18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday May 15, 1998 Ifyou ý've got something Wo get off your chest, T e r rai1 ne w as writea letter to the editor and mail, fax or00 drop kt off at the Champion office, 191 Main mixed up, cuncillor says Street East. BloodDonB [he 911 service in Nassagaweya taïled again, coun- cil heard recently. Regional Councillor Barry Lee said constituents in the northemn section of Milton catled for emergency help and ended up getting City of Guelph police answering the catI. Some northem Milton residents have telephones in the 519 exchange. However, those lines which are registered îhrough Bell as part of the 905 ares should get a Milton response, according to Mr. Lee. The probleru occurred for a person who bas had their tetephone number registered especially to avoid tbis problem. Fire Chief Harold Penson said he was not aware of the incident but would investigate. He suggested that because some boundary street names have not yet been formalty changed the system is sill incomplete. "I think a request in writing of why 1his happened is appropriate," said Mayor Gord Krantz. Mr. Lee was particularly unhappy with the situation. He said emergency services had assured councit that it had been taken care of and the 911 system was comn- plete, with the exception of those people with 519 numbers who had flot registered. Nassagaweya Councillor Cindy Lunau said the issue has been a source of frustration to the local communi- ty consultation committee. Councillor Lieven Gevaert, also of Nassagaweya, said a serious car accident in front of bis home six years ago "teft a very bad taste" when he had difficul- ty contacting emergency services through 911. What's in a name? Council autborized new road names for several boundary roads. Eramosa-Mitton Town Line witl form the boundary 265 265 Tender Tender 265 265 Tender Tender TrV-VOR NOW CENvTRE NEW FREE ESTIMATES ExpressVu REPAIRS MnIaI LTrC>1 MVON 1UANKS 11HE HALTON COMUNIY~L It s with great appreciation the VON Halton Branch recognizes the wonderful support of contributors thmough- out the Halton Region who hetped make our firat annual Candlelight Memorial Service very special. This Memorial Service was held ai Appleby Cottege Chapel to honour VON patients who died during the past year. Over 350 family members, friends, VON staff and volunteers throughout the Halton Region, joined together to remember and share. The support of the community was overwhelming! Specialthanks to Appleby College, Oakville Appleby Chapel Choir - Sheldon Rose Appleby College String Quartet - Paul McCulloch jennifer Neil Willie Canham Versa Services - Simon Moon Rev. Susan Sheridan Tom Shilcock, Organist Bob's Cruises/Heather's Travel Houae, Oakville Bulose Garden Center, Oakville Halton Peel Palliative Care Initiatives J.S. Jones and Son Funeral Home, Georgetowen Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, Oakville St. John's Roman Catholic Chuich, Burlington Ward Funeral Home, Oakville VON Halton & Candlelight Memorials Service Comnuttee IServing Halton Since 1981 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 3, Milon (Coner of Main St. &Thompeo Rd.) 876-1175 PG OUEST FOR CAMELOT Fnday & Saturday nlghlty a 7:GO prn & 9: 15 pm Sunday - Thursday nighty al 7:GO pm Sunday - Matinee a 2:GO pm rÂJ r 1~BHMr Frday & Saturday nughtly al 7:00 pm & 9:15 pm Sunday- Thursday nighfy at 7:GO prn PGTHE OBJECT 0F MY AFFECTION Frday &Saurdayngtly a700pm & 9:15pm Sunday- Thursday nlghtly al 7:GO pM EUI BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTUREpppl Sundaly Mainsea 200 proumm 'tTAlUI fhuyyo.asl Council Briefs between those two municipalities. The northem sec- tion of the boundary road between Haîton His and Milton wjll be named Crewson's Uine, the middle sec- tion wilI be called Nassagaweya-Esquesing Town Line and the southem section wilI be called Tremaine Road. According to Councillor Cindy Lunau the boundary road does flot connect up along the Halton Hils- Milton border, nor is it ikely to do so in the future. Therefore thoee separate namnes are required to keep people from thinking that the road is continuous. Met Iovio, Milton's director of planning, said no written objection was received by the Town regarding the proposed name changes. Mr. Gevaert requested staff pursue a written confir- mation from emergency services tliat they are aware of the changes, understand them and have no objec- tions. Mr. Lee suggested that staff carefully study bylaws passed by affected neighbouring municipalities to conflrm they coincide with Milton's proposed bylaw authorizing the name changes. He admitted the extra precautions are likely unnecessary but said because of the complexity of the bylaw and the need to be absolutely in sync on the issue it should be done. In the past slightly differing bylaws have resulted in boundary roads having different names, thereby eses MEGA on page 20 REQUEST FOR TENDER Bid documents for the contract or service listed below, addressed ta the Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 ýwill be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakville ime on the specified closing dates. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone (905)825-6000, extension 7031. Documents will be available for pick-up on and alter May 12, 1998. There is a non- refundable deposit of $25 plus $1.75 GST. Bids will be opened in public at 2:15 p.m. on the due date specified in the Nelson Roomn at the above address. Those submitting bida are invited ta attend. Mandatory site meeting are as follows: Section 4: May 20, 1998, Halton Region Headquarters, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville aI 9:30 arn. Section 5: May 19, 1998, Allendale, 185 Ontario Street South Milton at 12:00 pm. Section 6: May 19, 1998, Mid Halton Wastewater Treatment Plant, 2195 North ServiceRd., Oakville at 9:30 am. Section 7: May 22, 1998, Meet ai Wellington Terrace, 410 John St. Burlington at 8:30 arn for a tour of ail facilities. Under no circumstances will facsimile or laie bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bld not necessarily accepteti. 98-T-049 HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING (H.V.A.C.), BOIER AND RELATED EOUIPMENT SERVICES AT VARIOUS FACILITIES CLOSING: TUESDAY, JUNE 2 ,1998 J. L. Rinaldo A. Mindenhaîl, CPPB Commissioner of Manager of Corporate Services Purchasing Services