The Canadian Champion, Frday, May 15, 1998 - 17 Committee agrees to give man his omoney back By BRAD REAUME The Champion It may pay tri he persistent. Rural resident (laire Sweetiiîti asî jo jeued ils t uidle in bis quest tri get almost $ 1, 100 trom Town Hall. Having secured agreement from the Community Services Committee he need only get ratification from full counicil in a meeting scheduled for next Tuesday (May 19). Battling municipal government for several years, Mr. Sweetman eventually won the right to sever a lot from his farm so he could build a retrement home. On Monday night committee granted him reimbursement of some of his costs, despite a Town policy which dictates that developers pay. There were numerous requirements attached to Mr. Sweetman's property development, including a study to insure that traffic views were adequate for a proposed driveway. Eventually the proposai went before the Ontario Municipal Board, which granted the severance but ordered Mr. Sweetman to pay ail the costs related to removing a knoll on the road which impedes liallic views. Mr. Swectman tound a new location for the driveway but the Town insisted on a traftic study. Mr. Sweetman told committee members the Town should pay for the services of thse traffie engi- neer, because they insisted on the study. It cannot understand. Why did Milton oppose our proposai in front of the Ontario Municipal Board? 'Mse Town could not win. We were doing you a favour by converting an old dump intô a revenue producing piece of property," Mr. Sweetman said. Mr. Sweetman said he wrote the Town "a nasty letter" after receiving much "abuse" over the matter. He told councillors that their conduct on his request for reimbursement would indicate how the aged are treated, and whether the Town is mun by elected people or a bunch of out-of-control bureaucrats. Coiiiiiiitee chair Barry tLee îîiieiedd Mr.Sweetiiaîs on bis perseverance and on bis success in obtaining the lot severance. He told Mr. Sweetman bis letters were flot nasty but "the most inter- esting F've received from any constituent." Councillor Rick Day said be supported thse Town reimbursing Mr. Sweetman for the traffic study because bis family transaction was being dealt with under miles aimed at large-scale developers. Councillor Cindy Lunau said she understood the extenuating circumstances but was concemred that the decision might set a precedent. Her sentiments were echoed by other councillors, thus setting up a potential debate when it comes before full council. An expert maintenance check of your air conditioner and natural gas furnace now could save costly repairs later Save $20 Combo Heating and Cooling Maintenance Check just $139.90A' A 28-point inspection* including a test for carbon monoxide, and cleaning (as necessary) the inspected parts for proper operation. Save $70 The Union Protection Plan for $991a month covers you year round Only $239.55 annually based on 12 interest-free payments. Includes both maintenance checks, Splus the Heating Protection Plan and r the Cooling Protection Plan which covers costly parts and labour charges for one full If you're already enroled in the Heating Protection Plan, you can upgrade to include your air conditioner. Cail for details. Salute to Seniors program members receive a 10% discount. Cali today! 1800 441-4619 tilcastomers 0.A.C.; enclades GST, replacement paria, A/ coolant inor labour on repairs. Compared to our regular price ot $7995 ~eating Maintenance Check and Cooling Maintenance Check. pointsmal oary bý make model and accessories. Call Union Gas for details. ont tor 1mn s, and one final payment of $1999 on your monthly gas Fmnditions apply. Details of thse Union Protection Plan Terms and Conditions will Mtto yoa upon enrolment. Acceptnce in protection plans sobect to soccessful ptiono f maintenance check. oo may cancel within 30 days. YGas Limited 1998 :e-of-Mind Service is a trademark of Union Energy toc., osed under licence by in Gas Limited. 0 miongas energy for you TAP & EATE Y LIV Legends of the Game!et Stuirday, May 23rd 12 noon to 4 pm *Dool Prizêmi & Druce Ho<d- Tlekt *2S macà Ineludom Lunehaon B~fo Prooeedsto canadian DItaf Ice Hockey Federationm Chale.y Fift Whlsle' 5.5 Ontarlo Ontarlo St. N.,1 Mlton 878-66l97 ITerY: Norm 878-752