Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1998, p. 38

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30-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, -Aprif-7, 1998- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 165 osMdIcal. Dental etc. 1 170 Davcare VITRIAN ORDER 0F NURSES ~ HALTON BRANCH requires VON H.C.A.s & H.S.W.s CANADA Level Il & 111 Irrnediate positions avaiIab e mr tf Mi1ton area for certified H.C.A's and H.S.Ws Level Il & Il. Choice of hours and assignments Applicants must have access to transportation/car. Ouatifted appticanta are invitedi ta attend our JOB FAIR. DATE: Tues. April 14, 1998 TIME: 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. LOCATION: Milton District Hospital (VON Room). Candidates may camplete a VON application farm and will be given a personal interview. lntereted quatifed candidates uriable ta attend may send their resumne ta: Jacki Kingston, Human Reaourcea Generaliat, VON Haltan Branch, 2370 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6L 5M2 (Fax) (905) 827-3390. 170 Daycare NýOpenof May 4th-: j~,Private Home Day-care e Accepting infants - four years af E.C.E wifh 10 years experience *Current Firsf Aid ond CPR eFull day Pragram tr *Newty renavated classroom setting sFenced yard, oufdloor play * .sHot nutrifiaus lunch and snacks o Reasonabte rates SsReferences and Receipts ' ("1 <0k878-838M. CARING MOTHER offers daycare. Nutrilaous snacks and lunches. Los of TLC and oulidoor play. Ralarences. 876-4165. DAYCARE SPOTS available in licensed, pre- screened homes. Please cali Caning Places, 876-1514. EARN AT HOME, Caring Places, Childcare Ser- vices lnc., a licenced private homne chldoare agency seaks providers. 876-1514. FULL TIME Daycare available immediately. Vanier/BelI area. Fenced yard, playroom. References & recaipts. 878-8773. HOME DAYCARE for one or two chldiren. Tod- diers or older. Lots of waiks, parkltanad outinga. Will take 10 and from Holy Rosary p.m., Kindergartan. References & receopts. 878-0822. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE offering quality programai for children 18 months to 5 years. Crafla, rmuaic & field trips. 878-7552. RELIABLE DAYCARE avaitable, 16 years expenience, snacks & lunches, lots of TLC and references. Phone 875-0186. 210 Personal ONE SPOT lefi for Mens Slo Pitch teamn for corn- petitive Meuon League. 875-3148. PREGNANT? Decisions to make? Cai us were here to listen. 875-1245. ARE YOU BEING fect.d by someono Bissa drlnklng? AI - Anion Family Group meets each Monday night 8 p.m. at St. Pauls United Cherch, back door (parking lot entrance.) 1-800-891- 4862. ÀBMScODand afrald? For hetp calI 878-85bt, a 24-hour criais Uine for abused women. Halton Womens Place s an emergency shelter avait- able for abused womnen and Iheir childran in Hal- ton Region. AiU cafis are confidential. 226 Vehicles Wanted- WANTED -Cars & Trucks. Highest cash prices paid. Free towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker. We selI auto parts bool 827-8015 (Oakville). 230 Vehicles for Sale 1996 PONTIAC Sunfire, white/charcoal gray' inlenior, 2-door Sport Coupe, 5 spead manual, air, Am/Fm cassamie, clear coat paint protection, Scotchguard, GM rust-prooflng. Extra dlean, 5 yaar extended warranty. One owner, non- smoker. 51K. No GSTI cerliflad. $12,200/080. 335-0902, afr 6 pr. 1»97 JEEP YJ. Excellent condlition, manual transmission, hard & sofi tops. $5500 cerfied or $4,500 as is. Needa Iras & brakas. Caîl Mike at 905-319-0823. 1970 CHEVY NOVA 250 Automatic, 2 dmo, naw paint, craiger rima, buaket seats. Must sas $2700. 0.8.0. 905-693-0327. AUTO INSURANCE. Bast rates for mnost drivers inclucing higher riaka. Caîl Warren, 519-853- 4284. CREDiT PROBLEN? No cradlit or bad creclit. On UIC, FBA, WCB, Bankrupt? Need anothar chance? Short of cash? Wa can help Future Car Credlit. 905-339-6700. Make it RICHARDSON CHEV-O)LDS-GEO For Your Next Car Or Truck PurChase 878-2393 'i I agitcIoAol& O E CL 90569858 IPleese present this ad et time of viiewing. Sone restrictions e.pply. BURLNGTGN A P AR T M E N T S 2 & 3Bedrooms Also Available 290 ADartments For Rent~ 320 Office & BusinesSae OFFICE SPACE avalable. Ground floo, great parking, separata entrance. Main St. Nice professional setting. 200 sq. fI. 878-4744. SMALL PRIVATE OFFICE, beautîfully appoinled. Hwy. 25 & 401. 905-8035 or 1- 905-277-9347. 325 Real Estate PRIVATE SALE, Dorsat Park. 4 bedrooms, 2 storey, garage, 2 bathrooms, office, flnished rmc roomn on a quioet court backing onto greenland. Deck in backyard. Central air. Priced lu sali at $182000. Cali 878-6150. Sp*qsi ke'm! Adue*e iit Who Does t! MIG*sc [t geib ymvt iuae mmwô! Cail 87g-2341 MASTER G Vînyl & Alumnum Sding & Windows S" Seamiess Gutters ERROL MCPHEE 32 Years experience (905) 878-5337 --AIR CONDITIONING M.A.R.C.H. " Water Furnace Systerris - Gas Propane and " Heat Purnps - Air. Ground Ele*ric Fumaces & Water somas - High Efficiency Air Fifters " Central & Room Air & HumkW*rs 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service) 875-2700 (Sales), ALUMINUM DELREX ALUMINUM UMITED -Aluminant Awnings -Eavestrougits -Roafing -Siding -Fascia -Canopies -Sorm Doors -Windows *SoinleLiving cemeurs LOSS LTD. M.A.RUC.H. MECHANICAL LTD. PARTS FOR Wsers - Oiyers - Ranges - Freezers . Rerigeriles - Dishieaslrers 785 Main Street Est 876-1138 Across Irorate GO Station ledividual ad Groep cousselting lession s- esteieem - ager aued grief - maIllet reslutile - probem kaieilag * nMul growâh Caîaseilkg prowidd for Wmen, Men, Adelazceb aid Chde Donna L. White MilonGuelphi (905) 878-6358 - Adiio- e lVe wiil help you decorate lthe home of your dreanss! Cali us today! 875-2617 june Wilson SHER-BOND MASONRY BlSock Fouadîdio -Chimney Repuir *Relaauag WàdIs -Fireptame -General Masenry Werk FREE Caîl Steve McDougall ES77MATES 878-4196 ReNOAeO Davidson Woodworklng and Renovations Renzozatioiis of ail kiids Fisbsed Woodu'ork Refmîishmeg Cal! Mark for esti mates (903) 693-0438 SUPM CTANKPVH R*et flnoble M. -180 Il. 0f hose for crossing berns, 3 radia dispaIched Iruics ta serve you. Wou'f seil »"eeBh- pmw Bam " 0"hbà" <Sheul pupet ol ever3 years> Neyer use Co=sre or double tpileit piper tu 19) $33-0se0 Ad.. Answerlng arvlce 878-MO5 OVEA 20 YEARS EXPERIENCEI IPr..ing Tri.s a Shnab. Over 35 yeara experlence. Educated & trained in Canada. Pruning dose ta, clients preference. First corne rt served. 1-905-78446l7 Alec a ful Uneaof replacementl windows 1 ~ 877-53831 SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE --BUY -SELL --LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 280 Wanted to Rent THREE BEDROON house or townhousa for June lst. Excellent tenants with referencas. No pets. Pleasa cali Joanne or Sandly at 876-2339 (or leave message.) WANTED - Have firm buyers for quality Milton bungalow, $190-220 K. Cail Gary Thomas, Broker/Owner, Ro/max Miltowne Realty Corporation, 878-7777. 285 For Rent GEORGETOWN - Available Apritlat. 3 bedrooms, main floor of bungalow, close to. malt. $1,1 00/month. First/last, references required. (905) 876-4552, leave message 290 Apartments For Rent MILLSIDE TOWURS - 82 MILLSIDE 0;', MTO NGW LEASING. 1 & 2 Bedroomns available on bus route, tveshly decorated, 2.eppliances, on-site faendry, includes BUl utilities (eicept phone & cable). Fret parking, no pets. References required. 905-876-1249 B, appalntment only 1 BEDROOM APARTUENT, Acton, 21 FMIl St.W. Availabl now. Fridge/love. $S50ltmniet No petlbirds. 1 parking space. 853-5292. 2 BEDROOM corlrground unit in Village Parc, 11 ft. ceilings, livingroorn, view of MII Pond. Available June laI. $1 ,30(Ymonth. Cali Ian Wat- son Sutton Group, 330-9834. ACTON, large& bright 3 bedroom aparlments, $850. plus parking. 519-853-5080 - 519-8I53- 5352. IN OLDER HOME on Mil Pond. 2nd floa, one bedroom apartment. Suitabla for single or couple. Aval. May lst. $725imonth. 878-7031. musT NMOVE - Sublet 1 badroorn apmrtment, gUi floor, 82 Milside Drive. Great vuew, new carpet & appi. Avalable immadlately. Move-in May lst, 1 monlihmeerent. 875-0272. ROCKWOOD - prvate 2 bedroom large kitchen. Self contained main floor entrance. $795. Avail- able May 1. (519) 856-4900. THREE BEDROON Apartment in Oakville, $1,000 per monlh. Caîl 875-1110, Tony Vidiri, Sales Rep., Century 21 Realty Professoonals Inc. 295 Shared Accommodation LOWER LEVEL large fumished bachelor apart- ment in private home. Separate entrance. $450. plus 1/4 uliliies. 878-8629. 300 Rooms Available AVAILABLE immadlately, $400/month, use of laundry/ldtchen facilites. References requested. CaR 878-085 afWe 6 p.m. CLEAN, COUNTRY setting. 2 min. to 401 a James Snow Pkwy. Saparate entrance & balhroom, kilthen. Suitable for worlong person. Non-amoker, no pets. Avail. May let. Refaerences. 876-4112. 315 Commercial & Indust. ProD. REASONABLE INDUSTRIAL UNITS for rent. 1,600 - 3,200 sq. fI, Loading docks a drive in. 9054819-803 or 1-906-277-9347. 1- 1 ALUMINUM 1 -J m 1

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