Clas sified MATTELL - Joe and Jugie and big brother Jacob are delighted to announce mhe birth ot Jenniter Christine. She was bomn on Sunday, =May 10 t 1:42 a.m., weighing 7 Ibs. 8 ozs., t MMster Hospital. Proud grandparents are Jim and Lod Mattet ot Rlorids and Bill and Maron Spence ot Carisie. Speciai thanks to Dana and mhe rest ot the 4tti floor staff at McMaster tor a woniderful birth expenience and to Nana for taking sucit good care ot Jacob. SCHAAP - John and Enza (nee Varone ot Mlton are pleased to announce the birtit of maer daugiter Meissa Vitoda, weghng9 ibs. 1 noz., on May 7, 1998 Meissa is welcomed into mhis world by her lovinq sister Madeleine and brother John. Melssa is the lSth grand- child to Betty Schaap of Stayner, Ontaro and the 1111th grandchild to Antoinetta Varone of Tor- onto. A spcai thanks to Dr.. Aciakir and the OBS staff t Women's Cottege Hospitffai. WILLIAMS - Jane is thritied to announce the birth of her baby brother Thomas Douglas, 6 Ibs. il ozs., on May 15th, 1998, at Milton Dis- trict Hospital at 10:40 a.m. Tom is joyfully wei- comed by his tather and mother, Doug and Maureen Wiliams, grandparents, tamiiy and friands. Speciai thanka f0 Rena (you are won- derfuil) and f0 Dr. Gien Hunter (sot hands Docl) and f0 mhe OBS nursing staff t Milton Distnict Hospital. ç»n «. P«, bnw i Ontarlo meeni wi cks.Naar May 22-June 19 McCORMACK, Donald - of Ayton psssed away on Friday, May 22, 1998. He was 68. Survived by wife Gwen (nee Smith) McCorrnack, sons David and his vWfe Diane of Pickering, Cra19 and his frend Karen of Port Hope, Tery and his rife Cindy of Hamilton, daughter Pafsy and her husband Mark Berfola o? Miton, grandchiidren Greg, Tir, Jeremish, Caiiay and Nicholas. Aso survived by brothers Bit of Brantford, John and Wayne of Burtord, sisters Lucy Frew o? Port Hope and Shiriey Kniii o? Burford, and sfep momher Violet McComack of Paris. Memnoriai Service wviii be heid on Fniday, May 29, 1998 at 4:00 P.M. t Aisteidt United Churcit. Memoriat Service ýwiii be held t the Fairfietd United Church, Burford on Safurday, May 30, 1998sf 1100A.M. Memoriat donations f0 the Asfeidt Unted Church or the Canadan Cancer Socity woutd be appreciat- ed as expressions of sympathy. Mighton Funeral Home, Hanover assisting avtm arrange- Imnts. MEEHAN, Leeman, Arthur - Passed away May 22, 1998 t tme age o 84. Beloved husband of the late Leona Dorothy Aleyn. Loving tather of EdvÀn (Sharon), Judy, Larty (Janet), Donald and the late Bruce (Edith). Brother of 1-ilda r Sen) and the late Jessie and the late Gilbert Ulilan). Grandiather to Debbie, Scott, Glenn, teven, Tracy, David, Jeremy, Paul. and Elizabeth. Great grandtather to allison, Sean and Kevin. Respected by ail who knew hlm. Sadly missed by his family and rienda. Resting aWilson Funeral Home, 5784 Alliaon Avenue, Allison, Quebec. Visitation from 2 - 5, 7 - 9 p.m. Sunday, May 24, 1998. Funeral Serie at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, May 25 at ail Saints Church, 7325 Quimet Avenue, Crawford Park, Verdun. In lieu ot flowers, donations to a chari- ty or foundation ot your choie would be appre- ciated. Ceiebratlng an Anniversary, Birthday or Any Speciai Occasion? JIra Stratn AnflounceIt il 190 Ontario St. TrhelChampion Monuments Phone Sheena BrneMarer 875-3300. THE tamiiy of the tata Brian Blane wouid like f0 express their sincere thanka f0 ail neighbours and friands. Nurses and staff of the Milton District Hospital, Dr. Peers, Dr. Hui and Dr. Hobart for thair comfort and support et this time o Dur losa. KATHLEEN & PETER BLANE canap, Ouan altrapadktalr Irassiea. Nanan apased, cos $1,20. 5crte $490. (905' 99.0f ELECTRIC CART, iardty anar asad, $950, fires. Plissa 905- 634-1219. MGNO 55. X-tlsck Ortlopedia iaewtep, saliS liane, sit ei plastic, cet $1500 soi $625. (905) 867-4042. ONE ANTQUE ledspread. 2 pc. kggaga sel, seweg nta- chines, gand condiion,.st oaf- a. 875-1277. POOLS. ree ieatar sale. 166I. X 24 I. o.d. rtangatar aliane grannd Kayak paals. intadirg decks, fescing, tsaer, 2 addent, sand fliter, pantp & ntte tc. $55.395. 1-800-668-7564. G~AAGSL MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 30T1H RAIN DATE SUN. MAY 31ST 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM 12755 NO. 5 SIDEROAD E. 0F TRAFALGAR Too much f0 men- tion, kittens, paren- niais & harbs. - NEIGHBOURHOOD YARD SALE 41 JAMES STREET 1 block N. of Farmers Market SATURDAY, MAY 30 8:00 A.M. START Haaseitald ilemae,ahld- e'a iap and clalhinisand lts mare RAIN DATE SUNDAY, SAT. MAY 30 YARD SALE ICOUCH AND LOVEI A.MY3 ISEAT, DESKS AND I eA. MAY-2P.M HOUSEHOLD1 ST. STEPHENS STUFF.ANGLICAN CHURCH 1480 _____________ STEELES AVE. W. GARAGE SALE HORNBY SAT. MAY 3 Between Winston 18A.M.-1 P.M.i Churchill Blvd. & 71 ILWAVE. Trafalgar Rd. books, 100 gai. tîsh tank, ail equipmant. GARESALl SA.MAY 30 8SA.M.i 875SiXTi- UNE TREE speciat, liargains on 1NASSAGWEYA &1ceaes, irdges. clustent. etc. 2 - CAMPBELLVILLE 7 fI. paciets as Bitai usd ROAD Maptas ta 16 f. Moss caaerad SOMETHING FOR rackary stasa, lddtirhaud lares. FVrON esa deivary. red (519) 853- EVERONE 5694 effet 6 p.nt. GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 30 9 A.M. -2 P.M. 556 FARMSTEAD laa daisnfcnpe LOTS 0F STUFFI AREA eapaesiani Oakeitta apeelng 3 esfachise offices. iRe teqaîraesAntusiastic indier- GARAGE SALE uaus cira ara teekisg fa SATURDAY, dase. Na aapaience ncs ar.Must lie al t t e rmlt MAY 30 wihmmeso h poe 7 A.M. - NOON sa.Ksiea (905) 849-1642. 630 ELUOTI ORES. Oledeet l- e scknte. CONSTRUCTION OΠ& Canstructian Lalieutees GIANT MOVING raqaîred. comanbae lin GARAGE SALE Mltas cîtte mrk ie greacer SAT & UN. Tronto & Glden Hrseslia MAY 30 & 31 craIe constructon, cancrets 8 A.M. - 4 P.M. testoaeiran &blintg restatlas 6081 TREMAINE RD. praducle. Centpatitiaa raies. (Jus? N. of Peuse cull 875-48M of fan Britannia Rd.) 85325 àUGE COMBINATION CRAFT/YARD SALE SAT. MAY 30TH1 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 R.M. REQI AT TOWN HALL BAKER, V PARKING LOT ALSO COUr APPLY IN F MULTI FAMîLY 8501 HV GARAGE 575 ONTARIC SALE ON FARM SAT. MAY 30 8 A.M. - 4 P.M. CUST9 9259 FIFTH LINE Full tima, soma 866 3 MILES N 0F ceaning products STEELES AVE. & mechanicai aptitude, a a TWO MILES WEST uor O F TRAFALGAR ie.Smoudr1 36 FT. CLASS A 24,000/yr.Resuma f0 )n MOTOR HOME, St. Pau'$Ur i- EXCELLENT 123 Main St., R at CONDTON. Fax 87 Ft of 0 Tt a. m Qt 2, i fu p m p ti h B a 8 FULL lIME I4ELP cunted. Drap of resurntas le saper A vrdeo. 440 OntariaSt. S.. Wton. o Tuesday - Thursday lietwees 9 am. & 5 p.m. MILLIDE RESTAURANT re- quires fuil and part dnem alt Staff. Please appiy in persan te: 243 Mainrepet, Mitas. IILSIDE Restaurent raqarres full and part tinte cait staff. 'fesse apply in persan ta: 243 Main Street, Miffas. PERSON le dativer Rfyers aed eientatketirg part tinte 20 ta 30 sours par areekrlcal, analt Busiess. Mast liemntaed and guai tetleplie asaner. 878-4928. SPUDS CAl P TRUCK. Paît inte, part tine, ttaspfuty arien- tated. grill eapattsceanseassai. traspartationa st, mages accarding ta eapanesnce. 875- 2235. TWO positians aaaale, par- manent pat eeSales Clark for Phtographic Ratai Stora. Oaa staieg part tinte nay aapeed ta fuit tint. Piratageaplsc knacf- edge an assai ba ut ilteesn. Mastty eseraras & ekande. Appty ta MiRasnPirata, Miltan Mall. WANTED fait tinte seasoaa disirmasirar. PteanIafa r drap oit rasarnetateGreystana golf Clb, 9689 Dauislinan, Miltae, Ont. use P rank S54g. Fan: 905- 875-3435. TRUCKE DRIVER. Milternraned canstruction catepny reqarres a tradA driaar. Claes AZ ticense ina ntast. Ptease call ar fax re- sunte ta: Plissa a75-48a4, Fan 875-3225. FULL TIME aanaaeeeig Cla, ntnitadeposiion lsgfrvaa tante Mfg. Ca. Candidates naed saisi autoatld backrndint AiR, AIP & OIE. (ACC AC plus & Lotus f23). Appty ta Box 2286, c/s Milaon Chantpion, 191 Mais St E.,Mltee, Ont. L9T 4N9. Whether Looking for a New Postion or Wantsng to Htre Check the Cbwampton Classifieds First! Cal 875-3300 JIRES WILL TRAIN NTER HELP PERSON TO: IW. 25 N. 10 ST., MILTON rODIAN taekenda, knowiedge of and proceduras, tbiiity ID work unsupar- work. Salsry $22,000 - Jntted Church, Milton, L9T 1N4. 186«0. The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 26, 1998-25 CLDSSE »xietre MONDAY TO FRIDAY 900 AM 500 PM 1~~i1L~i Iannounce vour syecal eveni, cal? The ChamrpionîJ Classîfîed Departrnent ai 875-3300 Mr- i