18 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 26 1998 Town won't stre*à,-tch insurance discount too far When it cornes ta municipal insurance, Milton has decided ta take the safe route. Hawever, in an effort ta save money caunicil endorsed a plan ta increase the Town.,s deductihle front $ 10.000) to $25,000. The increase in deductible amounts rcdaced Miltons premiums from $197,914 ta $156,000. Council rejected any possibility of entering a reciprocal insur- ance pool, where premiums are much reduced but any lasses incurred are charged back ta members. Under such a plan Milton would have paid premiums af $125,685 but the Town's share of any lasses would have been about four per cent. If lasses were $1 million, as they were in Council Briefs 1997, then Milton would have ta pay an additional $40,000 ta the I nsurance pool ta caver them. In the recipracal insurance yaur payments are nat fmnished with yaur premiums," explained Jim McQuecn, Milton's acting chief administrative afficer. In additian the recipracal pool lasI Metra Toronto as a member LOCATION: Monte Carlo Inn, 374 South Service Rd., U.S. Immigraion officers are now cracking down on Canodions enlering «the US. for business and leisure purposes as a resuit of the Illegat Reform and Immigration Responsibilily Act recently passed in the US. othe ite msBrown Scoulono Hawkins. Brown S carfone Hawkins NwYork stt: membe f the AND SO ICIOR soritined odmitteli ta BARRISTERSA DS LIIO S pocice belote theUnited States Court of international ITrode. [The Fine Arts Society of Mlton Announces their 2nd Annual 198ART 8140W & S~ALE May SO06 i 7 Sa. $- Suni 9 am - Y Pm "ART ON THE ESCARPMENT" at SPRINGRKDCE FARM Bell Sohool Ln. N. of Derry Rd., Milton 905-878-4906 -'à 0 r'- ý.;e5 ZIY y-' « u. Th mnNI cue on hb For more info. cali MarlonJ ) Detior 905-8 78- 739 7 in 1996 and then bast several of Metro's constituent municipalities due ta amalgamation, council heard. The bass of those municipalities shrunk the pool, Mr. McQueen explained, adding that there are stili a regional police service anid two large tr ansit operatiolos orvols cd. I hosc e grouoNc higher insurance risks than a amaîl tawn like Milton. Councillor Lieven Gevaert said the nisk of a catastrophic event "is pretty small" and he wondered what Milton's premium wauld have been with the reciprocal pool if the Town accepted the same $25,000 deductible. Mr. McQueen said he had not obtained a quote on that because he took the initial prices, and fearing the apen-ended nature of the reciprocal pool, he increased the deductible ta reduce the gap bctwccn the two premium quotes. Mr. Gcvaert said he wanted a quote from the reciprocal pool with thc increase in deductible. Avoid road rage Several summer special uses of Milton roads wcrc announced recently at Town Hall, sa plan yoar travel accordingly. Milton will hast a triathlon on Saturday, July 18. Racers w.ill use Sixth Line between Five Sideroad ta 20 Sideraad, 20 Sideroad from Sixth Line ta Fifth Line and Fifth Line from 20 Sideroad ta 15 Sideroad. In addition the Downtown Business Improvement Area will close Main Street between James Street and Commercial Street for the Moonlight Magic Summerfest on Friday, June 19; the Downtown Classic Car Show on Friday, June 24; the Harvest Moon Festival on Friday September Il and the Milton Downtown Octoberfeat on Friday, October 9. Closures of Main Street will begin at 5 p.m. and extend until 1l p.m. Milton is history The Milton Histarical Society recently receîved the 1997 Scadding Award of Excellence presented by the Ontario Historical Society. The award is presented ta a historîcal sacicty which demon- strates a commitment ta the history and preservation of their municipality' s past. Society preident Bruce Carlin accepted the award from Milton Mayor Gord Krantz. Mr. Carlin said the Society bas been around for 21 years. It started in response ta the potential loss of wbat is now Town Hall. "We helped protect this building, we've produced books, have done home plaquing and work at local cemneteries," he said. The Historical Society meets on the third Thursday of each month, usually in conjuniction with a special event or speaker. Thanks for comning ont Mayor Krantz make presentations ta several individuals t'or their efforts on behaîf of the Town. Cameron Antaya, Cindy McAdam and Andrea Aikenhead aIl received recognition for their service on the Leisure Services Advisory Committee. Given the opportunity ta comment Ms. Aikenhead said, "Is been great. I've enjoyed il and 1 encourage everyone ta gel involved." PORCELAIN CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR Also Available: Sewing, Millinery, Cobblery, Wig Making, D.D.R Painting 1 TUNE-UP AT MERV'S THIS SUMMER At MERV'S we carry premium quality Rotors, ', Antenna, Pre-Amps your veig Satellites! DSS RCPINO EXPRESS VU (DIGITAL AXIU M EIUINO ffPLUMEIE) A uthoufz.d Ddaler PANA8ONIC, TECHNICS, rOeuMA EhR V'is w"878-7776 MERV 575 ONTARNO ST. S. ELECTRONICS Cta'Îl o.,g tmf> For childron Ages 5 to 7 years Build your own spaoc raft,#i ot s of spbrts, find out who lives under the rocks in your back yard, or try a tow new dance stops... and loo many crafts to countll Sfour two wok sessionis fhm June 29 to August 21 xtuided child care available ut no extra cost $250 s.e2an(Subsidy vahalo the î.R.gm of Halon) Basjo e à is é e Ri g k eel OW [2 (DU Lâ O ýâa( UýàU 1 1