20-The Canadian1 fl/ 24 month lease or 36 month purchase financing. Other great rates and terms available. It,24 n onIbs Security ~. Deposi '98 GMC SIERRA 1500 SERTES REGULAR CAB This fuu-size truck even cornes equipped with the loorest lease rane of the year. Oher feaures include: a 200 HP Vortec engine, an auromatic transmssion, chrome wbeels, a 2,018 lb. payload capaciey, dual POnCHASE air bags, and the / i f O * PAssLock- eheft-$2 , 9 deterrent system. $920errella $920f ogh SNo SSecurity an Deposot '98 GMC SIERRA 1500 SERTES EXTENDED CAB PoxooxEXT CAS E009CA$S I ro pa r 5T IPT A e xtexe1t> 't' aux .per Dont be fooled bs competicors' ehicles oith es equipment. This 6-passenger truck is loaded with featres including the lotiest lease price of thevyear. le cornes wtnh a 230 HP V8 enge.autoenanc transmisson. ai odtoigs24,728' dp fitd gas coifrx5920 I1UICKI Limited Time Offers. Hurry In. %t ud mw Oft 9ned on a24 nirh eafor GMC Suera %e. Cab 1ISIOMO Sera Ex. Cab 1lSB. Aneeal Ilonere Imit20,000 km, $012 per exceto klomele. Dnwn paymen or rade of 02,0400$1400. No secur epdap obègIrm * 0,5249,87 OOerlU8O6CfB aadele.tFr110$0,Hce00,taxes and nxmuarOert tidêd.5Ptircdnaseand laselklancflonmia4prnteidGMAC aredo ny. Dorerpaymeol and trade nay 6e requeed. Meadêy p~nrx4urdmdxlbannmg w xmyd.psdklgmi dues a~nrse6lede.PorxreaeExemle: 10.00 aI1.0 APN Osemne0ty pyorel o 285.9 I22395n.64. CmTnIanrromg o2956. Tnxl ol $1a0n295$10946 q% r ee o i 1e eps a urtla o asenI10 m r eoollti edl odapkxnryl qafidrea exoee eCuIelOilr il.Lmld iecIe utd mymi e mmd xl 0e