The Canadien Champion, Friday,-April 10, 1998-27 j ýILi ceo MUTUAL FUNO CONTEST RESULTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UNIVERSAL EUROPEAN OPPORTUNITIES FUND:- SMALLER COMPANIES, SPECIAL SITUATIONS, & EMERGING MARKETS Directed by Stephen Peak, of Henderson Investors in London, the Universal European C)pportunities Fund approaches Europe in a unique way, by focusing on investment themes that are driving the changes in Europe today. The first investment theme recognizes that, -on average, smalJer companies outperform Ilarger companies in the long run. In Europe, smaller companies have lagged larger comspanies, as they often do during econosnic recession, but today, growth in Continental Europe is just getting back on its feet. As a result, many simallet companies are attractively priced ti the market, and have good prospects. The second investusent thesue steering the portfolio is special situtions or restcurtng opporrunuses. These include Pffiatisatio, as elected governments throughout Europe flnd theinselves pressured to privatise sate-owned conipanies, Turn-Around Simuat"n, as companies are increasingly attesnpting to unlock shareholder value for investors, by spenning out individuai divisions into sand-alone enterprises in order ro concentrate on their core expertise; and Iitiial Public Offenings, as family-owned companies and cen- turise old private fisins are tapping equity mnarkets to acquire the capital that will allow thein to compete on a continental and global scale. The third inveasment theme bear-ing upon the portfolio's composition cornes to grips wth the economically enormous potential of Eastern Europe -~ by selectively invest- ing n ompaniecsrooted in theseernevgingnmarkets. Éurope's global significative reinains a fact that is difficuit to ignore. The region's markets constitute about 30% of the total global stock market value. Furthersnore, the changes oeivurrissg ini the regior today suggest that Europe will continue to offer excellent investisent opportunities and rewards for the patient investor. important information about Mackenzie Mutuel Funds is contained in thse Simplified Prospectus. Please obtain a copy from your FinancialAclvisor and read it carefully before investing. Unit value and investment retum if fluctuate. Dom HmmdSa*oe Mlutual Funds in association vwith THE INVESTMENT CENTRE Ph: 875-DB2F.,S7 101-310 Main St. E., Trafalgar Square, Milton Great People / Great Coffee Ph: 875-3237 Fax: 875-4962 http://vvww.dbfs.corn Tmfa - wep-o Týhank you to the sponsors of this event: ;'-w B # E THz