hle Canadman Champion, Tuesday, Apnl 21, 1998 - RE5 Be afein your own backyard this summrer Blue skies and warm sunshine lure us out- doors on weekends faster than you can say "barbecue." But even in our own backyards, il makes sense to kccp salcîy on our mincids ail summer. Accidents can and do happen to anyone, s0 it's worth being aware of the potential haz- ards that may be lurking out there in the gar- den. Young children love the sense of freedom they get from being outdoors, and they'll make the most of their opportunity to explore new surroundings. But their inquisitiveness will lead them to examine the single sliver of glass left from a beer mug brokcn last sum- mer, or to the injured bee waiting to make one iast sting. Crawling babies will eat used matches and barbecue briquettes and tuff handt'uls of her- bicide-treated grass in their mouths without a second thought. They'll want to check out the paddling pool, or even the bottom of a water filled bucket. Toddlers love to pick the leaves of plants, a surprising number of which from rose leaves BUILDING LOT 1/2 acre, one minute to 401, levies paid. Asking $109,000. Cali Cam 878-4360 or 878- 2095. WANTED 5-10 ACRES. Log or stone house preferred. Price range $300,000 to $350,000. Cali Cam 878-4360 or 878-2095. WANTED FARM For qualified purchaser Iooking to move from the' City. If you are thinking of selling, we make the effort to get you the best price. Cali Yvonne 878- 2095. 878205 S ilsR to privet to azaleas are poisonous, and have the potentiai to be fatal if consumed in any quantily, Toys 100 cari be haLardous t0 your health. A bail or skateboard ieft unattended can trip up the most sure footed among us. Chiidren wili aiso find ail kinds of thingu to do with a screwdriver, or the hammer and nails you forgot to put away. They'li play with any piece of wood or garden tool Ieft lying around, and aithough spades and rakes might be great play things to them, the dam- age they can do with a single swipe can be deadiy. Tetanus is extremely rare these days thanks to routine immunization, but it can stîli kill. Older kids might be tempted to experiment with matches and ighter fluid, or try out the power saw that's stili plugged in. The more rambunctious can gel carried away with rac- ing around a siippery deck and doing dive bombs intoa swimming pool full of other kids. Aduits and children alike can suffer from the effects of midday sun pounding down on Carrnage Square Retail space available trom 706 sq.ft. to05,200 sq.ft. $8.50 per square foot minimum rent. Cali Jim or Lorraine Kerr. (905) 876-0407, 81 MILLSIDE DRIVE S2 bedroomn condo apt. available for S , long-term investor, "tenant already in ~Iwo" w*-rUplace. As king $129 900. Caîl Jim or Lorraine Kerr for ail the details. unprotected skin or a hatless head. Here are a few suggestions to make sum- mertime saler in pur hackvard: swaiiows anything that might be dangerous. -Treat barbecues with care. Make sure hes 're itssayssur sf particularlv il - Il you're doing any work around the yard. there are children and pets playing around tlie tidy up as soon as you've finished. Unless you're actuaily using and keeping an eye on things like garden tools, iawn and plant chem- icais, power tools, a ladder, barbecue lighter fiuid and matches, put them safely out of harm's way. * For outdoor entertaining, use unbreakabl e plastic or heavy paper plates and cups 10 pre- vent broken glass from findings it's way into the iawn. Don't leave empty bottles iying around. - Chiidren and aduits can avoid painful cuts, stings and scraped by wearing sandais or light rubber shoes whenever they're outside. And everyone, but particularly babies and young children, shouid be weli protected from the sun's harmful rays. Wear a bat, and siap on pienty of sunscreen. - Neyer leave amail chiidren unattended, even for a minute. It takes less time than that for accidents t0 happen. Your children should also knew neyer to leave the yard, even 10 retrieve a fly away frisbee without ietting you know what they're doing. -, Keep a well-stocked tirst-aid kit on band 10 heai witb minor injuries. With gardens con- taining so many potentially poisonous plants, it's wisC 10 know the number of your local poison control centre just in case your cbild yard. *Don't drink excessively while you're sit- ting out in the sunshine. Too many beers on a sunny afternoon can make you lesa attentive where chiidren are concemned, and siower ta react t0 any emergency. Aicohol and swim- ming pools are aiways a dangerous combina- lion. This article is provided by local Realtors and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for the benefit of consumers in the real estate market. -OE HUE I 25JYEARS1