4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 1, 1998 We offer Vour car requires 4Hidden Hitch 4Walker Exhaust 4 Suspension Service 4Tire Rotation & Balancing SGeneral Tires ITransmissions& Service 4Safe ty Checks 4 E/S Brakes I42/4 Wheel .Alignment 4Cooling System Service Engines Quaker State Oi Lube Filters 4Com,. ITunei s 4~EIectricaI uter Ana lysis l4Air Conditioning Ups I4Shocks & Struts For any vehicle Auto Repair & lire Cam'Vr For afil uAuo eds! NOUA& Mon. - FrL 76,$St.8-12 .xoepttomu w.*.nd 875- 21 w', Math champion Glenn taught himself to program computers G/en Wurster is arnong 17 students (1cIVss C(.ada ilw t- ed to take part in a University of Waterloo competition By KAREN SMITH The Champion OAC student Glenn Wurster is the perfect example of what self-motivation can accomplish. In the seventh grade, the Milton District High School student taught himself computer pro- gramming through self-study at home. Today, Mr. Wurster is one of 17 students in Canada invited to compete in a computer contest ai the University of Waterloo. Thc l-year-old recently participated in the Third Annual Canadian Computing Competition lor high school studcnts. He eamed first place in Ilalton alter achieving twice the avcrage score of morc than 1,000 contestants I rom across the Country. Now he advanccs with 16 others to the second stage fromn May 6 to 9 and if he does well, he will go~ on to represent Canada at the International Olympiad in Portugal from Scptemnhcr 5 to 13. MDHS math teacher Dean Murray called it a stellar accomplishment.'* -Gîcns resuits are incrcdtble"- he said. -We surc hope hc makes tl to thc finals in Portugal.- The first compctition consisted ot Oive prob- lems, which contestants werc given three hours to solve using programming skills and a comput- er. One of MDI-S' top math students. Mr. Wurster said his interest in computers started in Gradc 7 when he taught himself programiming as a hobby Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Glenn Wurster is one of his school's top math stu- dents and a computer whiz. through self-study. He attrihoted his success to logical thinking and his abili- ty to %vork through challenges. 'Imn a logical sort of person and I have a lot of patience," he said. He said he hopes to study computer science with empha- sis on its connection to aviation at the University of' Waterloo. W'1APEVoOD VETERINARY HOSMTAL "A Tradition of Caring & Affordable Excellence" Announcement Maplewood Vterinary Hospital wouid like to extend our thanks and appreciation to Dr. Debbie Hawkins for three years of out- standing service to ail of Milton's resi- dence. We wish you ail the best. Open House at Maplewood Vetermnary Hospital Sat. May 2, 1998 from l2pm to 2pm to welcome Dr. Debbie Bulford and to get a behind the scenes, look at our veterinary hospital (90lf5) 878-8848 491 Main St. East., Milton CU RTIS IN CO.NCERT PERFORMING WITH SEAN O'BRIEN "He can make you cry and laugh al in one night. His music is uplifting, his show THEATRE ON THE GRAND entertaining" -The Ktchener Waterloo Record Nlaiy i 4eth 8:.00 PE»i ~10 &$121each PrOcesto Word SmoNg lirt) 244 St. Andrew Street West, Fergus, Ontario Ni1 M i N7 Box Office: (519) 787-1981