The Canaian Champion, Tuesdlay, Apnli 7, 19M - RES Excellin g at grocery shopping Convenience, special prices, nutrition, bulk buying, waste, unit pricing, perishable dates - shoppers arc asked to weigh the value of prod- iicu .aîondrsi .ii ',.. i ime lts lil go nu the grocery store.' How do muse of us decide wich items we'Il buy? "If it's attractive and suits our self-image, we'll often buy it on impulse," says Marilyn Gurevsky uf Ontarios Ministry of Cunsumer and Commercial Relations. Experts Say that, traditionally, 70 per cent of grocery-store decisions are spur-of-the- moment. The key to big sales is giving a lot of peuple the feeling the product is especially good. Being aware of this makes consumers smarter shop- pers. But to the discerning buyer of the 1990s, looking 'especially good- 'means more than having the fanciest package. A store may sell loads of' its plain-packaged laundry delergent if iî's priced a few cents lower than the favourite national brand. But, an the saniefimie, sales of phospbate-free soap may knock sales of' competitors out of the water if the public is cnvironment-conscious. It's difficuit to carefully weiglh the conse- quences of every purchase. But, Ms Gurevsky says, keeping a few basic miles in mind can help make sure the larder's full while giving you lee- way tu aplurge un this week's spinach-suuftle special. 1) Always carry a grocery list - nut in your coat pueket but in your hand, and stick to it. Stores stock the most commonly-needed items such as milk, meat and margarine along the out- side walls. To reach basic items, you'll have Ou walk pasi lois of aisies of goodies that may ieliîpi joulR cipc 2) Plan a weekly menu and develop your shopping list from that. Don't leave the menu until the night before yuur shopping trip; add to it over the week, using inspiration and adver- tised specials as your guide. 3) Wait to shop until you need at least 15 items. The fewer trips you make, the lesser temptation to boy on impulse. 4) Neyer shop on an empty stomach. If you're hungry, the displays may make you want three varieties of chips, plus dips, spreads and some pop to wash them down with before you reach Aisie 2. 5) When shopping for necessities, try to go alone if possible. Kids are, of course, the most notorous cookie-culling cuiprits. But couples taking a leisureiy stroîl down lamb-chop lane are also likely to make more impulse buys than ither individual would purchase alone. If you enjoy taking the odd trip no the groccry store together, allow enough time 10 be able to com- pare products and search out new brands. 6) Plan a route through the grocery store when you enter. If you only need a few items, visiting une or two aisies may suffice. Dont look a( the aisle-end specials until you've picked up ail the items you came for. Many stores carefully place commonly used items at the end of the rows, but the prices may nut be bargains. Also, when looking for a can of peas or any IQjýG4OUII 'ýA COLLECTION 0F FINE CONDOMINIUMS" COME BUILD YOUR FUTURE WITH US AT408LNM O DR 3 Large ORs, LR, DR, KIT, tamiiy nana & play roam. Large 6 large roua tuwn home, ennit.iOFait bsement, tînioheit tenceit & privte bach yard. 2 parking spuces new ruaf & in- tumiiy roua. Large pnvate hackyart with mature trees . 'ot dams & mach more for oniy $106,900 wth $5,000 town. Uni Time on the market. Aokng sniy $117900 wth $5000 town must ha seen ta ha uppeciateit lamaiate occupancy. payaent. Immeiate occupuncy.I 2411 NEW STREET First time advertied! Gorgeaus 1 & 2 BRs. Completely rena- vteit conta. New windows, ceramic tilea, DR. Kit & bath- raam, braadloom in LR & BR. Oak or maple kit. cabinets, security sytem & mach more. Watking distance ta Lake nOe,ntai.Si,,ning t ustu $56.500 with $2825 down pavment. I YOU ARE SETTER OFF WITH A CONDO AT # 2-469 CLARIOGE ROAD *Prteosioaaly renuvateit 2 & 3 hedraom tawshame, hart- wood loars in living raom, bedraom, large walk-in claset,I ensuite laundry tacilities. Private backyard. Immediate accu- pancy. Onin $4.350 down.1 other item in the centre aisies, remember ou check both the top and bottomn shelves before you make your choice. Merchandise stocked on fihe ye ievei iiie o vs mh.îi the oCer %as. liL to buy, and may be there for a number of rea- sons. The store could be prumoting their own or a new label, or îhey may be trying to get rid of an expensive line that bas been overstocked. Whatever the reason, the most popular brands or the Iowest prices are rarely found on the mid- dle sheit. iu t1i îc es itkiîý f îiiiii ut'fi î variety ot consumer issues, ask tor a copy of the listing brochure Shop Smart. 10 pays, by writing to the Consumer Information Centre, 555 Yonge St., lirai fluor, Toronto, Ont., M7A 2H6. REALTY PROFESSIONALS INC. 875-1110 MEMBER BROKER 192MAUN ST.E. This uniqae U. waaieit pic- Itresque prop- erty haa ta be uppreciated. Thia chalet- style home han tour bedrooms. This home has a separate patentiat nanny suite aven a large worhahop. Jut a few minutes ta the 401. $429000. ATTENTION PROFESSIONALS Hghty visie com- merciai praperty an Main St. Great L E H U tess nal o ffeor o fesappoffceor r specialized retaîl. Cali James. $164900. i 8 500 sq f0 on tom, acr s $3.000cr -sat 6 20 5 ftlad + 390sst 0 om/lloethongMaind $19 t00 C Calim ad eaJonlfrn 20 1200 q t ladon a n d t Cait Jack l James $49i ~dhaitS~~18,500 sq. f0. ofice ormercial3Stee0es nec~~~Cl Jidwton or oatinmCes Jms Enraceunt ithe a~ 6,200 sq. fi,. d. +on,0Main - Cati Jooe Mai beuttii~portdis* 2x,00 sq. f0. Imd. on Main Si- Cai Jack iatStieitcontt5t 40-6000sq. fi. Com. oor Off. on-Main. cd Jac McCJdames WHENEOUSLST AN SEL WIT uiti ho ouse Pfd LEASE CL O DTIS Aig