9HfOTlINI 875m3300 eOANUC ORMLETN AL8824 GRADUATION MARK DANIEL GORDON BANKS Doctor of Medicine Doctor "Mark the Spark" BRTHD~AY Vov. Iave botît reo'c1to t> ti 1/2 Ccntu4r1 Mark! D1IRTHDAY - CVDDtES" Love front Tise rookstar ALLAN - Bill& Jozien (nee Simpson) o Mion are pleased t0 announce the birth of their daughter Mîkayla Jozien, weighing 7 lbs. 3 ozeta Miton District Hospital on May 15, 1998. Proud grandperents are AIt & Maureen Simpson and Dan & Meredith Allan. Great grandpaments Nellie Allen, Ada Seeley & Jimmy Margeaet OReilly. DUIVESTEYN- Stephen and Trish (nee McCartny) are delighted f0 annouric the birfh of their daughter Rachel Sharoni. She mas bomn on Monday, May 25, 1998 t 5:32 pm., meigh- in bs. 9oz. et McMaster Hospital, Hamilton. Proud grandparonts are Herman & Susen DUvesteyIl of Brooklin and Richard and Sharon MCrtny of Mississauge. Special thanks f0 Uiana Kontenis-Moore and Dr. J. Smith, Dr. G. Faser, RN. Elaine Moore and the rest of the 4h floor staff et McMaster. Announce your childos birih in The Canadian Champion and your child onli be featured wth photo in our Baby Edtion in January. GRADUATION Conyra/ufalions i § ~7m s Gradoating from McMaster Uiniversity Honoors BA Pychology à Sociology (Deans List). Lovie AI! Your Family 1 è- Pinky BIRTHDAY WOW! "lloward's 801" 1 1%ri- 19 Please join the Gowland Family To celebrate HOWARD'S 8 at H BIRTHDAY The Muddy Duck 360 Steeles Ave. E., Milton Saturday, june 13, 2-4 pm Best Wishes Only Please! IolASSIFIED HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM -5:00PM WinCKS, GLEN BURWELL - 'More thon the greoteat love the maild hoS known" Peocefoll, ai home, sur- rounded by bis fomiiy on Jone 1, 1998 in bis 800h yeor. Moch loved by bis mitle of 59 yeais, Aima (Penry), cbenisbed father of four dooghters: Joiy and ber bas- bond Dr. fIvos Hanter of Milton, Evo and ber husband Bill Beflger of London, Pom and ber huaband Ted Flanigan of Aspen, Colorado, and Becky fMndboger of Toronto. Devoted to bis grandchildren Dr. Glen Hanter (Amy), Wally Hanter (Sharon), Rab Hanter (Sandra), El iobetb Couloon (Jody), Pom, Anidrea and Jobnoihon Betiger, Siephen and Linday Windhoger, Sierra and Skye Ftanigon and greof grondchildren Julia, Ryos ond Rachel Hanter. Precaouo broiber of Lena Monderson and ber son Peter, predleceosed by bis parents Grooe ond Arthur Wica oand two oiSiem,. Evo Wicksaond Thereaa Kiphai. Glen loved music trom bis eody yeoms. He mos a tolented saxopbonisi and cloninetisi, mbo ployed ai Cbetea Montebello lSeniowy Club) near Montreol in tbe 1930s. He retamed to Oreoden to toke over the fomnily groceiy business and in 1939 mamred Aima Pony irom Cbatbam. He aiso woiked as on insuance ogent for National Auto Leogue of Osioris. While living in Dreaden, Glen mas o member of tbe Oreadeli Chamber of Commerce, aerved on tbe Oreaden Tomn Coascil and mos an active scout leader. He mas direc- tor of the Dreaden Undted Charch Choir and served as treasarer of tbe cfrarcb for mony yeams. He played mi the Dreaden Commanity Bond, the Walloceburg and Cbatham Kitie Bond and the Cbieau Gai Orcbestra. Glen and Aimo retired ta Milton in 1976 mbere be mos o member of the Miltan Cborisiem, The Victia oSireet Bond, Sf. Pools United Cbarch Cboir and Orchestra. Milton Historicol Society and tbe Milton Distict Hospital Auoiliary. Glanas kind and lovîng satura, pro- found fai40, g4t of music, zest for knomfedge and trov- el avd unique sense oi bomor continue 10 inspire u ail. 1000k You ad4.Family and fniends gothered ai the Oreoden Cemeteiy ov Thursday, June 4, 1998 for the intenneni. A Service of remembranca mil 0e beld on Sotardoy, Jana 6, t199 ai10:00 A.M. from St. Pouls United Church, 123 Main Street, Milton. In liea of fibm- ers donations to VON., Red Cr0ss or the Si. Pouls Undted Cbrcb Elevator Fond moold 0e opprciaed y the fomily. Arrangements entousted to tbe McKmie- Kocber Fanerai Home, 114 Main Street, Milton. HARVIEW, Glenn C - n loving memory of my son June 7fh, 1996. LOVE YOU & MISS YOU 1 MOM MARY ANGELA BERGIN AUgUet 28, 1940 - June 7, 1997 We lost a wife and mother With a heart of gold, How much we miss her Cen never be told, She shared our troubles And helped us along, If We f0110w her footsteps We will nover go wrong. Love Michael, FamiIy & GrndChildren TO THE FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS 0F THIE MAY FAMILY. Perhaps you sent a lovely cord, or sait quietly in a chair, Perhaps you sent some floers or food, if so if mas nice f0 have à there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest mords, as any friand coufd say; Perhaps you cded and shared memories with us, during our darkest days. What you did f0 console our hearts, we gratefully acknomledge your part. WITH THANKS AND APPRECIATION, LORNA, KEVIN, NICOLE AND FAMILY. M 40 GARAGE SALE S 80O'CLOCK 1184 DERRY RD. W SOHOUITEN, Alberf &à Gerda would lke 10 BETWEEN 418 & 5TII UNE, thaîik family, friends and neighbours for ail the MILTON besf wishes lhey received on their 651h. APPLIANCES, BABY Wedding Anniversaiy. FURNITURE & LOTS MORE. GARESALE1 SAT. JUNE 6 9 A.M. - 1P.M.I Stag and Doe IDERRY &TRAFALGARI for SOMETHING FOR John Pp &0 June12 t 8 OpmGARAGE SALE Friday, 1Ia 800mSAT. JUNE 6 H-aiton Country Inn (Rockpile) I9AM-1 PM I 6th Ln Milton $10. at the Iloo6r NEST. BOOKS ONLYI 1ENNSTOCK F MODELS WANTED A USED BOOK STORE. From Canada, between 2-19 to Cornm AAGSL pete in this year's 1998 Toronto Pag- GARAGE SAE eants. Over $20000 in prizes and 9 AM. -4 P.M. scholarships. lncluding trips to 8241 GUELPH UNE nations in Las Vegas. Cail today 1- CAMPBELLVILLE 800-367-2125. SOMETHING FOR EVERVONE! GARAGE 1 GARA7GE SALE SALE SAT. JUNE 6TH. ISAT. JUNE 6 8 AM.-12 NOON FAMLY TREASURE aost. Grey I 8 A.M. -12:00 95 COMMERCIAL ST. tabby. Shadow, blue eyes. Shy. 82 HEMLOCK DR KNITIED CRAFTS, Lasi seen Chik's Drve. 878- j11clthes, parj HOUSEHOLO) 4766. - bencb, brasa lire- GOODS, TOYS, LOST- M eh Ived, young place, secreei disbes, BOOKS, ETC. black cat. Caled Thomas. fu.m.iture, etc. Weekendlkiay 31st1 Speyside orea. 1510 sderoad and thirdlfourth fie. Sim, white___________ GARAGE SALE patfi on ches, ooks Samese. GARAGE SAL;E SAT.JUNE 6 Ay in. Susie 873-6793.6 SAT.JNE68.M. - iP.M. Rein Date June 7 BROCK COURT mamu 9 .M. 3 .M. MULTIPLE HOUSES 755APPLEBY UNE SOMETHING FOR CHPPR hrddr 8H..,c i KM. SOUTH 0F EVERYONE cadet, sedom used, $1000. STEELES AVE nes, eskmg $500., Roa-8w8y , GIANT GARAGE Campbeflvie. 905854-3000. household Itemse and SALE FREE Estimaies. Got mobbfy much, much more. SAT. JUNE IlH chais, weak sprnn9s, tired "-7oMfi2P il wod finishes? Wedo tal.7M.P Cusim ood îenisiing and 426 PINE STREET iumdsure repenrs. Fields Custom IGARAGE SALEI FumOure 9-9 daiy, 8754427% 8 &SUN. 6 & 7 GREAT Savings! Wan a greai A. P.M. MOVING SALE reluis on an original invest- 174 LYDIA STREET SAT. JUNE 6 - 6 - 12 nient? Sofas froor $598. Solo- (CORNER 0F LYDIA 647 EWOT iseds fom $447 Chairs bron & SYDNEY) MOVING 4 BEDROOM $196. Seniors Discouns. Felds LOTS 0F STUFF, HOME TO CONDO. Oualiiy Cusom Ulpholsteng, - SOMET9IING FOR ENTERTAINMENT à KENUORE leciric stove da's87-47 EEVN SHELVING UNITS, aparinent size and white. A HOIJSENOLD, GAR- greai deal ai $100. Cam 078- GAAG ALEI DENING, NEW MICRO, 1076.BKEANMO. SEAT Sale! Freshen ap vour di- S m& U IEADMO. nettedningroom chairs! rol J I ends roni $10 95/echOseai. 18AM.-6RM.1 Fabic labour included. Felds 13184 GUELPH UNE MULTI FAMILY Ouality Custom Upholstering. ROCKWOOD GARAGE SALE 075-4427, -9 North of SIde Roed 25 SAT. JUNE 6 meTn t otarcis Reace- Misc. automotîve new 9 A.M. dentiaVConlmercil. Feds Upl &IlO part a. 272 - 278 WILSON hoisieiy. 9-9.7 dayslmeefi. 875- Hmoeebld applances. DRIVE SOUD WOOD CherryMafioga- ny Ftfo a paace 9 pc. 0/R ss $2aa0.t10pc suier& IGARAGE SALEI SIDEWALK SALE elegant $4250aalld14pc. sx- SAT. JUNEO 6 SAT. &SUN.I ecossesuOitOfj0I.table. ec 712 ROSENEATN DRIVE IJUNE 6& 7 Queigsise (7lft. poster bed su-1CUSTOM BAKED1 AM 4.. quahi Compare! Fao Demier GOODS & OTHERS 781 MAIN ST., lWMCflnleraci)l 905-227-9458. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. MILTON J ii CANO, CAKE PANS Garage Sales IGARAGE SALE NA9D LOTS OF STUFF * ISAT. JUNE 6 * 8A.M. - IlA.M. 12ND ANNUAL 68 MAXTED CRES. GARAGE SALE TV, COMPUTER, BEER STRET WIDE SALE IMILTON JAY CEES BOTiLE COLLECTION, SAT. JUNE 6 SAT JUNE 6lIN HOUSENOLD flCS & Il A.M. - 11:30 A.M. S A.M MORE APPLEWOOD CRES. 3153 STEELES AVE WEST SOMETHING FOR 1 EVERYONE YADSL GARAGE SALE h 8 A.M. -12 NOON 8SAMT-JU2EPM I4030DERRY RD. WOFI 590SAM-I2PMV M.D.H. 1 510GarageYSAVE IDOORS, TERRA COTTA RAIN DATE i1 PLANTERS, DEMIJOHN SUN JUNE 7 Ti ek CURRENT BOOKS m Il Or,.AAi.ý: ' Dparimiai 8753300.