Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 May 1998, p. 10

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10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 15, 1998 Kds will pick up on aduit signais about food - fromn ROOT on page 2 By the time they hit puberty, skipping a meal bas led ta dieting. Anemida and bone calcium loss leading ta asteaporosis are usu- ally the greatest risks of prepubescent and adolescent dieting. Thats because red rneat atnd daïry products are olten the lirst things ta go when a young girl's fancy tumns ta fat loss. Tliat statistics can be sobering. A 1992 Health and Welfare Canada study showed that by age 1l, 37 per cent of girls say they need to ]ose weight. By age 13 that number has risen ta 42 per cent, and edges up ta 48 per cent by age 15. Anather Canadian study cited tisat the number one fear of girls in grade 3 and 4 was gaining weight. It beat aut biggies like the death of a parent, nuclear war, and cancer. Sa far there is noa clear way ta map out why some kids are mare vulnerable ta eating abnormalities than athers. What is clear ia the greater mental dîstress a child is under, the mare likely she is ta breeze by the dystuncttonal eattng route and run headlong towards an eating disçirder. "Usually the girls wha suffer an eating disarder have a greater degree of psychalagical distress," explaned Margaret Beck af the National Eaing Disorders Information Centre. "Mare distress casa lead ta full blawn eating disarders." In fact, 65 per cent af people with eating disorders have expert- enced same kind of abuse in their lives, while 35 per cent have experienced childhaod sexual abuse. There's no simple way ta help children avoid the land mines af disardered eating and eating disorders. I fact, it requires a cam- plete sacietal averhaul. "What we really have ta address is the social attitudes tawards flot only food but alsa fat people," said Ms Beck. If that seeros too large a task, remember the positive affects of at-home rote modeltng and take a closer look at the attitudes that flaurish in yaur awn kitchen. "Don't caunt calaries ar diet in front of your kida," said Ms Beck. "Many people think nathing of having fat free yogurt in the fridge but having a lot of fat free fooda sends a message ta your children." Commenting negatively on your own or others' bodies also packs a powerful punch ta the self-image of young girls. That means putting a moratorium on asking 'Do I look fat in these pants' in front of them. It means no cooking one meal for your family and another for a dieting parent. Even teachers can be read the riot act for accidentally reinforc- ing disordered thinking about food. 'Teachers in elementary achools who think they're doing good will teach a nutrition class and label fooda 'good' or 'bad'," said Ms Beck. 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Counselling & Psyzhotherapy Indivduals, Couples, Obldren & Families 11084, Sth Une Milton, Ontarlo Elyn. M. Tanm (905) 854-0801 Q:1was a client of yoursand you helped me greatly but people oeil. They say that they don't know wbat to expect and tbey do flot know if counsellilng Is rlght for tbem. Could yen belp me by discuaaing titis? A: These are common concerna. Most of us are afraid of things that are new to us. Many people are surprised when they see my office and its location. My office is a cosy, country home in a tranquil seting, minutes fromt town. It is Mp in my home, but rather, is completely private and away from any other activity. Inside, is a living room, complese with fireplace and comfortable seating. It is flot at ail clinical or office-like. The next raom is a playroom where t meet with children. It has toys. games, doîl- houses, art supplies and a huge chalkboard. When 1 arn worling wîth children we may go outside for a walk to visit our homses or catch frogs at the pond. They learn to trust me and, tlerefore, talk more openly. People ocho corne for counselling are nu différent (rom anyone else. They are healthy people that are coping but feel that some- thing is preventing them (from being truly happy in ail areas of their life. They are the sanie family nmembers and fienda who tell us their problema but now want to do something about them. They may want a professional and confidentiai, impartial third party who oili flot take ides. Tlheir problem may have heen with them for years or it may he something that has recently comne up. Some live nearby and othera come (rom farther away. When coming to sec nie, the individuai dues flot have to commit to a certain number of sessions. They may came as many or as few times as they like. There is nu obligation. My only goal is to help them reach their goals, in whatever way 1 can. Elayne Tanner is a Cerified Social Worker in privait praice in noriA Milton. if you have Jiariher questions or if sou would like ta arrange an appoinanuens. pleaut ral (905) 854-0801. Cagntia~l gasanteed 1 o the om f rt s of h

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