166 Carom TECHNlCAN FLIR Systems, Inc. uses cuttng-edge technology to FSI develop and deliver innovation V FLIR SYSTEMS imaging solutions Beginning as a P'e-r 'Jair ow ir tri irared cameras, we tave huit Spcn oufrcure magirg tecni ie- Today we are an established leader in applying thermal and visible lghI rmagrng systems rn the commercial, public safety. broadcast and image analysîs markets. Our tantastic succes s the result ut the outstanding talent and commiment of our employees - peuple aust litre yoai Theypre dorng the best work ot their careers by uorng cutteg edge technology lu deine and develop our prodacts, and tu market aed seil solutons that thrill D oIMAGNE.. Th oid agstifaedit2g opn Senior Service Technician Thrs position wil cnInle the repaîr and calibration ot nrared tmaging systems and vden monitors. The successtul candidate wll have a strong etectronrcs backrground murh proven electncal and mechanicat apitudes; be exprtlenced tin troubiestroottlg toca component tevet, tn the probng acd reworktng of surface mount techrtology, abte ta use and operate digital vottrneeaai osclitoscopes.,*rîd -knpwdgeable in:bath hardware and software je a Windows envrodmê uorse ie troubl&ot prpea devices. Strong i e eprsonatitdifýbat comrrenxaùattitgdfs cornned with a cuçccescfrlcu stomer i ~c6are reu4hpsitron WN'eti r complotetysefdrce.rqitare sef nn~mnt and setf motivt6i 43tr requremepis afeup to and icuding 40 pounds. Ouife mâ~fl'tes shoutd pM'css$3-ta 5 yccrsÏ of Wrrîe ne repaiing comptes etectro-mecharecat systelis. What we offer is a hghiy compettve Compensation Package, Exctireg Chralenge wthin a Progressive corporate Cuture, Cuttng Edge Techeotogy. The Latest je Deveiopmeet Toots, Tecticai Growth with tire opportuei t tead. empower andd 1dm with tire industrys rost taienied professionats ie tire deveiopment ot state ofttie art products. Pease respond indcatlng salary requlrements f: Canina PrakRe #1 25 - 5230 South Service Rd, Burlington ON L7L5K2 Fax: (905) 639-5488 Email: jobs@flir.com We are proud ta ire an Equai Oppatunify Empoyer Tetephone lequiries ta 1.500-727-FLIR, ext.392 GOODLIFE F7WESS Exciting career opportunities now available with Canadas largeat fitneas company' Goodlife Fitness now haa a location in Milton, requiring fitnessaerobics instructors. If you are an energetic, motivated team player, then this is for y ou! Poas. forward resumes by Friday, April 24 855 STEELES AVE., MILTON L9T 5H3 Attn. Collette Watts Fax: (905) 876-0807 170 Davcare EC.E MOTiIER whe is CPRIFirst Aid trained has an oening in her stimulating home environmfent. Theme relaled aclivties, cies and craffa offred in a large. fulîy equipped playroom. 875-2945. oECE PROVIDIN Excep*ion a e. Frt aid/ CPR training. Nutritional meals. Clean envwmnment. WoodwardWilson905-78-0787. NEW AGENCY, CARINO PLACES. Seeka provide r fefcnaed pr»atAiomechldcare programs. 876-1514. RAINSO VILLAGE DAYCARE offéring quality prograus fo chultren 18 mendia te 5 yeerm. Craffs, musc & field fripa. 878-7552. RELIABLE DAYCARE available, 16 years expeiec, snacks &alunches,lois of TIC and references. Phione 875-0188. 175 Domestc - CLEANIN LADY aval"ul. Rbefrnces. Mltan C4nmpbelviniKllbride/Carlisle area. Senior DbaiscrU.Reeonable ratles. 875-1477. 185E*pIovment Wanted SM RETIRED Mae souks Part tme iglt ark. Techr,"cihaKi<h- On Jade Of ai Tradea. Machune btemacNletYOfguimrngwSoP/s.NioO et. ami, 519-85645- e& mm i PEeA<?Docisiomfa t mals? Cal us we're hbouW lstn. 875-1245. ARE YOU BEING sfsctsd by somrnenoelss drInlulut? AI - Aruon Fan* Goupmoemts oacci Monday nigMu 8 p.m. at St Pude United Churdi, bacl door (parking lot enfranc.> 1-80-891- i 71iED arend afrhl p cal 878-855. a 244motecriaismlfo r abusod momen. HWMe VWmu % Place s an oeurgerqf shelteaval- - o«r abuaci womn i d Unoil d idern H 1- 226 Vhcles Wanted WANTED -Cmar& Trucks. Highest cash prices -ai. Fre bwing. Lcensed Auto Wrecker. WVe soul auto parla ted 827-8015 <aWgile). 230 Vehicles for Sale 1901 HONDA ACCORD EX-R, wrear spolier, standard. 14000 kmn. Cerlified. $9500. 878-0764 Evenigs, Days 905-238-6631. 1901 NISSAN Pathfinder, 5 speed A/C, 169k, nan-smeker. $9.500. Nancy, Bus.905-568-0434 ext 4267, Home 876-3788. 1988 HONDA CIVC shows srnie age, but keeps on going. $900. 878-0460. AUTO INURANCE. Best raies for most drévers incudng higiier riaka. Cail Warren, 519-853- 4284. Make it RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS-GEO For Vour Next Car Or Truck Purchase 878-2393 (GORRUD'S SALES & LEASING NIEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITOI FAMILV VALUES WE - BUY - SELL- LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 232 Motorcvcles 1982 YA VMAIl, excelen conditon, $1,200. Col Mlle. at 905-19-0823 240 Tralers. Mobile Homes 1M9 MALLARD, 2 Bedom, pale modal home for sae. i prsiglo Sherlestn Shuores Resort on Laike Euie. Has quanry. waer aides, mira gof, pool, tennis, park. restaurant, mec. centre, et Aseing $34.000. 8764415. 2W0 BusinessODoortunitie MW ~ ME MONEI Home baed business Omt Wod. U#oun&i earnig 3»pa~rttf*m. Cal for 3 miueovrvie. 905-75-4104. 285 For Rent 166 Careers VILLAGE PARC On The Pond, Luxury conde, 1 bedrom, 5 appluances, parking/storage. Avait- able May 301h. $1000.Imonth. Steve. 1-416-842- 9152. BURLINGTON -EGOWERS 1285 Ontario St., (ut Muple) Exceptional 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts Fumished & Unfurnished Magnificent ndoor Pool * Sauna Complete Rec Faciitiea e Utilities tncl. MUm rom'$38-1 ncl.3O Mon F n 10 8 St.10-5 Sun: 11-5 iCanadian Champion, Tu esday, April 21,i19à8-11 29 m ts For Rent m %M %.fui qvvi « mý EXECUIVE FOUR Becfroom houa. to rent i- medialely in Mllon. Si ,600.Imonlh plus utiliies. Perlect for family. References, first/Inst. (90m) 542-3721. FOR LEASE. Thmee bedrooni bungalow, Main Street location. Cati Joseph Manchîsi, Sales Rep, Century 21 Realty Profession-a1s, 875- 1110. 286 Townhouse For Rent THREE BEDROON Townhouse available June. $1150. Cali Mark Mallafieu, Realty Wedld. 876- 0633. 2W0 ADrtments For Rent i -BEDROOM basement apartment newly menovated, 4 applances, semi-fumished, $700/ month. Bumnhamthorpe/Tomken area. 416-223- 5292, 416-512-7058. 2 BEDROOM, Village On The3 Parc, 5 appliances, May 1 at. $1 ,200/month. Phone 878- 9136. ACTON, Large & bright 3 bedroorn apartments, $850. plus parking. 519853-5080 - 519-853- 5352. ONE BEDROOM, Apartment on horse farm. Single, no smoking. $500. plus 112 uliiles. Cali 854-3330. ONE BEDROOM apartment. CampbelliMlef Guelph Line ares. Available imediatel. $650. includes ulIilies. Frst/Iat. 854-3083. ROCICWOOI> - privaIs 2 beéroom large kitchen. Self contained main floor entrance. $795. Avad- able May 1. 519) 858-4900. SHORT-TERM - Rentals, 3.months. Spacieus 1 & 2 beýooms, utiilies, indoor pool, work-out rocm. BurInglon Towers, 639-8583. 1WO BEDROOM apartin 100 MNBidO aval- able May 151h. $1.300. Cali Mark Mallalieu, Real- ty World. 876-0633. TWO BEDROOM apariment in Milon. Avalable May 1sf. Cali 876-1447. VERY LARGE brrght one bedroom, possible two. Fui us. cf huge baclç yard. Hwy 25 N. cf 401. Firat/asat. $875./month including utilities. References. Available June lsf. Atter 6, 875- 4886. 1 E - ML~ike~ 'Fkis Mo4-kex~ Pm« $pedal. Teli her how much you care by placing an ad in our classified section. Message must b. 12 words or leis For $ 10. + GST. Poid in advance by cash, choque, Visa or MasterCard. Name Phone Message: I Your message will appear in our Fniday May 8th edition. I TiFax, pnea or drop your message into our mail sîot The Cnadin Chapion 191Main St. E., Milton, 94t. Elcash U cheque Phone:875-3300 e Fax 878-4943 na impt 7MILLSIDE TOURS - 82 MILLSIDE OR. MILTON NGW LEASINGp1 i&2Bedroomýs available on bus route, freshly Idecorated, 2,appliances, on-site laundry, includes Il utilities (except phtone & cable). Free parking, no pt5 P-ferenies requrted. 905-876-1249 By appaintmleuit anly 295 Shared Accommodation FURNISHED APT. te share, Milton. Ktchen, laundry, bathroom. A.C. Available May 1st. $500./month. More information cail Conrad, Days 639-8777, Evenings, 693-0216. -- 1 r- BEDROOM, Clean, quiet home. 401/James Sncw ares. Parking. Share laundry/kitchen. $400i1month. incl. utiliies. 876-3223 Andrea. CLEAN, COUNTRY s.tting. 2 min, te 401 & James Sncw Pkwy. Separate entrance & balhreem, kitcheri. Suitable for working person. Nen-ameker, ne pets. Avail. immediately. Relerences. 876-4112. LARGE fumished mcm nwth fridge, steve a sink, $75 a $85 weelely. Gentlemen preferred. 878- 0225. ROOM FOR RENT, Phone 693-0741 or cal at 95 Martin St. Motn. ROON in beautiful country home in Campboîîville ares te non-smoking adult. $90eek. 854-0887. SINGLE WOMAN i 40s requiring min"a sup- port and companionship s.eks shared acccm- modations vÀlhi iniduel. couple or famufy. Rent negoile. Cail Donna at 877-5239. 305 Rooms Wanted WANTED, Rocmn for renf, Single, maie, 49. Non- amoker, unfumished or fumlsahed. Walking dis- tance te Downton. 854-2692. 315 Commercial & lndust. Prop. REASONABLE INDIJSTRIAL UNITS for rent. 1,600 - 3,200 sq. fIL Loading docks & drive in. 905-19-8035 or 1-90-277-9347. 320 Office & usiness SDace SMALL PRIVATE OFFICE, beautifully appointed. Hwy. 25 & 401. 905-819-8035 or 1- 905-277-9347. 322 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY 2 or 3 Bedreeni condo, Milton. 854-2746. Leave a mesaage. Celebrating a Birthday, Anniversary, Marriage, Graduation? Share it with everyone in flic Champion's Milestones Feature simply by phoning 875-3300 1 30W Rooms Available ýmý r-- £lu rvl-I%%»Iý@ m d