More vandalism at school The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 15, 1998- Robert Baldwin Scbool was it witb îwo more acts of vandalism recently. Two large windows were smasbed in two separate incidents occurring between May 7 and 10 at tbe scbool. wbicb bas been vandal- i d ix tiies ii i t fho l,îst tîtîrtit Fwo classrooms ait the Wilson Dnve and Woodward Avenue Scbool were damaged during tbe moot recent attacks for a loso of $500, said Det. Sgt. Jackie Gordon of' Halton Regional Police. Police are anxious to speak witb anyone witb information on the incidents. Schools damaged A sign was damaged between tbe bours of 3-9 p.m. at Bisbop Reding Scbool during a May 10 incident. Locks of tbe 1600 Main St. E. school were damaged and tbe contents of tbe sign cbanged during tbe inci- dent. Also, a purple BMX bike was tbrown tbrougb an east side window during an incident at Holy Rosary Sebool, 141 Main St. E. Equipment recovered Two I 7-year-old Milton youtbs bave been cbarged in connection witb an April 2 break-in at Milton District Higb Scbool. A Kipps apparatus was stolen from tbe science department of tbe Williams Ave. scbool during tbe incident. One youtb faces charges of break and entry, tbeft and obstructing a peace officer. A second youtb faces Police Blotter c.harges of break and intry and theft. Botb youths will appear in court June 19. Tbe stolen property has been recovered. Impaired charges laid A 40-year-old Brampton man has been charged with impaired driving ater being stopped by police at Derry Rd. and Eighth Line in Milton. The man was found with .80 mg of alcohol in bis blood, said Det. Sgt. Gordon. A court date bas been set for July 22. Churches targeted A sterco, television set and CD player were stolen after an ovemigbt entry of a Trafalgar Rd. cburch. A back door of Hillcrest Cburch was pried, then kicked open during tbe May Il incident. Five otber Halton HuIs cburcbes were entered tbat nigbt. Police said tbe incidents are likely related. Jewelry stolen Jewelry and a camera were stolen from a Barton St. residence in Milton after a May 6 break-in. Tbe bouse was entered tbrougb a rear patio door. Zellers staff walks for a cure Tbey're sbooting for the moon again at Zellers. The Milton store is organizing its annual Moonwalk for Cystic Fibrosis researcb. Tbe 10 kilometre trek takes place Sunday, May 24, beginning from the Milton Mal store at 8 a.m. Those wisbing to take part are asked bo pick up pledge sheets from the service desk at tbe store prior to the day of the walk. Zellers is sponsoring a free bar- becue for ail walkers after tbe event. The Moonwalk is so named because the goal is to bave walkers pace tbe equivalent distance 10 the moon - approximately 240,000 miles - tbrougb a com- bined effort of strollers at more than 300 Zellers stores. TMe event bas been going on for >2 years and partic- ipants bave raised more tban $1 1.8 million to figbt Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic respiratory ailment tbat kilîs more young Canadians tban any otber înberîted dis- ease. Read Steve Le-B-anc for ail the updates on hockey, lacrosse, high school sports and athietes. SEMINAR: TnRumsmLES AcmLGED! Èe A.PJM& Oakvtlle, ON (Trafalgar Road Cutoff) TIME: Wed., May 27/98 'Maximum Gapacity Reached" NEW SEMINAR ADDED , Thurs. june 11 /98, 4-6 p.m. US. Immigration officers are now cracking dlown on Canadians entering the US. for business and leisure purposes as a resuit of the Illegal Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act recently passed in the US. TOPICS WILL INCLUDE: - Business Visitor Visas - Nonimmigrant Work Visas - Managers & Executives * Investor Visas - Immigration Strategies under NAFTA - The Illegal Reform and Immigration Respon, - How to Avoid Summary Exclusion from the - How to Avoid Exclusion on the Basis of a Ci - How to Avoid being put into Removal Proce - The Significance of Mîsrepresenting at the B, 0..adohrre r Crosingise Brown Scarfone Hawkins BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS isibility Act of 1996 U.S. ,riminal Conviction eedings 3order of the I ire trown, Scafore llawkiî. Uicersed f0 proctfoe ow in Orfario erd New York Stote. Member tf the Ameicor femigratien ayes Asociafiono d odmifted f0 proctiis belors the United Siai os curt oif fernotionol Trode. t'cc e 2.9 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 10:00 arn. - Breaking Bread 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sehool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading "This is a faithful saying that Christ Jesus came into the world 10 save sinnerr." 1 Tlm.1.15 VIoTO1RY UlULR CHURON Ar mka i roho ich anhd Cher0aly? as Ou ch a a:s6rcmad e ut ifecin pur fle' ls Swukr irng ef rjuela u nior iraiilîu lomr r syo dicte qos.and u t ccmrt n o chrh, îe, n nru Yn I ::cek ouitm eere h" mil ecro. chllnge. and ewyn ou Rh E 101f)l-1: 15are Momrng Wo:rhip Mlro c LesCer e ( Board R::::er repu arc k.ruldreridr9 Oy",,car4cnd,, .Ling A 5t.rrr:::cLfe Bî 7fre Wrrd 0f Gd- Pastor Charies BoyceF1 (905f 875-2162 1K Emnail: vcoryt lcurbOlreerfel cern V 0. . Let us Continue Making History! rO QMay 30,1998 Rally 12 noon Milton Town Hall MARON FOR JESUS is ansavnt rhat Sas capturedthert hearts att i mnts of people :n nations aIl over the wntit. On may 30,1998, over a million Chorisians wr11 be marching for Jesus across Canada, Europe. 0K, USA anti otter coanitoas or thee enta. MILTON WILL BE MARCHINGI FOR MARCH INFORMATION CALL: Grace Anglican Church - 878-2411 HOLY ROSARY Grace Anglican Btr~AUAI CIJRO 1139 Martn St. Miton ;317 Mai n St. E. 1, , GRANDEUR 878-6535 (TTY.878-9044) teCu tieIaklil)n87r-2411 bDivesf flot yourselves of the Robe of grondeur, htOpi/"1, akU)mýt neither sufer your heorfs ta be deprved of remem Mass at 5:30 p.m. Saîurday Sunday Services bering your Lord. for your eors cf heorkeflilg ufiro 9:0 am 10:30 a.mrn on Suinday 540f cam - Hotv Cromunion the sweer mefodies of His wofldrous. Hitsublime, Hi0 OUR LADY OF VICTORY 10:(X)arn - Su'ng Eaichanist oll.compelling. His cleor ond most eloctuefif Voce » Milton Helghts (\urn Rs Irgamn. Clih ch So, & Praserm fer lnalrng) from Boho'i Scrpture Muasal 1030 rrr Surdaye LO)CAL. ........ 878-OOt ST. PETER CHURCI4-9th Lino & mnitannia Thursday REGIONAli ..t. 1800-433-3284 VMusOurur 90 -SbOuy 10:45 arn - HlCommunion NAIONAla .. týý.ý.. -905-889-8168 EU4WT&W.APT5005NEd Holy GILOBAILà............www.bha".org soumeamSrsc&j l or.....w.....eor CWssewuay -at m u throogft purng lot dore KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Street E., Mîton Minstcer-The Ses. Sud Lewis Diacunal Minister-Colleen Smith Sunda4y Worshlp 10:30 a.m. 9:30 arn. Grades 7-8 & High School 10:30 a.m. Sunday School & Nursery For information catI 878-6066 Parking os Mary Street ai m Whtekthair accroc uati cuchroomo pronoieti 53 s htail mup corne an o 0rship. Boston P, reyterian Church Boston clrurclr Roati ast North nf Fiee Sitieroati SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 ar. Nursery & Churofi Scoof Minster: The. R« ShunCmli For farther information caf f875-2804 c mIIR* MILTON, ONT. Minises: Re. Bob Hyde - Ren. Roc Hast Dirsosor of Music Judy HunIer Contb WrahlP SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1998 Ioi250AU WOASHIP * ousoto1e MERS00F CHANGE Raur Chuh otol Classe sondNsory Caro 0ppBfllNMES Thes 015.,Cap -Oondap12 mone-12:24 pe Slip lIno a«n nl. ooVesslpeulsrioor LM co o0»1W4MW hm75 u n P = Lw=omlltsaeuyunht o tatlleO To pr%.Ficipa'. iK -kis ÇetaAF-v ?legs& coýM4<ac4* Viki-IijK PMra*oK 878&2qiI Sunday, May 17, 1998 9:45 a&. TRAINING IN TRUTtI Orurtay Scotror AU Agas 10:45 a&. THE APPOINTMENT WmIT 000 Paser Raggu brins the nusug.. 6:30 p.m. EVENING EVANGELISTIC R*LLY Spoal Oest.. PMauu.vstec&wota aauV#IMIE Joie uslf s bis pultsvstg etMusic wuthe Word of OsA Nrsery Coré (-2 Ynursf- Childmas Psgrn.ssfApusa.GrW* 8) PROVIDED OR OM 15SERVIES.- FISIR'S OF MEN" Man's PIUaag Umk.o Ê Fd$§% Uaey 22 - Sudm% IlMy 23, Cmt$1110.00 We're going to Swan Lakte t.otge in Mustreta for tNs limie 2 ,Waway -OIfyeu'e :nterestel. caf the oftarch office totiay Tune inie. DO VOU NEED A ý'S@t Aui*eVaut cam" RIDE TO CHURCH? on CJMR 1320 AM Ratite CaH ouf church office by Friday EnorFrrry -5:45-.00ep.rr ando. us Miisy team wt pick pou up - Ourdap 059119 "J for lime? Check out Dateline to get a quick glimpse of what's going on in town. Dateline is a ist of local nlon-u profit events brought to you free of charge by this paper every week 1 -L