"'fun IFe-.. 12 - The Canadian Champion, Fridlay, June 5, 1998 DRinG DUT TUE TIGER EN TOUR JUNIOR AT TacE GRANITE BReU JUNIOR GOLF COLLEGE e4c Monday thru Thursday starti ng JuIy 6 For details cail JoeI Harrison l ' 7 or Troy Darbyson.C RIDGE GOFtaxes New Services 'qTO available .t... F' ,& SPOiRTS URY CLIMC OBTHOTICS - Scott Harvie, Certified Pedorthist Wednesdays from 4 pm to 7 pm for consultaion regarding foot orthotics MASSAGE THEAPY - Sue-Ann McGeragle, Registered Massage Therapist Wednesdays from 11:30 to 3:30 pm ACUPUNCTUBE - Usa Carlesso, Registered Physiotherapist 7-At *APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE* Mon - Thurs 7am - 8pm, Fni 7am - 2pm 789 3 Suite 203,30061 Derry Rd. W, Mlton (905) 8 8-29 ( vnbnof irgrown teal aim o i W Glenda Watson, RPN your tlnanclal fleeda. Community Nurse Mutuel (unds, retrement and estate plans "IN THE COMFORT 0F YOUR HOMEB -including severance package issues. Milton (905) 878-8302 ofESBCTBPNS MJEr NLaturaffu Be Toeaness, C I/ - We((ness Centre %là,uc21 Private sessions, 0 Aromatherapy'e 1herapeutic Touch second degree. e Reflexology 905-876-1218 eReiki *@Acupuncture FacsaWrnr 71 mm RD N.Reiki Master cmmwitoetlr kFfm4tcLda@ff541654 <Member of the Reiki Alliance) Copuer - F - Cok Cii ACER a LOTUS e CANON *EPSON LEXMARK a MICROSOFT " uhorized Service Depot Network lnstalling *Ful Taing î;Contractu ls &Srie Dr. Angsika Kooih *Software&Acsfe On SiteService DC., FI.C.P.k 106 WWeW dRd., %lhon, Onbro L9T 2W 751 Main Street East. Suite 2. Miltan Nmm. 87"0<1 * Fau 8761013 - 14f03184034 958856 Monday - Friday 9-5:30 e Saturclay~ 10-4 938856 Casino may save track: OJC fromn CASINO on page 1 one under 19 years of age. Mohawk, which is already expanding its track bo K î 1P KLc. i 111 A s!!id P onc loi [ith ack ansd (oie to the casin, Mr. Spool said. The proposai, which has just corne together in the Iast few months, still has to be approved by town council. The OJC has applied for zoning and official plan amendments [o accommodate the gaming facility and Camnival's headquarters for the il charity casinos the provincial government licenced the Miami-hased company to open Iast [ail. The OiC wiIl also need a building permit l'or the new entrance. The Town's business development ofticer, Bob Smith, said niost citizens he talked Io at the open house were in support ni the project. f ! A ý ( ! ) ) t ' [ ý t( ' PP'! r A;1 11011 iv) icplaIL:etihe illyiiad of existiiIg tht ce day rus ifl Monte Carlîs casino events with up to 44 permanent charity casinos and to instaîl slot machines in all Ontario racetracks. Based on current projections by the province, Milton-area charities wili receive about $4.5 million per year [rom the Mohawk casino. The projeet is also expected to create about 600 jobs in casino staffing and supplier and construction trades. Il aIl goes as pianned, construction will begin iin September and the grand opening will follow in December, Mr. Kates said. Wornan new Hard work pays 01>1' head 1 A new era in law eniorcement began recentiy as the l2th person to head the OPP was swomn in. In an outdoor cereînony at the OPP headquarters in Orillia Thursday, Gwen Boniface became the forces new commis- sioner. She began her tenure by accepting the Tipstaff, the symbol o[ authority within the OPP, [rom outgoing commissioner Thomas O'Grady. Commissioner Boniface brings 21 years of police service to the post, ail of it with the OPP. She expressed the important role the OPP has to play in serving the people of Ontario. Retiring commissioner O'Grady said the need for strong leadership is essential as the OPP enters the 2l1st Century. offfor Kristy - ram SHE on page il Guides, with whom she's been a lifelong member. Working ber way up to junior leader status, she's been the recipient of both the Ail Round Cord and Canada Cord - awards for overail community service. The Mayor's Youth Advisory Council is another beneficiary of her passion. Somehow Kristy has not only been able te, fit school work into ber hectic schedule but managed to keep ber name as a permanent lixture on the Honour Society roll eaul. "The short list of applicants blew us away but it was that bal- ance in Kristy's life which put ber over the top," said Rotary Club's Carolyn Keyworth. Kristy isn't quite sure yet where she'il be attending university in the fali, oniy that "the schoiarship wili help out a lot." Ainong those on the scholarship program's short iist were Karen Hurley, Glen Wurster, Liz Cook, Brad Hetherington, Laura Henderson, Ashley Gluck and Michael Pallett.