The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprit 14, 1908 - 5 Encouraging Milton tax news MS walk at Drury More than 250 north Hahton residents are expected to walk for multiple sclerosis Sunday. flkey o ermhad wed by evyThe 1998 Super Cities WALK for MS will bc held at the. By BRAD REAUME ot the I srs but now w ve bu. me tht..Eirear nuinh b fgeirue cd o h \i The Champion winner otht. winners. The loser i, Halton and every route will have everything you'll need tor an Milton councillors have approved a t Region,' said Mr. Krantz. enjoyable day - rest stops, refreshments, first aid and hun- per cent property tax decrease for 1998, Mr. Kranti was worried that by dreds of fellow walkers," said Lesley Sims, co-ordinator of however taxes are likely torinse when the announcing a drop in Town of Milton national fundraising events for the MS Society of Canada. regional levy is factored in. taxes people would expeet a decrease Proceeds will help find a cause, effective treatment and Halton Region has not finalized its 1998 overall and would only become angry k.cure for MS. budget but initial projections suggest a when Halton taxes force the total up. "There is no cure, sol now is an opportunity for you to help live per cent tax increase. Halton Region is laced with $88 million make a différence in the lives of people living with MS and Given that the Halton portion of the in new responsibilities and a requirement i their farnilies," Ms Sims said. property tax tevy îs suhstantiatly higher f'rom the province to lind $14 million in To register for the event, volunteer or sponsor a walker, than Milton's. local residents could sec al cuts. However, counicillors heard that caîl 1-800-268-7582. $ 100 increase on average residential taxes, see TAX on page 8 Wally Hunter according to Jim McQucen. Mîlton's director of finance. a F±, à 1 Milton*s administration and planning- committee approved a package of funding reductions totaling $93.048. Before the * * recent funding announcement council had -\ , S been anticipating the need to makeu $330,000 in cuts. The budget plans will corne before full council on April 27. I The committce also agreed to bank $774,000 in provincial grants. While the grant is supposed to be annual there was some concemn the amount would change. Milton received $2,030.000 from the province's new community reinvestment fund (CRF). Burlington will get $717,000, Halton Hilîs $862,000 and Oakville Fm- According to Mr. McQucen the ncw-NPS-LCLDIVR method f'or calculating these grants *MATTRESS *SHEETS OLD SET worked substantially in Milton's favour. Milton had been anticipating a grant of S S $1,256,000 based on the amouni local res- 10 1 25255 idents paid in sehool hoard taxes.2Duzi:ile..1..8 However, the provincial government POSTURE CARE COMFORT SLEE ORTHGPEDIC ORHOPRACTIC RTHOE-LE9GNCE ORTHGSUPREME took that amount and factored in previous contributions to the regional levy to arrive $ 5IGINL at he ewgrat mout.MATTRESS MATESMATTRES 18A9TRETS MATTRESS MATRESS Staff recommended no service cuts. SET $239 ST$279 SET $329 SET *399 SET $479 SET S579 They called for the balance to bc put into D OUE 239 SET 239 DOUE 149 SET 329 DUE 289 SET 389 OUE 279 SET 469 DOUE 359 SET 669 DOUBE 409 SET 69 reserves, or used to soften the anticipated QEN29ST39 QEN29ST39 QEN29ST49 QEN39ST5949ST69 QENW E 6 regional tax increase. Some voîces on council called for the windlall to be rein- vested in community services. which have ijJ : 4~ been eut back in the last four ycars of tight ï to 4 budgets. "The provincial government may not Windsor Bunk Mate. Bad ~~t ~Wat.1ELt Deyb.d allocate as much money next year, said ____ 9 WS49WS 4 administration and planning commîttee o O chair Wally Hunter. -Just because we got more revenue we shouldn't ignore eftî 1 g 8 ciencies and potential reductions." H r.-1 .9. B-..k Ec.M C.Pt.i. Bad to unBnkL- Frr. F.t. . . Day .d Councillor John Challinor, who champi- -A29WA2 oned the operating budget reductions and M9 WN increases in reserves, said changes t.ould$2 91 require a draw on reserve funds in 1999. Councillors heard that approximately 10 raa.c DeLtu Cept 1.'s B.d . S...aeFun per cent of the current grant has beenWS pegged as special assistance f unding and will be withdrawn after two years. Mr. MeQueen said the larger concemn is W 94 the potentiul for tax writeotfs and success- Crow. Gut.rtea. G-Dre.r. capt.i., . B.d sokcs ak 3- D«kLe I.n . c *dt .,. 1-. B.d fuI assessment appeals cutting into anttu-WSM C L AM A4 AJNWS4 pated tax revenues. N A Tax appeals have been generated by .the 59 ý $ 7g 30"%#% 1 à 29 move to actual value assessment, espectal- ly in areas where property had not been mn reassessed for many years. Halton has th I HoUrS: FcoyOte been operating on a 1992 assessment base, .c Mon.-Wed. 10-6 p... more up to date than most. E ThUrS.-Ffl. 10-9p.m., Yet Mr. McQueen said there are 25,000 S l e -t r II PM tax appeals in Halton-Peel still outstanding MUN________________________________.____ from 1997 and warned those numbers will 8 n xjse increase. E~ 1 Mayor Gord Krantz said count.tllors e FREE Layaway e We make any size of mattress I I should avoid looking for places to spend eDsoa fodm trs vial eieyadstu vial the additional provincial grant money. He'D poa ofod atesaaia e *DeveyadS-u aalbe said the Town budget should proceed e We accept ail forms of paymnent e Over 25,000 sq. ft. of Iactory along the lines anticipated before the new Seir Citizen Discount e Financing Availabie * * * * grant levels were announced. "We concluded the last time numbers . weoe announced that we were the winner