The Canadien Champion, Fniday, May 15, 1998-19 Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The col- un s available to local cOmmunity groups te assist n promoting their future events. OnIy charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence athough more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office cf The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Friday May 15 It's lot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., ai 11:45 am. Seniors are invited to enjoy a hot meal and social- ize. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosts the Blossom Time bus excursion to Niagara Falls. Participants visit greenhouses and garden areas. Lunch is included. Caîl the centre ai 875-1681 for details. Saturday May 16 The Employment Network meets at the Women's Information and Support Centre, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 210, in Oakville from 9:30 te 11:30 arn. Participants meet with other women te network and hear guest speakers discuss employment-related topics. No pre-registration is required. Browse for saleable used items and perennial plants at Grandmother's Attic Sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. TMe event takes place at Horizon Packaging Hlornby, 13029 Steeles Ave. West, I kmn West of Trafalger Rd. Proceeds go to Cemmunity Living North Halton. The St. John's Plant Sale takes place from 9:30 arn. te 2 p.m. The sale aise includes crafts, baked goods and lun- cheon. The church is lecated at No. 10 Sideroad and Guelph Line. Tuesday May 19 Bishop Reding School Council hosts a used uniformn sale from 3:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Do you love gardening but don't have a yard te garden in? Milton Community Garden hosis a meeting at 7 p.m. in the Community Room of the Halton Police Department on Child's Dr. Anyone serieus about having a plot in this gar- den is invited te attend. The Milton Historical Society brings the old art of blacksmithing te life at their monthly meeting held at Hugh Foster hall. The 8 p.m. meeting features artifacts and personal anecdotes by sisters Marsha Waldie and Gail Brown on Milton's own Waldie Blacksmith Shop. The Milton Toastmnasters invite you te be the toast of the town. Join them at their weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at The Canadian Legion Hall, 21 Charles St. Wednesday May 20 Bishop Reding School Council hosts a used uniform sale from 3:30-8 p.m. It's Hot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., at 11:45 arn. Seniors are invited te enjey a hot meal and social- ize. Thse Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Heur presents Barbecue Tips tor Summer Lntertarnng 9:30-t11:00 am. in the Aliendale Auditorium at Halton Maner, 185 Ontario Street. Dave Taylor delivers the tips, Mrs. Alva Brooks is guest speaker and event is foliowed up with music. Admission is free and babysitting provided. Do yen feel like you're walking on egg sheila? Constantiy put down? Net sure what you did wrong'? The Women's Information and Support Centre. 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 210, in Oakville isosts self-help group 'I deserve bet- ter' Wednesdays from I to 3 p.m. Participants share con- cems and heip each other. Thursday May 21 Sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or M.E/Fibromyaiga meet at I p.m. For more information cali 876-3713 or 1-905-575-5190. The Canadian Red Cross is holding a blood donor ciinic at Milton Seniors Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr. from 1:30 - 8 p.m. The Halton Regienai Health Department (HRHD) is hosting an information session on their Heart Smnart Restaurant Program. 7-8 p.m. at their Oakville offices. Training wiiI be providied for volunteers wili- ing te suupori restaurants in the program. To register before May 18 cali Lisa Mina at 825- 6060, ext. 7891. Stay up to date wth The Canadian Champion. Local ,*ews, sports and féatures twice a week. Cati 878- 2341 to subscribe. OIT A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Card Problears Major Cash Fow Problems Persistent BlliiCallectors Delinquent Taxes Lass aif.Job or Laved Ose Woge Gamishments Judgements, Law Suits Foreclosres Repossessions Evictions Studen Loaon Divorce Reloted Finariciai Probles _PADDON + Bankrupcýycon be avoided Cailus! No charge for in"uz coosubtion' YORKE INC. P FE4,IMLALA550tysEROICES 7m e1 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A better soluton! Peanuts in the pack The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is waning consumera with an allergy to peanuts flot to eat Unique Bakery's Fudge Nut Brownies sold in individually-wrapped, 130 gram packages. The product may be topped with crushed peanuts which can cause a serous or ife-threatening reaction in persons with a peanut allergy. The produci is now being recailed because the brownies con- tain peanuts rather than walnuts as stated on the label. Watch foro the FLYER Comning to your door OnIy in Zbt Ca bian Ujampto A "TOLE PAINTING GROUP CRUISE' ON BOARD THE SEABREEZE out of THE PORT 0F NEW YORK CITY - heading up along thse US. coast stopping at many ports including HALIFAX and then returning. awaits your consideration. The five night Cruise wiIl depart on September 6tIs, and s escorted by LOCAL ARTIST BARBARA KERR who wilI be instructing you on painting techniques along the way! GIVE BARBARA A CALL NOW AT 469-9455 for details about being included in this special group - do it now - 'time is of the essence'! (LnYLLN UPSTATE NEW YORK 15 A GREAT PLACE TO GO ON A DRIVING TOUR, especially in summer. A couple of recent trips we made into the ares - Syracuse and Albany, specifically, makes one realize how much there is to sec and do just a short drive south of the border! The ERIE CANAL SYSTEM and how its early creation helped to move goods from tihe east coast through the Great Lakes (past Niagara Falls!) aIl the way to Chicago to assist in the early development of the West; the Hudson River which has its headwaters in upper NewYork state and lows right to New York City and thse Atlantic Ocean (Henry Hudson in his discoveries sailed from the Atlantic to Albany in those 'early days' and established it has a major inland seaport); and on and on with many other attractions throughout the region. 17-1Y FINITTLNY COOPERSTOWN, NEW YORK - WELL KNOWN BY ALL BASEBALL ENTHUSIASTS FOR IS NATIONAL BASEBALL HALL 0F FAME (Canadians in there too!) i s just an hour or so off the New York State Freeway (which you can get to by crossing thse border at Queenston) as yeu get down into thse famous 'Finger Lakes' region of the state. GLIMýMERGLASS OPERA is another world-famous attraction in the ares, along with many outstanding înuseums to browse. On the Internet - should get you answers, or you can phone 607-547-7200. DID YOU KNOW DFPF.: POPE JOHN PAUL Il will 'ME YOU IN ST. LOUIS' next JANUARY when a 24bhour stopover betwoen his MEMIO CITY visit and retum to Rome, is planned. Or maybe in Mexico, if you are in either place - one thing for sure, ther wiII bec mwds as people are booking now te be diere! TRAVEL TEP 0F Tiff WEEK: if you are being served bottled water during your travels, make sure the seal on thse bottie has not been broken prior to your receiving it. 74e OJr44 8S78-28S86 16 Martin St. (downtown) Also in Acton &Oakville www.b)